Become a Garden Designer Work from Home, and tailor a business to your lifestyle.
A Garden Design Service can be offered in the following ways....
- A Consultation Only
Visit, give verbal advice, and no more.
- A concept plan
A plan drawn to scale, but lacking detail -only providing a broad concept.
- Garden Design
A plan drawn to detail, showing planting details, specifying other features and components but not specifying the construction detail of hard landscaping (e.g. the plan may indicate the location of a wall and say it is to be built with stone, but it will not specify foundations, drainage etc. to be incorporated into the wall).
- Full Landscape Plans and Specifications
These contain full and fine detail, including construction details of structures (e.g. a plan of how to build a wall showing the drainage, foundations etc.).
Lesson Structure
There are 30 lessons in this course:
Introduction to Landscaping
Scope and Nature
Principles of Landscape Design
Design Elements
Creating Landscape Effects
Using Space
Making a Small Garden Look Larger
Choosing Plants
Using Colour
Decorative Touches
Light and Colour
Pre Planning Information
Healthy Gardens
Plant Identification
Plant Classification and Taxonomic Hierarchy
Binomial System
Botanical Classification
Phyla, Classes, Families
Genus, Species, Hybrids, Cultivars
Differentiating important Ornamental Plant Families: A basis for learning plant names
Plant Culture
Garden Renovation: Methodology and Tasks
Weed Management
Dealing with Plant Problems
History of Gardening
Formal, Informal and Natural Gardens
Garden Styles
Japanese Gardens
Naturalistic, Eclectic, Permaculture, Minimalist Gardens
Gardens through Time, Ancient Middle Eastern, Chinese, Roman, Spanish, Monastery, Elizabethan, etc
Recent Influences ; Le Notre, Rose, Brown, Kent, Jekyll, Burle Marx, etc
Some Modern Trends; Bush Gardens, Permaculture Gardens,
Drawing Plans
Elements of a drawn garden
What to Draw With
Landscape Symbols
Design Procedure
Step by Step Drawing a Plan
Introducing Computer Aided Design
Soils and Nutrition
Importance of Soil
Soil Composition, texture, horizons
Naming a Soil
Improving Soils
Landscape Supplies
Understanding the Environment
Ecological Concepts
The Ecosystem –abiotic and biotic components
Environmental influences on soil production
Types of Australian Flora; Indo Melanesian, Antarctic, Australian Sclerophyll
Review of Australian Plant Families
Earthworks and Surveying
Moving existing earth
Settling Soil
Soil Degradation
Soil Compaction
Chemical Residues
Basic Surveying
Levelling Terminology
Levelling Procedure
Earthworks Calculations
Using Triangles
Horizontal Measurements
Horizontal Angles
Basic Landscape Construction
Specifications and Contracts
Contract Terminology
Drainage and Erosion
Types of Playgrounds
Making Stable Mounds
Surface Materials; gravel, mulch, lawn etc
Choosing the appropriate lawn
Pavers, stone and gravels
Types of Paving Materials
Methods for Laying Pavers
Coloured Surfaces
Artificial Sports Surfaces
Performance Considerations
Garden Structures
Understanding and Designing Garden Rooms
Furnishing a Garden Room
Fountains and Water Displays
Feature Pots; Container Plants
Layout Problems with Garden Structures
Motorised Vehicle Parks
Skate Facilities
Outdoor Furniture
Park Design
User Friendly Gardens, seating, shelter, fragrant plants, etc
Recreational Landscaping
Park Design Criteria
Making Community Participation Work
Home Garden Design
The Entrance
Designing a front Garden
Scale in a Design
Techniques to maintain scale
Creating space in small gardens
Garden Features for small gardens
Outdoor Living Areas; patios, seating, garden structures, etc
Pool Areas
Costing and Specifications
Buying Plants; what to look for
Cost of Garden Maintenance
Expensive Areas in Gardens; lawns, containers, annuals, vegetables
Less Expensive to Maintain areas; shrubberies, paving, natural bush areas
Costing Jobs
The Market for Landscape Contractors; government sector, developers, commercial sector, private sector
Trail Design and Sporting Facilities
Advantages and disadvantages of gravel and bark paths
Planting in Paving
Designing a Trail
Trail Types; environmental, fun and fitness, sensory, cryptic
Design of Sporting Facilities; slope, gradient, dimensions
Sports Courts
Tools and Machinery
Choosing the right tools
Manual Tools and Equipment
Spades and Shovels
Tool Maintenance
Manual Handling
Power Tools
Safety and Maintenance with Power Tools
Chain Saws
Rotary Hoes
Tractors and tractor mounted equipment
Buying equipment
Plant Establishment Techniques
Soil preparation
Plant and pot size
Planting technique
Establishing Trees
Physical Plant Protection; staking, frost protection, protecting from animals, etc
Ponds and Pools
Types of Ponds; formal, informal
Position, water quality, depth etc.
Water effects
Finishing Touches
Planning a Water Garden
Alternative Types of construction
Aesthetic Affects
Plants for Water Gardens; oxygenating plants, deep water plants, edge plants etc.
Rockwork and Masonry
Building rock walls
Dry Stone Walls
Wet Walls
Retaining Walls
Concrete; mixing, reinforcing, rodding, etc
Making Artificial Rocks
Coloured Pebbles and Gravel
Lawn Construction Techniques
Common Turf varieties
Selecting Turf for lawns; what to grow where
Wild Flower Meadows
Turf Establishment
Soil Preparation, seeding, sodding, stolonising, plugging, etc
Mowing and Fertilising Turf
Irrigation Design and Installation
Planning an irrigation system
Micro irrigation
Sprinkler irrigation
Using a watering system
Automated Systems
Maintenance of Irrigation Systems
Bush Garden Design
Scope and Nature
Birds in a Garden; attracting, feeding, etc
Cottage Garden Design
Scope and Nature
Paths and Fences in a Cottage Garden
Playground Design
Planning for Play
Playing at Home
Play Equipment; sand pit, cubbies, swings etc
Garden Bed Design
Making Garden Beds; size, shape, edges, topography, soil, surfacing, irrigation,
Raised Beds
Sunken Beds
No Dig Beds
Plant Application; trees, shrubs, ground cover
Aesthetic Criteria in Garden Bed Design , line, form, texture, colour, balance, repetition, etc
Procedure for Planting Design
Scope and nature of Office Work
Office equipment; selection and use
Information Technology
Business Letters
The Law and Business
Work Scheduling
Land Rehabilitation
Soil Degradation
Earth Works Different types of equipment (Cat, Rotary Hoe, Dozer, etc)
Importing or Improving Soil
Plant Establishing Techniques (pocket planting, slope serration, wattling, etc)
Planting Arid Sites
Scope and Nature of Drainage
Sub Surface or Surface Drainage
Types of Sub Surface Drains
Water Outlet
Maintenance Decisions
Making Compromises between costs and garden style
Construction decisions
Design for minimising pests
Using Timber in a Garden
Choosing a Timber
Managing Termites
Wood Preservatives
Keeping a Garden Clean
Garden Maintenance Equipment
Designing for Low Maintenance
Review of Garden Pests and Diseases
Dealing with Clients
Effective Communication Skills
Reactive Patterns
Understanding Communication Processes
Introduction to Marketing
Making Contact with potential clients, communicating, then convincing
Writing an advertisement or promotion
Effective Selling
Cost and Clients
Garden Investments
Major Garden Design Project
Discuss the principles of Garden Design.
Develop a foundation for systematic identification of plants and systematic determination of cultural requirements.
Develop an awareness of different styles of gardening, principally through the study of the history of gardening.
Develop the basic skills of landscape drawing as well as developing a basic understanding of contracts and specifications.
Identify soil conditions appropriate for a garden design.
Identify and properly account for environmental conditions within a garden design.
Determine earthworks required for a garden design.
Consider the relationship between design and construction when designing a garden.
Determine appropriate surfacing for different gardens
Determine appropriate garden structures for a garden.
Evaluate the functionality of a park design.
Evaluate the design of a home garden.
Develop an appreciation for the impact that design can have on the cost of a garden.
Discuss the functionality and design of surfaced areas in a garden or park, including paths, trails and sporting facilities.
Discuss the scope and nature of tools used to landscape gardens.
Discuss ways that plants may be better established.
Discuss the design of water gardens.
Discuss the use of Rock, Stone, Brick and Concrete in garden designs.
Discuss the appropriate use of lawns in garden designs.
Discuss the appropriate use of irrigation in garden designs.
Discuss the design of natural gardens.
Discuss the design of cottage gardens.
Discuss the design of children’s play areas.
Discuss the design of garden beds.
Identify Management skills required to be a commercially viable garden designer.
Explain methods of rehabilitation of degraded landscapes.
Explain methods of dealing with drainage problems in a garden design.
Discuss the relationship between garden design and maintenance.
Explain how a garden designer should successfully deal with clients.
Prepare a significant garden design.
What You Will Do
Find a site to be landscaped. (It could be a park or home garden; it could be a new development or a redevelopment of an older garden). Visit the site and record pre planning information required to design the landscape.
Find five examples of the use of landscape principles. Using sketches and written descriptions, describe the way the garden has been laid out in order to achieve those particular effects.
Find gardens which represent three different styles. Submit a photograph or sketch plan of each along with a half page written description of the style of the garden.
Explain any historical influences, including the influence of those who build to owned the garden. The gardens may be gardens you have actually visited, or can be gardens you have seen in a magazine or book.
Copy the drawings of symbols (i.e. drawings which show you how to represent plants, walls, rocks, etc. when you draw plans). Practice drawing these various components of a landscape.
Using the pre-planning information collected, produce a design for that area. or part of that area.
Take a sample of soil and attempt to name it using the test given.
Obtain components of potting or soil mixes; make up different mixes and test their characteristics.
Survey an area requiring earthmoving. Draw a plan of the area, to scale, showing the area to be excavated.
Calculate the volume of earth to be removed. Calculate where it is to be put.
Find, observe & report on some bad landscape construction work. (You might discuss a poor rockery, a wall which is falling over, or some playground equipment which is unsafe).
Find three examples of bad selection of surfaces in a landscape (i.e. home garden, park, sports oval, tennis court or whatever). Describe the material used and explain why they are bad. Consider both the aesthetic and functional qualities of the surfacing.
Develop a redevelopment plan for an existing park. Submit a photograph of the park as it exists at the moment (otherwise submit a rough sketch). Prepare a design for redevelopment in line with the suggested changes.
Choose an established home garden (your own or a friends), and draw a sketch plan as the garden exists. Explain how well do you think this garden is designed?
Find another home garden, needing either a new design or redevelopment. Prepare four rough sketches showing the stages you would go through in designing or redesigning that particular garden.
Develop a detailed explanation of how you prepared your costing in the set task. Show the various components of the costing and explain how and why you costed it this way rather than higher or lower.
Design a trail. It can be any type of trail (fun & fitness, nature, history, etc.) and may be located anywhere (a street, park, home garden, etc.).
Find and visit some recently landscaped gardens (completed within the last 4 months). Visit up to three different properties. Take note of any problems with the maintenance. Consider what could have been done to prevent these problems occurring.
Design a perennial border along the front wall of a brick house
Prepare a plan for the establishment of a large number of trees in a degraded area. This plan should cover at least 5 years. You should indicate clearly what the problem is and how you are going to use the trees to help rehabilitate the area.
Design a water feature (e.g. a pond or creek bed) for a bush or natural garden. Submit plans and a step by step description showing how you would construct such a water feature.
Design a rockery area for a bush garden.
Design a bush garden using mainly ferns, for a small courtyard of specified dimension
Features Can Make a Garden Special

Gardens come in all shapes and sizes, and varying levels of complexity.
You don't need to be an expert to plant a lawn and surround it with a few trees and shrubs; but choosing the best trees and shrubs and creating a lawn that will look good and stay healthy requires a degree of knowledge and understanding.. Gardens that look special, are functional and easy to be maintained require expert planning. Adding features such as sculpture, ponds, garden furniture or topiaries can make a big difference to the aesthetics of a garden. Features need to be used properly though to be effective. A good feature in the wrong place may be worse than no feature at all.
Learning Garden Design involves both learning to choose the right components for a garden, and also learning where to put them in the garden.
Water features for example, are an indispensable element of a well-designed garden. Large or small, ornate or simple, water features add a special dimension to outdoor spaces. A well-chosen water feature can create a restful and tranquil feel or provide a sense of drama and interest. Even small gardens can have a water feature. It may be difficult to provide more than half to one square metre of water surface, but even that can allow for a pleasing water feature.
The scale and style of water gardens is almost limitless, ranging from small courtyard wells or water sculptures, to tranquil backyard goldfish ponds, through to large fountains, dramatic cascades and large formal swimming pools. Depending on the theme or style of your garden, you might decide on straight edged or geometrical designs for a formal garden, smooth curved designs for a modern garden, or irregular shaped designs for less formal and natural style gardens. You might have a single pond, a series of ponds with water cascading from one to another, or perhaps ponds linked to each other by narrow waterways.
Water can add a great deal to a garden:
- It can create the effect of coolness.
- It can be used to reflect images (statues, trees etc.).
- It can be used to provide a physical barrier.
- It can be used to provide a feature or an accent by introducing a contrast or change in texture, colour or form.
Water can be used in various ways in the landscape. Some examples are:
a) As a setting – where the water becomes the setting around which the rest of the garden is built. For example, a large lake is the focal point of a garden which surrounds it; the bank of a river is the main feature of a garden which stretches along its banks.
b) As a spine – where the water acts as visual or main axis backbone of the garden. A river, stream or canal which flows through the centre of a garden creates a line around which the garden is developed. It can act as a unifying force to all of the components of the garden, but also a directional force controlling the line along which a person's attention is drawn.
c) As central focus – where water (a fountain, pond, or even a bird bath) becomes the decorative focus of a garden. The feature or body of water may be used as a feature at the centre of a garden, which attention to itself from all other parts of the garden. The area where the water is located might also be developed as the centre of activity in the garden, or it might remain a visual centre around which activity occurs.
You can enrol today!
We hope we have provided you with enough information on the course, but if you do have questions you can submit them to our specialist horticulture tutors, or phone us on -
(UK) 01384 442752
(International) +44 (0) 1384 442752
We will be pleased to help you with any questions about the course, or what course choices you are looking at to suit your goals and career plans.