Design Your Own Course

Customise your own study program.

ACS offers over 700 distance learning courses or modules (usually around 100 hours in duration). These modules can be taken as stand alone courses, or they can be combined to create a formal qualification that meets your own very specific needs or interests.

Summary of Design Your Qualifications

Proficiency Award Certificate Advanced Certificate Associate Diploma Diploma Advanced Diploma
Duration 500 hours 600-700 hours 700-900 hours 1500 hours 2100 hours 2500 hours
Requirements 3 modules; plus 200 hours of work experience or industry meetings. 6 modules. 8 modules; plus 100 hours of industry meetings. 14 modules, normally including Research Project I; plus 100 hours of work experience or industry meetings. 20 modules, normally including Research Project I and II; plus 100 hours of work experience or industry meetings. 24 modules, normally including Research Projects I, II and III; plus 100 hours of work experience or industry meetings.
Pre-requisites A reputable certificate or higher qualification; or significant industry experience which demonstrates a foundation knowledge in the subject; or equivalent. Year 10; or 1 year of relevant full time work following year 9;  or equivalent. Year 11; or 1 year of relevant full time work following year 10; or a reputable certificate; or equivalent. Year 12, or 1 year of full time work following year 11; or a reputable certificate; or equivalent. Year 12; or a reputable certificate; or equivalent. Year 12; or a reputable certificate (of 600 hrs); or equivalent.


Subject/Modules and Work Experience Available

Standard ACS Modules

Almost any short course of 100 hours duration, offered by ACS, can be included in any of the above qualifications. Exceptions are courses designated specifically as “hobby courses”, or as not being relevant to a commercial situation. These include:Landscaping Home Gardens, Home Garden Expert, Home Vegetable Growing, Home Fruit Growing, Herbs (Introduction) and Hobby Photography

Industry Meetings

To meet this requirement, the student must attend meetings such as conferences, seminars, trade shows, exhibitions, study tours, committee meetings, or any other industry events which might be considered as contributing toward their awareness and education of industry. Proof must be shown of attendance. This may be in the form of references or letters from the organisers of the event, by supplying a written report and photographs, or by any other reasonable method.

Work Experience

This must be shown to be both relevant to the qualification, and a valuable learning experience. Work that is menial or not challenging may not be approved. A reference from an employer, client or colleague must be supplied, describing both the nature and duration of the work.

Research Projects

Research Projects I, II and III are generic 100 hour modules. Each module involves some formal studies to learn about research methods and techniques, followed by conducting some real research into a subject relevant to the discipline being studied.

Use this handy web tool to help you work through some study combinations.


Build Your Own Course

Step 1

Choose the qualification required and give your course a name.

Step 2

Choose a category from the category list and add the modules you want to the " My Course" list. You can choose modules from 1 or more category by selecting different categories on the options list.

Please choose a category preferences from the following list




E-Learning (USB Stick)
Online (5% discount)

Step 3

If you would like a quote or have a question, please complete this form. Skip this step if you are buying now.

You might be eligible to apply for RPL. Read more about RPL here.


To gain an official Statement of Attainment or to be awarded a qualification (i.e. Certificate, Diploma etc) successful completion of the exams is required. Exams are to be sat and paid for on completion of each module.

Exams are USD $36

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