Psychology Courses

Abnormal Psychology

Lessons icon 11 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Study Abnormal Psychology - gain an understanding of behaviours, their causes, and how to treat them.

  • This course is particularly beneficial for counsellors or support workers, for it will develop their ability to  distinguish different types of psychological disorder, and determine when to refer clients for treatment.
  • Learn about mood, anxiety, and drug disorders as well as psychotic, gender, food, and personality disorders.
  • Be able to identify the signs and symptoms of different psychological conditions - disorders may be caused by environmental, physical, or genetic influences.
  • Learn about disorders that are usually diagnosed during infancy, and then move onto to lessons which focus on the causes, symptoms, and diagnosis of different types of disorder.
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Adolescent Psychology

Lessons icon 9 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Study Teenage Psychology Online

Understand more about the way in which teenagers think and develop

  • Learn about the changes and challenges that adolescents face.
  • Understand behaviours arising from the emotional, physical, and psychological changes that adolescents undergo.
  • Study with ACS and learn how to deal with issues in an appropriate and beneficial manner.
  • Start studying at any time with full support from our specialist tutors.
  • Professional development for people working with adolescents.
  • Studying this course will equally be of benefit to parents, or to sports coaches.
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Aged Care Counselling

Lessons icon 9 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Aged Care Course - Understand counselling and care for older people with this distance learning course. Start at any time to suit you.

Self-Paced Course

Learn care and counselling of older people – for anyone who cares for older people professionally and personally.

The demand for aged care counsellors is increasing because people are living longer.  There are many ways that the elderly person can learn to cope with health impairments in order to maintain the quality of their life. Counsellors can play a role in helping the elderly client find solutions to problems and ways to avoid them. It may just be that changes need to be made to the home environment, or friends or family need to play a more active role in the life of the elderly person, or perhaps some different skills, behaviours, routines, or habits are needed. There are often several ways to solve everyday problems.

  • Explore the complex range of emotional issues that confront the elderly - from dealing with the loss of a spouse to relationships with children and grandchildren... and much more.
  • This course was written by tutors highly qualified and experienced in the field of Psychology.
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Anger Management

Lessons icon 9 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Learn to manage anger and develop skills to work pro-actively with others.

We hear a lot about Anger Management.  Whilst we tend to construe anger as a bad thing, anger involves both positive and negative aspects. The negative aspects are all too familiar i.e. thinking becomes clouded, you may become overly defensive, and you might act on your anger in a violent or aggressive way.  The positive aspects which are often overlooked are that we often express our feelings when we otherwise might repress them, we have heightened energy levels due to physiological arousal, and we can often solve problems and take control whilst we are in this elevated state. The idea behind anger management is not to remove all anger, but to manage it by channelling it into the positive aspects and away from the negative aspects. If anger is expressed in acceptable and appropriate ways then it can be productive rather than destructive.

This course will help you to:

  • Learn to understand anger.
  • Explore techniques that can be useful in the management of anger.
  • Learn how to deal with anger management appropriately with different demographics.
  • Develop skills to work constructively with others to manage anger.
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Animal Behaviour

Lessons icon 8 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Learn about Animal Behaviour

What makes animals tick?Are you interested in why birds migrate? How their senses work? Why cats behave the way they do? How animals can judge time and distance? This could be the course for you. The course is relevant to pet owners, veterinary assistants, or people who work with animals (eg. on farms, zoos, pet shops, trainers, etc). In understanding animal behaviour, we extend our basis for understanding human behaviour, and as such, the course may also be valuable for anyone studying general psychology.

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Anxiety Management

Lessons icon 9 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Train in Anxiety and Panic Management

This 100 hour course will train you to -

  • recognise the signs and symptoms of anxiety and panic
  • develop anxiety management plans
  • apply alternative anxiety management techniques to reducing anxiety, such as pet therapy
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Anxiety Management

Lessons icon 5 lessons
Duration icon 20 hours
Qualification icon Certificate of Completion
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online

Learn to Understand and Manage Anxiety

A short course in anxiety and panic management.

The course requires around 20 hours of study.  This is a self-paced course, so start when suits you and work at your own pace.

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Biopsychology I

Lessons icon 7 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Study Biopsychology - Learn about the mind-brain relationship

Biopsychology is the study of the biology of the brain and nervous system and its relationship to behaviour. Learn about how the brain functions and influences how we perceive the world with this informative distance learning course.

Discover how our anatomy and physiology influence the way we think and behave.

Biology is the study of life and the way living organisms function. The sub-discipline of physiology encompasses the way things move, chemical and bodily processes, growth, atrophy, and anything else that supports or causes physical or chemical changes to occur within the body. Therefore, it differs from anatomy, which is the study of the physical structure of the body. Psychology is concerned with behaviour and our underlying thoughts and feelings. This subject marries these fields for a unique perspective on how we function as people.  

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Biopsychology II

Lessons icon 7 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Gain greater understanding of the field of biopsychology

Biopsychologists generally consider that evolution has an influence on the pool of behaviour – influencing genes available to members of each species. Evolution is a gradual process of genetic development and change in animal life over generations. Those members of a species best adapted for their environment in any generation (ie. the “fittest”) will have the best chance of surviving and reproducing successfully. Each individual’s genes will initiate a programme of neural development. Genes are the units of inheritance that form part of a chromosome. Some characteristics are determined by one gene, whilst others are determined by many. 

Take this course to find out more.

This course builds on the foundation of Biopsychology I to give you a deeper understanding of the influence of biology, in particular, the influence of the brain, on human behaviour.

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Careers Counselling

Lessons icon 10 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Study Careers Counselling

   ... help people make one of the most important decisions in their lives - their career choice!


ACS student comment:  "I have really improved my knowledge in this field.  It has also given me the confidence to start my own small business in private Careers Counselling.  The presentation allowed the course to become very accessible and practical.  Even for those with a lower level in English like me."  Charles Mboning, Republic of Cameroon - Careers Counselling.

Careers Counselling involves more than just finding work for people.

Among other things, Careers Counselling may involve helping people:

  •  identify the best job for their skills and interests
  •  find any job to meet their personal and financial needs
  •  find a better or more appropriate job for their situation
  •  achieve job satisfaction through appropriate choices
  •  plan and cope with career changes
  •  better adapt to the workplace
  •  improve their potential for advancement in the workplace
  •  identify new career possibilities when circumstances change.
This course will develop your understanding of factors affecting career choices and planning, and your ability to help others plan and achieve career goals. The course is aimed at students who have prior experience or training in a related field such as counselling or social work, but will benefit anyone in their own career planning and development.
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Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Understand mental health issues in children and adolescents.

This course introduces the student to an important issue that affects our younger population - mental illness amongst children and adolescents.

Mental health issues in young people are becoming more widely documented. This does not mean that it is on the rise, rather we are better at diagnosing problems.

If you work with children and adolescents this course is invaluable in expanding your knowledge of how to recognise mental health problems, possible causes and treatments.

Learn about:

  • Signs and symptoms of a range of mental health disorders
  • What the young person may experience
  • Causes of mental health disorders
  • Possible forms of treatment for mental health issues

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Child Psychology

Lessons icon 12 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Forge yourself a career working with children through learning child psychology.

  • Understand patterns of behaviour in children from infancy through to adolescence.
  • Recognise how children think at different stages of development.
  • Evaluate what different influences affect children's growth and development.
  • Apply the knowledge you gain from studying this course in a variety of work roles. 
  • Use this course as a gateway to further study and personal development.
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Conflict Management

Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Learn constructive ways to deal with conflict

This course will provide you with a range of conflict management techniques. You will gain an understanding of different types of conflict and how we can work to reduce or avoid conflict, as well as how to negotiate positive outcomes. Learn a wide variety of things, through a combination of reading, interacting with tutors, undertaking research, and practical tasks. Develop your ability to manage conflict situations. These skills can be applied to many different positions such as counsellor, manager, supervisor, or other professional.

Nurture your ability to assist with negotiation or mediation in group conflicts. Develop an understanding of the nature of conflict, the importance of listening skills, and the use of resolution techniques such as negotiation, mediation and facilitation.

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Counselling Children

Lessons icon 9 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Provide counselling adapted to the needs of children

Children are just as likely to need counselling as adults. They are prone to a range of mental health disorders and can suffer from other mental health issues which affect their wellbeing and development. As a child counsellor you need knowledge of mental health issues which children may face. You also need an idea about how to relate to children and what sorts of treatments are useful.  

This course is designed to give counsellors and other health care workers an insight into mental health problems faced by children. It also examines possible causes of those problems, difficulties faced when interviewing children, and legal issues and the role of parents in treatment. Internalising and externalising disorders are reviewed and possible treatment options presented.    

It is an insightful course for anyone working with children in a professional capacity, but especially counsellors and psychologists as well as nurses, social workers, youth workers and other health professionals. It could also be of value to others in related fields.

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Counselling Skills I

Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Foundation in Counselling Course

  • Study online by distance learning.
  • Understand counselling skills.

Counselling means different things to different people. It is not a get well quick option, offering quick answers, but is asking the person to engage in a process and an exploration. There are many definitions of counselling. A simple version is that counselling is a working relationship where the client is helped to manage what is happening in their life and to explore their life. It is a form of psychological or talking therapy that offers people the ability to change how they live and feel. The aim of counselling is to provide the client with a more satisfying experience of life. Everyone has different needs, so counselling can be concerned with many different aspects of a person’s life.

  • Develop your understanding of the basic practical skills used in counselling and how to apply these skills to the counselling process.
  • Completion of this course will equip the student with the means by which to conduct a counselling session.

Enrol on our Counselling I course and receive a free 20 hour self study course on Managing Stress

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Counselling Skills II

Lessons icon 8 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Advanced Counselling course. Study counselling skills in more detail with this distance learning course.

  • Learn how to combine skills to both facilitate and improve the likelihood of change. Obviously no two situations will ever be the same, but certain patterns will emerge.
  • Gain an understanding that that the different stages of the counselling process may overlap, repeat, or occur in a different order.
  • Learn to demonstrate how micro-skills can be combined in the counselling process.
  • Develop your knowledge of methods of telephone counselling and techniques for dealing with specific crisis situations.


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Counselling Techniques

Lessons icon 8 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Counselling Course By Distance Learning - Develop your knowledge of counselling techniques and theories for professional development or CPD

Develop your understanding of the major theoretical approaches to counselling and their application to the counselling process. The course does not adopt a particular stance but provides an overview and awareness of different types of therapy.

Learn about the different types of therapy that can be used to help clients. If you are a counsellor or want to be one, this is an indispensable part of your training or professional development.

Course Aim: "Explain the key principles and applications of different theoretical approaches to counselling and psychotherapy, including the theories of Freud, Erikson, Adler, Ellis, Rogers, Beck, and others".

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Creative Therapies

Lessons icon 8 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Learn more about

  • Art Therapy
  • Music and Singing Therapy
  • Dance, Movement and Music Therapy
  • Writing Therapy
  • Craft Therapy
  • Quilting
  • Reminiscence Work
  • Introduction to Counselling Skills and More.

Study By Distance Learning.

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Criminal Profiling

Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning
Study Criminal Profiling to understand and investigate offender behaviour. This self-paced, 100 hour course is useful for anyone involved in understanding more about criminal behaviour and criminal psychology.
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Criminal Psychology

Lessons icon 10 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Learn Criminal Psychology Online

This course is suitable for anyone who works within criminal justice, such as police, social workers, court workers, solicitors, lawyers, probation workers or anyone with an interest in the psychology of crime. If you want to learn more about the psychology of crime, then this may be the course for you.

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Crisis Counselling

Lessons icon 9 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Crisis counselling - study by distance learning and learn more about the strategies and methods of supporting people after a crisis.

Crisis problems are problems that require assistance within 24 hours. They are emergency problems that have been evaluated by a suitably qualified professional, who has decided that their evaluation cannot wait for 24 hours. This includes – potentially dangerous, threatening, violent, self-harming, destructive or suicidal behaviour, but the professional feels that the person can wait for an appointment within a 24 hour time frame. Domestic abuse or abuse where there is no immediate risk of violence may also be defined as being able to wait 24 hours.
  • Develop your ability to effectively counsel and assist clients in times of crisis.
  • This course provides those already in the counselling or helping industries with knowledge and skills to give specialised counselling, and will contribute to comprehensive counselling training for those wishing to work in this field.
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Developmental Psychology

Lessons icon 10 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Learn about psychological growth in people and the changes that occur throughout their lives.

This course is a solid introduction to how people's psychology (intellect, attitudes, values, relationships) develops throughout life form infancy to adulthood. The course examines different theories of development and the processes that are significant at different stages of growth. 

The course is suited to people who work in a counselling, supporting, caring or teaching capacity who will benefit from understanding how physiological and psychological changes over the lifespan affect human behaviour. Students will gain greater insight into issues that present particular challenges at different stages of the life span, especially from adolescence to old age.

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Developmental, Learning and Behavioural Conditions in Adolescents and Children

Lessons icon 9 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Build your knowledge of disorders in children and adolescents

Developmental disorders include autism spectrum disorder and other conditions which become apparent in early childhood. Learning disorders are a specific type of developmental disorder and usually only affect one area of learning such as reading, writing or arithmetic. Behavioural disorders are those where symptoms are pronounced through disruptive, inattentive or aggressive acts. Each present difficulties for the child, their family and others they come into contact with.


Learn the signs and symptoms of development disorders with this fantastic course. Study a range pervasive developmental disorders, behavioural disorders, learning disorders, and become familiar with their signs and symptoms. Discover how these conditions impact on the child and their family and what some of the possible treatments are.

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Educational Psychology

Lessons icon 7 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Discover how to help people learn

We all learn in slightly different ways and what we are able to learn at the age of five is superseded by what we can learn by the time we are aged eleven. Optimum learning can not therefore be approached in a one size fits all manner, but must reflect cognitive development. Take this course to learn how theories and studies in psychology can be applied to an educational setting. 
In this course you will find out about:
  • Developmental and learning theory
  • Behavioural learning
  • Information processing
  • Memory, learning strategies
  • Individual needs of students
  • Motivation and constructivist learning 
This is a valuable course for anyone working in education or who wants to improve their knowledge of learning processes.
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Emotional Intelligence

Lessons icon 9 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Learn to evaluate, understand and apply Emotional Intelligence,

  • In marketing
  • Managing employees
  • In relationships
  • In Education and Training
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Lessons icon 9 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Learn about what it takes to lead a good life

This distance learning ethics course will provide you with a detailed knowledge of ethics. You will study ethics theoretically and its practical applications in the business world, health care world, or any other setting. Develop your awareness of making ethical decisions and what represents an ethical society.

Study the concept of what is right and what is wrong, and explore the many and varied ways you can approach this subject as well as different practical implications of applying an understanding of ethics in real life.
Ethics covers a range of issues around how we can live a good life, our rights and responsibilities, and morality - how we decide what to do for the benefit of ourselves and others. 
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Family Counselling

Lessons icon 10 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Study Family Counselling for Professional Development

This course will develop a better understanding of family dynamics

Develop the capacity to analyse and facilitate solutions to problems that emerge in modern families.

What is a family? It is usually a group people who live together forming a social group. It usually consists of the parent(s) and their children, living together. The members of the group are usually related by marriage, blood or adoption. However, in modern society, there are many different variations of family, to represent the different ways that families and society have changed. The family is still the basic unit within society.
Use your skills:
  • As a family or relationship counsellor
  • To benefit your own family
  • To work within your community to support families in crisis
  • and more...
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Grief Counselling

Lessons icon 8 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Learn more about supporting people through their grief and loss.

Grief is a term used to describe all the thoughts, behaviour and feelings that occur after someone goes through a bereavement. If you work or support people dealing with loss this course should benefit you.

  • Supporting people through their grief can be an important part of your job
  • You may have suffered grief in the past yourself.
  • Gain confidence in supporting people with bereavement
  • Save yourself time and money by distance education
  • Learn about different responses to grief for different ages, stages & cultures.
This course provides a sound basis for understanding and working with people who are experiencing grief.  Develop your understanding of appropriate practices and procedures for Grief Counselling. Topics covered include: Nature and Scope of Grief, Stages of Grief, Grief and different age groups, Adjustment to Bereavement, Abnormal Grief, Preparing for Bereavement, Long-term Grief, etc.


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Industrial Psychology

Lessons icon 10 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Study for a great career in industrial or organisational psychology

This course helps develop knowledge and skills for anyone involved in workplace situations, such as managers, supervisors, small business owners, union representatives, etc.

By understanding the thought processes that take place in the minds of people at work, a manager or supervisor can develop empathy with their staff, and apply this empathy to the way they manage the workplace.

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Introduction To Psychology

Lessons icon 7 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Study psychology to learn more about the human mind. This introductory course will provide you with a thorough insight into psychology.

Why we behave the way we do? Would studying psychology be useful for your career? Then why not have a look at our introductory psychology course.

Psychology is the study of the mind and behaviour, looking at humans and animals. This course offers an in depth introduction to the fascinating field of psychology.

  • Develop your ability to analyse aspects of a persons psychological state and apply derived knowledge to motivate that person.
  • This course provides a solid introduction/foundation for further studies of psychology covering such things as the nature and scope of psychology, neurological and environmental effects on behaviour, personality, consciousness, perception, needs, drives and motivation.
  • Study online - start at any time.
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Life Coaching

Lessons icon 10 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning
Start a new career as a life coach with our great Life Coaching course
Are you interested in helping people to improve their lives? Then why not consider becoming a life coach?
People may contact a life coach for very different reasons: to help them make better financial or career decisions; to get them motivated; to help them overcome feelings of frustration, helplessness, or lack of confidence; to help them manage personal relationships; to help them develop practical life skills. However, the reasons for contacting a life coach may not be the primary issues that are causing the client distress or dissatisfaction, and much of the life coach’s work will be to lead the client on a journey of self-discovery.

Life coaching involves assisting the client set personal and professional goals and establishing a workable strategy to attain them within a given time frame. For clients, a life coach can provide a life-changing experience, an invaluable opportunity to take control over their lives and fulfil their dreams.

The course will enable people in health, fitness, counselling, social work etc. to help others set and achieve life goals. Develop your skills in setting and achieving goals, not only for yourself but for those who seek your assistance. The course is aimed at students who have prior experience or training in a related field such as health, fitness, counselling, social work or naturopathy.

ACS Distance Education is an organisational member of the Association For Coaching.


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Managing Mental Health in Adults

Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Mental health training.

Many people are affected by Mental Health conditions - either from their own experiences, or their loved ones. This distance learning course provides a solid foundation for understanding the spectrum of Mental Health -
  • Learn all about good mental health, the nature and causes of different mental health conditions, and treatment options.
  • By developing a solid understanding about mental health conditions you will be able to help people better cope with their challenges, and develop strategies to manage their condition.
  • An excellent course for someone suffering from a mental health condition, a carer, a mental health worker, a health practitioner, or anyone interested in mental health.

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Marketing Psychology

Lessons icon 8 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Do you use marketing psychology as part of your job?

Or would you like to use marketing psychology as part of your job role?

Then learn Marketing Psychology with this valuable course.

Market segmentation focuses on the consumer end of the market. It breaks away from the old-fashioned view that consumers were one large undifferentiated market. Instead it focuses on target groups. Segmentation is the backbone of the marketing concept.


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Multi Cultural Awareness

Lessons icon 8 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Cultural Diversity Training

Learn to understand more about other cultures

Cultural diversity refers to the differences between human communities based on differences in their ideologies, values, beliefs, norms, customs, meanings and ways of life – in other words, differences based on cultural differences. These differences are expressed and exemplified in social practices, attitudes and values, family interactions and expectations, values concerning education, ways of defining and treating health (physical and mental), business and management behaviours and practices, political practices, and our interpersonal relations.



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Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

What do we mean by neurodiversity?

This course will -

  • Define neurodiversity
  • Consider the impact of neurodiverse on people's relationships
  • Help students to understand the difficulties and benefits of neurodiversity individuals at work and in education.
  • Understand the impact of neurodiversity in education and how to support individuals who are neurodiverse.
  • Consider counselling and support of neurodiverse individuals.

The course requires around 100 hours of study.

You can start at any time to suit you and work at your own pace.

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Lessons icon 10 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Understand brain dysfunction and human behaviour

This course provides a fascinating insight into the field of neuropsychology so students can begin to understand how the nervous system works and what happens when things go wrong. 

The nervous system allows humans to adapt to changes. Changes can occur inside (e.g. too little oxygen while running) or outside (e.g. the anticipation of food or the chill of a winter wind). The nervous system will perceive the change and will take actions to adjust to it. The nervous system is rather like the look-out on a river boat - it monitors conditions and gives warnings when something unusual or dangerous is ahead. Once the warning is received, the body is able to take steps to avoid or correct the situation. The nervous system has to be highly complex to be able to perform such sophisticated services.


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Pet Therapy

Lessons icon 8 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning
Pet Therapy is unique way to help people in therapeutic situations and can improve mental health and offers valuable learning experiences as well.

This 100 hour course offers a unique experience in learning how animals and pets can offer therapeutic benefits improved mental health.

The benefits of using animals in therapy programs have been comprehensively documented in being a valuable tool for therapy as they provide entertainment, solace, interaction, distraction, and a form of comfort.

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Professional Practice In Counselling

Lessons icon 7 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Enhance your personal skills as a therapist 

Study Professional Practice in Counselling with this distance education course and learn appropriate practices and procedures in the counselling profession.

This course is aimed at those who wish to make a success of private practice but will also appeal to anyone who just wishes to improve their current client-counsellor relationships.

Find out how to better relate to your clients through understanding yourself better, and see how you can apply some basic psychological theories to your everyday relationships.  

There are seven lessons in the course covering: understanding counselling, counselling practice, ethics, confidentiality, self awareness, personality, behaviours and emotions, supervision, mental health issues, referrals and more. 

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Professional Supervision

Lessons icon 7 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Supervision skills training for professionals.

  •  This course develops skills in supervising other professionals and an awareness of what to expect when undergoing supervision yourself. 
  • The Professional Supervision course is suitable for anyone who is interested in increasing their knowledge and skills in supervision.
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Psychological Assessment I

Lessons icon 7 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Understand what psychological tests are and why they are used.

Psychological tests assess and evaluate information that is given to the examiner by the client. This information is in the form of answers to interview questions or as answers on paper—or on a computer—to specific questions. Ultimately, a test’s accuracy depends on how carefully and seriously the client answers the questions they are asked.  A psychological assessment is when a skilled psychologist uses the techniques and tools of psychology to learn general or specific facts about another person, either to seek information about how they currently function or to predict their behaviour and functioning in the future.

  • Learn to determine why and when psychological assessment is used.
  • Develop an understanding of the different types of assessment available (e.g. Behavioural Assessment, Wechsler Intelligence and Memory Scales, Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, etc.).
  • Understand reliability, validity and test construction.

Note: This could will not teach you how to administer, score and interpret specific tests through this course, rather you will gain a general understanding of test usage.

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Psychology & Counselling

Lessons icon 7 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Study psychology and counselling by distance learning.

  • Start at any time to suit you.

Learn more about:

  • abnormal behaviour,
  • psychological theories,
  • individual behaviour,
  • group behaviour and more.

What do our students think of the course?

"The notes and study tools encourage me to conduct research to develop my knowledge of components in my course. It is very worthwhile. [My tutor] gives me good feedback and food for thought with her comments and sometimes elaborates on my answers - really value her input." Larissa Kalnins - Psychology & Counselling course.


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Psychopharmacology (Drugs and Psychology)

Lessons icon 11 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Learn how different substances affect the brain and behaviour

Drug-taking is part of everyday life. Many substances are taken legally through prescriptions and others are freely available in beverages and foodstuffs. Some are available but are not intended to be imbibed e.g. glue or nitrous oxide. Yet others are illegal and have to be acquired from dealers or produced illicitly. All have an effect on the brain and behaviour when used. 

Study this course to find out about the effects of legal, illegal and prescribed drugs on the mind, body and behaviour. Topics covered include: stimulants, narcotics, hallucinogens, marijuana, steroids, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, solvents, sedatives, prescription drugs, and others. Discover how substance abuse, dependency, and withdrawal affect the nervous system, and the impact of drugs on society.

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Qualification - Advanced Certificate In Psychology

Modules icon 9 modules
Duration icon 900 hours
Qualification icon Advanced Certificate
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Study Psychology
  • eight modules and 100 hours of industry experience.
  • Study three core modules of - Introduction to Psychology, Psychology and Counselling and an Industry Project.
  • Then you can choose the remaining six modules from a wide range of elective modules including biopsychology, sports psychology, child psychology, marketing psychology, conflict management and more...
      So something for everyone! 
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Qualification - Advanced Diploma in Applied Psychology

Modules icon 25 modules
Duration icon 2500 hours
Qualification icon Advanced Diploma
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Study Applied Psychology to Learn more about the practical aspects and uses of psychology!

Intensive diploma qualification

This course is designed to provide graduates with skills they can actually use in the real world!  If you want to not only understand psychology; but also apply it to achieve career or business success; this course is an excellent foundation for just that!

Most situations throughout your life will involve psychological aspects. By developing an advanced level of understanding of psychology, you will be able to utilise your skills throughout your life, regardless of your career or living situation.
Because most work situations involve the interaction between people, whether that is between workmates or with customers or clients, skills in psychology are a highly valued asset.



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Qualification - Associate Diploma in Child and Youth Psychology

Modules icon 15 modules
Duration icon 1500 hours
Qualification icon Associate Diploma
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Study Child and Adolescent Psychology Online

An Advanced Course In Child and Adolescent Psychology

Learn more about the way children think and behave.

This advanced qualification requires the completion of 15 x 100 hour modules.  There are ten core modules and five electives. This enables you to choose modules that suit you and your interests.

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Qualification - Associate Diploma in Coaching

Modules icon 15 modules
Duration icon 1500 hours
Qualification icon Associate Diploma
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning
Start a new career or run your own business in coaching with our Coaching Diploma!
Specialise in Life Coaching, Business Coaching,  Nutrition Coaching, Sports Coaching or coaching in general!
Enter the booming coaching industry. Everyone needs support to achieve their highest potential. A coach, in whatever form, can provide their client with the guidance, support, and motivation to reach success.  This is a dynamic, result driven new industry that is exploding internationally.
This course will allow you to develop skills to be a professional coach, working with clients, and starting an EXCITING new career.

Improve your earning potential with this excellent qualification
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Qualification - Associate Diploma In Psychology

Modules icon 15 modules
Duration icon 1500 hours
Qualification icon Associate Diploma
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Gain in depth knowledge into the field of psychology.

  • Study in your own time and at your own pace.
  • Gain a useful qualification in this highly regarded subject.
  • Improve your career prospects in a range of careers.
  • Learn from highly experienced tutors.

The associate diploma in psychology has been developed to cater for the needs of those who want to go beyond the advanced certificate. It will equip the student with a broad knowledge of different areas of psychological study, and a solid foundation for further study. Those wishing to take up employment as psychologists will need to study to degree level and ultimately to a masters level.


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Qualification - Certificate in Abnormal Psychology

Modules icon 6 modules
Duration icon 600 hours
Qualification icon Certificate
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Study abnormal psychology

There are six 100 hour modules required to complete this course.

Study five core modules of Abnormal Psychology, Introduction to Psychology, Developmental, Learning and Behavioural Conditions, Child Mental Health, Adult Mental Health.

Then choose one elective module from Anger Management, Stress Management and Psychopharmacology

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Qualification - Certificate in Adolescent Studies

Modules icon 6 modules
Duration icon 600 hours
Qualification icon Certificate
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Learn more about Teenagers and how they develop.

Suitable for teachers, parents, carers, foster carers, social workers, teaching assistants and anyone working with teenagers.

The Teenage years are a time of massive changes. How a teenager thinks and develops during the adolescent period is an interesting area to learn about.
This certificate level course helps you to understand more about teenagers and how they change.
There are 3 compulsory core modules:- 
  • Adolescent Psychology
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health
  • Developmental, Learning and Behavioural Conditions in Children and Adolescents

The certificate requires successful completion of the 3 core modules and a further 3 modules selected from the list of 5 elective modules.  Within each module are a number of lessons.  Each of these culminates in an assignment for submission to the school.  The assignment is marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments and, where appropriate, extra reading.

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Qualification - Certificate in Applied Developmental Psychology

Modules icon 6 modules
Duration icon 600 hours
Qualification icon Certificate
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Study Applied Developmental Psychology to learn the theories and practical implications of psychology when working with children and teenagers.


This certificate is designed for people working with children or teenagers; or interested in a pursuing a career of working with youth.

It is designed to provide a foundation for understanding the mind of a child and the way it changes and develops as they grow toward adolescence and eventually adulthood.  Modules include: Introduction to Psychology, Child Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Careers Counselling and Relationship Counselling.


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Qualification - Certificate in Biological Psychology

Modules icon 6 modules
Duration icon 600 hours
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Study Biopsychology and learn more about the interactions between the brain, biology and psychology

  • Learn more about how the state of the human body influences how we think and behave.
  • Gain knowledge about the field of biology and psychology.
  • Learn more about how the brain affects our behaviour, about how our physical state affects how we think and behave.
  • Learn about the impact of drugs and alcohol on our systems.
  • Study six modules to learn more about biopsychology. 



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Qualification - Certificate in Business and Life Coaching

Modules icon 6 modules
Duration icon 600 hours
Qualification icon Certificate
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Study Business and Life Coaching with this flexible certificate and start a new life as a Life or Business Coach!

Start your own business or improve your employment prospects in your existing career!

More and more people are turning to business and life coaches to support them to achieve success.
This qualification will help you develop skills and knowledge to be able to successfully coach people to achieve their goals. Many people doing this course will already have a strong base of knowledge and experience in their own businesses, or other life experiences. By doing this course, they will be able to develop their coaching skills so they can share their experience in a way that will be useful and effective for their clients.
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Qualification - Certificate in Business Psychology

Modules icon 6 modules
Duration icon 600 hours
Qualification icon Certificate
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Study Business Psychology and learn how the principles of psychology relate to business!

A unique course offering you the opportunity to study both business and psychology as a way to improve your job and career prospects. Or even consider becoming a consultant helping businesses.
  • Study from home saving yourself time and money
  • Increase productivity in your work place by understanding your staff and creating a workplace that supports them
  • Gain an understanding of marketing psychology and promote your business successfully
  • Learn about conflict management and apply this to your business to create a happy and productive atmosphere.
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Qualification - Certificate in Careers Counselling

Modules icon 6 modules
Duration icon 600 hours
Qualification icon Certificate
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Study Careers Counselling to Start a New Job in Careers Counselling or Improve your Existing Career!

Interested in advising people on new careers? Become a Careers Counsellor.

This indepth course on careers counselling offers you an insight into the work of a careers counsellor. It will provide you with a good grounding in the field of careers counselling, life coaching, counselling and psychology, providing you with the skills to work in careers counselling.

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Qualification - Certificate in Child and Youth Counselling

Modules icon 6 modules
Duration icon 600 hours
Qualification icon Certificate
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Study this certificate in child and youth counselling to improve your counselling skills and knowledge to work with children and adolescents.

  • Do you have a passion for working with children? 
  • Do you already work with children and want to develop skills so you can help them more?
  • Are you looking for a new career?

This Certificate course in Child and Youth Counselling teaches the fundamental counselling skills and knowledge to work with children and youth.

A six hundred hour course, topics offered include:

  • Child psychology
  • Child development
  • Counselling skills
  • Grief counselling
  • Family counselling
  • Careers counselling
  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Child and Youth Counselling
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Qualification - Certificate in Child Mental Health and Education

Modules icon 6 modules
Duration icon 600 hours
Qualification icon Certificate
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Child And Adolescent Mental Health and Education Course

This one course looks at child and adolescent mental health and the educational system.

Statistics regarding the growing levels of mental health difficulties in children are worrying. The COVID-19 pandemic, the climate crisis and the availability of constant news and updates are thought to be just some factors in the growing levels of anxiety children are facing.

This dual qualification looks at mental health issues in children and the education system.

Staff and volunteers in the education system are at the forefront of working with children and adolescents.

This qualification is useful for anyone working or volunteering in the education system.

The course consists of six x 100 modules.

There are four core modules of - Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Neurodiversity, Educational Psychology and Anxiety Management.

You then choose two modules from a list of electives to suit you and your requirements.

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Qualification - Certificate in Counselling (Care Professionals)

Modules icon 10 modules
Duration icon 600 hours
Qualification icon Certificate
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Counselling Certificate - Study online or by e-learning

  • Do you care about people?
  • Do you want to help people?
  • Are you working in a job that requires you to support others?
  • Are you looking for a rewarding new career?
This could be the course for you. The Certificate in Counselling (Care Professionals) is a comprehensive course that teaches you the foundations of counselling, and helps you develop skills to work as a counsellor. Start a new career that gives you the satisfaction of helping someone else.
  • Start any time
  • Learn from Home
  • Study at your own pace
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Qualification - Certificate in Grief, Loss and Crisis

Modules icon 6 modules
Duration icon 600 hours
Qualification icon Certificate
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning
Study Grief, Loss and Crisis with this certificate level course. 
Understand the psychological impact on a person of experiencing traumas and crises in a person's life. 
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Qualification - Certificate in Life Coaching

Modules icon 6 modules
Duration icon 600 hours
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning
Do You Want to be a Life Coach? Start your new career in Life Coaching.
Life coaching is booming world wide. People are looking for a life coach to help them live the best lives possible, and achieve their goals. Life coaching is an exciting people-focused industry. If you are someone that loves working with people and supporting them to succeed, this could be the career for you.
This Certificate level course goes beyond just life coaching. You will also cover counselling, psychology, business, health and nutrition subjects.
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Qualification - Certificate in Personal Energy Management

Modules icon 6 modules
Duration icon 600 hours
Qualification icon Certificate
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Learn to Understand Human Energy

  • Become aware of what makes people tired or alert
  • Understand both physical and mental energy
  • Reduce the risk of burnout
  • Increase productivity potential

Improve your focus and energy levels and combat draining emotions such as stress and anger by studying personal energy management.

This is a course to benefit you or enable you to help others improve their quality of life.  A 600 hour course, this covers areas such as health and wellbeing, nutrition, and stress and anger management.

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Qualification - Certificate In Psychology

Modules icon 6 modules
Duration icon 600 hours
Qualification icon Certificate
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning


A useful course for anyone interested in working in psychology or for their own personal knowledge.

This course is aimed at those who wish to gain a good insight into psychology. It is useful as a first step to further study, as an employment aid for those working in related fields, as a social tool for those wishing to understand more about the behaviour of themselves and others around them, or simply to broaden one’ s horizons. Psychology is a fascinating subject area that pervades our everyday lives. This course introduces the student to many well-documented psychological phenomena which will hopefully inspire them to want to know more.

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Qualification - Certificate in Sports Psychology

Modules icon 6 modules
Duration icon 600 hours
Qualification icon Certificate
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning
Study Sports Psychology and learn more about the interaction between a person's psychology and their participation in sport.
  •  A must for anyone seriously interested in working with, or already works with, amateur and professional sports people. 
  • A must for anyone working in the sporting field who wishes to improve their coaching and knowledge of sporting psychology.
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Qualification - Certificate in Stress Management

Modules icon 6 modules
Duration icon 600 hours
Qualification icon Certificate
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning
Study Stress Management in your own home.
This certificate requires you to complete six modules from a range of options.
This course is useful for anyone working with people who are stressed, or who have experienced stress themselves.
  • Learn about stress and what it does to our bodies and mind.
  • Learn about personal energy management.
  • Learn to coach people to deal with their stress.
This comprehensive course also includes a range of other courses in nutrition, health, fitness and psychology.
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Qualification - Child Development Certificate

Modules icon 3 modules
Duration icon 600 hours
Qualification icon Certificate
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Learn more about child development

Understand how children think and why they behave the way they do!

This certificate is focused for people wanting to or already are working with children as well as anyone wanting to develop skills for a career in childcare.

The course consists of six x 100 hour modules. Study three compulsory modules of Child Psychology, Child Nutrition and Play Leadership. Then choose three modules from a list of electives.

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Qualification - Diploma in Coaching Services

Modules icon 23 modules
Duration icon 2100 hours
Qualification icon Diploma
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning
Become a professional coach - sports coach, life coach, business coach or any other type of coach.
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Qualification - Diploma In Counselling and Psychology

Modules icon 15 modules
Duration icon 1500 hours
Qualification icon Diploma
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Train in Psychology and Counselling Online


Psychology is an increasingly popular subject for students to study. There are so many different options from which to continue after completing a psychology course. At the moment, only a small percentage of psychology graduates continue to become professional psychologists. However, as the field is expanding more and more students are becoming professionals within the field.

This course is a vocational course aimed at those who wish to pursue a career in counselling. This course is an exceptionally solid foundation for a career in counselling.

  • 1500 hours, 15 modules including practical component
  • Prepares the student for real-life counselling situations.
  • Exceptional tutors (Experienced and highly qualified psychologists and counsellors from the UK and Australia)
  • ACS is endorsed by the Complimentary Medicine Association (UK) for expertise in the area of Counselling.
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Qualification - Foundation Diploma in Abnormal Psychology

Modules icon 10 modules
Duration icon 1000 hours
Qualification icon Foundation Diploma
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

An in depth qualification studying abnormal psychology - examine causes and efffects of unusual behaviour and responses

  • A 1000 hour Foundation Diploma, comprising 10 Modules.
  • Study what causes abnormal behaviour in all age ranges of humans.
  • Understand particular issues which affect people at different ages and stages of development.
  • There are 9 core modules made up of Abnormal Psychology, Introduction to Psychology, Developmental, Learning and Behavioural Conditions, Child Mental Health, Adult Mental Health, Anger Management, Stress Management, Psychopharmacology and Neuropsychology.
  • You then choose 1 elective module from Biopsychology I or II and Developmental Psychology
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Qualification - Foundation Diploma in Biopsychology

Modules icon 10 modules
Duration icon 1000 hours
Qualification icon Foundation Diploma
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Learn about how the biology of our bodies affects our psychological responses

  • Study ten modules in this intensive diploma qualification
  • Understand the human body - a foundation for working in fitness, health care, human nutrition or medicine.
  • Study the structure and function of the brain and how it affects psychological response.
  • Examine the effects of disorders, disease and age on human behaviours.

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Qualification - Foundation Diploma in Organisational Psychology

Modules icon 10 modules
Duration icon 1000 hours
Qualification icon Foundation Diploma
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning
Study organisational psychology and learn more about the psychology of the workforce.  Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the workforce in an organisation.
  • Improving job satisfaction
  • Enhancing the wellbeing of employees
  • Improving work performance - quality and output
  • Motivation and Leadership
  • Improving work culture
This course will cover all this and more to help you strengthen the business you already work for, or forge a new career.
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Qualification - Foundation Diploma in Personal Energy Management

Modules icon 10 modules
Duration icon 1000 hours
Qualification icon Foundation Diploma
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Study personal energy management. Learn how to feel better and help others to feel better while they make optimum use of their energy.

There are eight core modules consisting of Personal Energy Management, Health and Wellbeing, Stress Management, Anger Management, Human Nutrition I, Therapeutic Nutrition, Introduction to Psychology, Human Biology 1a.

Then choose two elective modules from Human Nutrition II or III or Human Biology 1b.

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Qualification - Proficiency Award In Psychology

Modules icon 5 modules
Duration icon 500 hours
Qualification icon Proficiency Award
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Study Psychology Online

Gain an indepth knowledge of psychology

Psychology is an increasingly popular subject for students to study. There are so many different options from which to continue after completing a psychology course. At the moment, only a small percentage of psychology graduates continue to become professional psychologists. However, as the field is expanding more and more students are becoming professionals within the field.

There are many different areas of psychology, such as educational psychology, occupational psychology, criminological and legal psychology, psychology teaching and research. Each of these fields have different careers, pay and prospects within them. Some offer full time work, others only part time. Some offer consultancy and freelance work, whilst in others the psychologist is employed.

A Specialist Qualification

This is a formal qualification designed to develop your capacity to understand and work within a specialist area of psychology.

It requires 300 hrs of formal study plus 200 hrs of industry or practical oriented learning. You need to complete:

  1. Three of our psychology courses (Which are related to each other)
  2. A workplace project or work experience (approved by a tutor and equal to 200 hours duration)
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Relationships And Communication Counselling

Lessons icon 6 lessons
Duration icon 100 hours
Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
  Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

Relationship Counselling Training - Study relationship and communication training by distance learning. Support people who are experiencing difficulties in their relationships.

An essential course for anyone interested in learning more about relationships and communications and how to support people experiencing difficulties.

There are many and varied reasons why relationships breakdown and irreconcilable differences is one of them.  If you work with families, support them or want to understand your own family better this course is indispensable.  With this course you will: 

  • Learn why relationships deteriorate.
  • Learn to help people involved in relationship breakdowns.
  • Enhance your skills as a counsellor.
  • Improve your career opportunities in counselling and psychology.
  • Gain confidence in your ability to support families.

If you want to learn more about relationships and communication counselling, this could be the course for you.  Develop your understanding of the role communication plays in creating, maintaining or destroying relationships, and your ability to assist others to improve their relationships communications

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    Social Psychology I

    Lessons icon 9 lessons
    Duration icon 100 hours
    Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
      Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

    Study Social Psychology by distance learning for a fascinating insight into the mind of humans within a social setting.

    Man is a social animal, and as such, it is very important to understand the psychology of how we interact with each other, or act as a group rather than as an individual.

    One example of social psychological research is that concerning the murder of Kitty Genovese. She was stabbed to death in the middle of a busy residential area of New York. Thirty-eight witnesses saw the attack and none of them did anything to intervene, not even to phone the police.

    • Why? The common sense answer might be that they thought someone else had or would intervene, or that the witnesses didn’t care.
    • Study this course to gain an understanding as to why people react in such situations as they do.


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    Sports Psychology

    Lessons icon 8 lessons
    Duration icon 100 hours
    Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
      Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

    Sports Psychology online course

    Learn how to motivate sports people using psychological techniques.

    Sports psychology is the study of the interaction between a person’s psychology and their participation in sport. Singer (1978) defined it as “the science of psychology applied to sport”. Whilst the field of psychology is relatively young, sports psychology is even younger. The field of sports psychology has much to offer, carrying out useful research that can be made available to athletes and coaches.

    Whilst knowing about sports psychology itself is important, there are other areas of psychology that are related, such as nutrition, life coaching, motivation and so on. This course enables you to gain a useful qualification that will focus on areas that are of specific interest to you.

    Student Comment: "The course was useful for my goalkeeper coaching practises. [It} met my expectations and gave me some good insights; I liked the way the course was structured, especially the way I could work at my own pace WITHOUT any pressure. The course has specifically helped with ideas for motivating players." Mario Rimati, Football Coach & Phys Ed Teacher, Italy - Sports Pscyhology course

    A must for anyone seriously interested in working with, or already works with, amateur and professional sports people.

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    Stress Management

    Lessons icon 8 lessons
    Duration icon 100 hours
    Qualification icon Statement of Attainment
      Learning methods available: This course can be studied Online Online This course can be studied through E-Learning E-Learning

    Stress Management Training Course

    Train in stress management to understand the effects of stress and how to reduce stress levels.

    Stress is the number one cause of mental and physical illness in the Western world.

    Stress can be short-term or long-term, but people are often not aware of just how much it is affecting them. 

    Learn more about the healthy ways to management stress.

    Study this Stress Management course to find better ways to manage stress in yourself or others.

    Use the knowledge you gain to deal with your own stress levels or apply it to your work in supporting other people when they are stressed.

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