Personal Stress

Your personality has a large bearing on the way that stress can affect you.

Individual differences have been shown to influence stress and health through:

  • the motives the individual pursues
  • the way that the individual appraises circumstances (are they easily riled or depressed?) 
  • coping mechanisms (do they turn to alcohol or drugs or do they repress their emotions?)
How Should You Respond to Stress?
This is a simple way to respond to stressors effectively:
  1. Understand the Stresses  - Clarify and pinpoint just what is causing the stress, accept that some (causes of stress) can't be changed.
  2. Change your Perception  -  Alter your thoughts, values, expectations.  Raise your confidence.
  3. Improve your Physical Response  -  Work at lowering your physical response by improving exercise, rest, sleep, meditation, eating habits, etc.
  4. Improve your Emotional Response  -  Work at not dwelling on negative feelings and to develop new friendships.
  5. Improve your Behavioural Reaction  -  Learn new skills, develop personal and interpersonal skills.  Improve your education (take up a course). Work on better time management.
Recognising the Stress is the First Step
Some of the more specific psychological symptoms include:
  • Confusion or an inability to think clearly
  • Depression
  • Changes in sleeping, eating or sexual habits
  • Mood changes
  • Increased use of alcohol or drugs.

Be on the lookout for these symptoms!

What Exactly Is Causing Stress?

By asking y the following questions you can often get an indication of stress related problems which might otherwise have been overlooked:

  • Where is the person going in life?
  • How much or how little are they getting out of life?
  • What are the person's priorities?


Would you like to learn more about managing your own stress or helping other people with their stress? We offer a distance learning course in Stress Management that may interest you.  This is a 100 hour course. Or perhaps you are interested in our Certificate in Stress Management.  
If you are not sure which course is right for you, click here to contact us for advice from one of our tutors.  

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