Improve your use of medical English to improve your job and careers prospects in the health services.
Communicate better with both Doctors and patients?
A special course designed for people working or wishing to work in medical environments, with no medical training, to develop skills to communicate clearly and effectively using medical terminology.
This course is relevant to anyone working or wishing to work in fields of health, alternative medicine or paramedical areas; such as reception for a doctor or natural therapist.
Lesson Structure
There are 10 lessons in this course:
Scope and Nature of Medical Terminology
What is Medical Terminology
Origins of Words
Structure of Words
Medical Prefixes
Medical Suffixes
Constructing Medical Terms by altering prefix or suffix
Anatomical Structure
Anatomical Prefixes
Anatomical Suffixes
Locating parts of the body
Terms to indicate positioning of anatomical features in body
Medical Equipment and Procedures
Terms to describe Diagnostic and Surgical Procedures
Terms to describe Medical Equipment
Storage and Handling of Medicines
Sterilising Equipment
Terms to describe Bacteria
Gram Staining
Diagnostic Microbiology
Research Microbiology
Types of Wounds
Problems Resulting from Wounds
Treating Wounds
Examples of Prefixes and Suffixes
Pharmacological Terminology
Types of herbal and pharmaceutical medicines (eg. Alkaloids, Calmatives, Cathartics, Decongestants, Expectorants, etc)
Pharmacological Terms (eg. Allergens, Carcinogens, Photosensitisers, Toxic Alkaloids, etc)
Over the Counter Prescription Drugs
Terminology for OTC and Prescription Drugs (eg. Steroids, Barbiturates, anti-Psychotic Drugs etc)
Prefix and suffix examples
Musculoskeletal System Terminology
Naming main muscles
Musculature ... Types of Muscle tissue
Relationship between muscles and bone
Bone and Joint problems (eg. Sprains, Broken Bones, etc)
Disorders of musculoskeletal System (eg. Fibromyalgia, Sprains, strains, Cramp, etc)
Suffix Examples
Cardiovascular, Lymphatic and Immune Systems Terminology
Parts of the Heart
Systole and Disystole
Terms related to Disorders of Cardiovascular System
Lymphatic System and Immunity
Disorders of Immunity
Suffix and Prefix Examples
Respiratory and Reproductive Systems Terminology
Pulmonary Circulation
Gas Exchange (Diffusion, Perfusion, Arterial Pressure)
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Diagnostic Procedures for Lungs and Airways
Respiratory Disorders
Male Reproductive System (Penis, Testes, Scrotum etc)
Female Reproductive System
Caesarian Section, VBAC and Multiple Gestation
Premature Birth and Miscarriage
Reproductive Disorders (eg. Amenorrhoea, Menorrhagia, PCOS, Endometriosis, etc)
Suffix and Prefix Examples
Digestive and Excretory Systems Terminology
Parts of the Digestive System
Renal System
Ureters and Bladder
Disorders of Digestive and Renal Systems (eg. Anal Fissure, Haemorrhoids, Inflammatory Bowel System, Kidney Stones, Pancreatitis, etc)
Suffix and Prefix Examples
Integumentary System (Skin) Terminology
Types of Sensory Nerves
Sun Protection
Integument Structure
Cell Types
Disorders (eg. Scab, Atrophic skin, Abrasion, Excoriation, Scar, Ulcer, etc)
Diagnostic Procedures
Suffix and Prefix Examples
Nervous and Sensory Systems Terminology
Central Nervous System
Peripheral Nervous System
Disorders of Nervous System
Disorders of Sensory System (eg. Aphasia, Apraxia, Vertigo, etc)
Diagnostic Procedures
Suffix and Prefix Examples
Explain the scope and nature of terminology used in medicine and allied professions.
Identify the meaning of words that describe general anatomical features, including disorders.
Identify the meaning of words which describe medical tools, equipment and procedures.
Identify the meaning of words that describe pharmacological terms.
Identify the meaning of words that describe physiological and anatomical features in the musculoskeletal system, including disorders.
Identify the meaning of words that describe physiological and anatomical features in the cardiovascular, lymphatic and immune systems, including disorders.
Identify the meaning of words that describe physiological and anatomical features in the respiratory and reproductive systems, including disorders.
Identify the meaning of words that describe physiological and anatomical features in the digestive and excretory systems, including disorders.
Identify the meaning of words that describe physiological and anatomical features in the skin, including disorders.
Identify the meaning of words that describe physiological and anatomical features in the nervous and sensory systems, including disorders.
A Good Introduction to the World of Medicine.

This course takes you well beyond just the meanings behind medical terms. Through a study of medical terminology, you will also build a broad foundation in the scope and nature of the medical industry.
You will learn about the equipment, techniques band illnesses that are likely to be encountered; and in doing so, form an excellent foundation for working in, or further study in, the health professions.
What is an Acronym?
The Medical profession often uses acronyms.
An acronym is an abbreviation that is pronounced as a series of constituent letters; an initialism is an abbreviation whose pronunciation is wholly or partly the names of constituent letters; and a pseudo-blend is an abbreviation whose extra or omitted letters means that it cannot be considered a true acronym, initialism, or portmanteau (a word formed by combining two or more words)
(a) = acronym in the example: SARS - (a) severe acute respiratory syndrome .
(i) = initialism in the example: CD - (i) Compact disc.
(p) = pseudo-blend in the example: UNIFEM - (p) United Nations Development Fund for Women.
(pm) = portmanteau in the example: smog – (pm) combination of the words smoke and fog.
(s) = symbol (none of the above, stands for and is read as something else; for example: MHz - Megahertz).
If you would like to improve your use of medical English, this course is an excellent one to study. Enrol today and get started for your own professional and personal development.