Study Social Psychology and find out more about how people think and behave in social settings and why!
A great course covering fascinating topics such as stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, how we form attitudes, attraction, aggression, helping behaviour and much...
- This course will interest you and increase your knowledge of social psychology.
- 100 hour self paced course
- Study with highly experienced, friendly tutors
Lesson Structure
There are 9 lessons in this course:
Social Cognition
Introduction to social psychology
What is social psychology
Impression formation
The primary affect
Schemas and social perception
Central traits
Social inference and decision making
Case Study: social psychology and law
The Self
Self concept
Present and ideal selves
Cognitive dissonance
Experiments into cognitive dissonance
Reducing cognitive dissonance
Self efficacy
How does the self develop
Self and social feedback
Types of socialisation
How are we socialised
Attribution and Perception of Others
Attribution theory
Attribution and Consensus, consistency, distinctiveness
Attribution errors
Culture and attributional style
Criticisms of the theory
Practical uses of attribution theory
Attitudes and Attitude Change
Defining attitude
Characteristics of attitudes
ABC of attitudes
Affective elements of attitude
Behavioural elements of attitude
Self attribution
Cognitive elements of attitude
Attitude formation
Factors affecting attitude change
Prejudice, Discrimination and Stereotypes
What is prejudice
Functions of prejudice
How we measure prejudice
In groups and out groups
Reducing prejudice
Functions of stereotypes
Dangers of using stereotypes
Changing stereotypes
Interpersonal Attraction
Theories of attraction
The social exchange theory
The reinforcement affect model
Factors affecting interpersonal attraction
Physical appearance
Biological underpinnings
Positive regard
Misattribution of emotions
Attachment styles
Cultural similarities
An evolutionary perspective
The cost of sex
Helping Behaviour
Bystander intervention
Diffusion of responsibility
Social facilitation
Why do people conform
Factors affecting conformity
Desire for affiliation
Reinforcement and punishment
Obedience to authority
Why does social influence work
Types of aggression
Theoretical approaches to aggression: Freudian, Drive theories, Social learning theories, Biological and evolutionary theories
Aggression against outsiders
Aggression in a species
Aggression in humans
Environmental influences on human aggression
Imitation or modelling
Aggression and Culture
Other factors
What is a group
Kinds of groups; recreational, social, work, family, sporting
Features of groups
Factors relating to groups: productivity, social loafing, insufficient coordination, social facilitation
Group decision making: group think, group polarisation, minority influence
Cultural Influences
Defining culture
Culture and social exchange
Individualistc vs reciprocal societies
Cross cultural psychology vs cultural psychology
Culture bound syndromes
Trance and possession disorder
What You Will Do
Define ‘social cognition’;
Determine the possible impression a jury might have of defendants and the social basis of those impressions;
List the three general biases that may affect the jury’s attributions and explanations and briefly describe each one;
Different types of schema;
Explain why people are motivated to justify their own actions belief and feelings;
Explain ‘cognitive dissonance’;
Explain how can the desire for self-consistency influences our self-perception;
Determine the purposes served by dissonance-reducing behaviour;
Identify factors that form self-concept;
Describe attribution theory;
Describe how discounting principles relate to our perception of others;
Identify the fundamental attribution error;
Discuss how we use attribution to protect our self esteem;
Discuss how consistency, consensus and distinctiveness help to form our explanations of another person’s behaviour;
Explain how attitudes develop;
Discuss how attitudes affect behaviour;
Explain what makes people prejudiced;
Explain how physicality influences our behaviour;
Discuss the principle of similarity;
Explain how familiarity and proximity influence the development of friendship;
Explain why people conform;
Discuss Milgram’s experiment on obedience;
Explain why is a lone person more likely to help than a person in a group;
Discuss how conformity, compliance, obedience and diffusion of responsibility influence helping behaviour;
List the causes of aggression;
Explain the concept of group polarization;
Discuss how group decision-making influences conformity;
Examine the influence of culture and society on each other.
Sample Course Notes - Learn Why and How Society is so Important to our Well Being
Human beings are very sociable. We like friends around us.
Social networking has also enabled us to increase our social interactions. Evolutionary processes favoured the development of complex social behaviours in humans. The human brain is much larger than other primates and mammals of a similar size. In particular, our neo-cortex is larger than other mammals and primates. The neo-cortex is the area of the brain involved in higher social cognition, such as language, emotional regulation, behavioural regulation and conscious thought, and empathy. So in a way, we are biologically hardwired to interact with others. We do not know how the social brain of humans evolved in this way as yet, but our social brain has obvious benefits as it enables us to engage in complex social interactions and to maintain relationships with others. There are obvious benefits to belonging to groups such as protection and support.
Emotionally and physically, we benefit from belonging to groups as long as they are positive situations.
Social Support
The social support offered in relationships is sometimes classified as instrumental support and emotional support. Instrumental support refers to practical help. For example, let's say a close friend of a wife has died, the husband may offer to look after the couple's children whilst the wife attends the funeral. This would be instrumental support. If he offered to accompany her to the funeral as a shoulder to cry on and talked about ways to help her cope with the loss then he would be providing emotional support. These acts of support have been found to help improve an individual's overall sense of well-being both in the short and long term.
In particular, social support has been demonstrated to correlate with improvements in physical and mental health because friends and partners who care will encourage those in their social networks to take better care of themselves. Furthermore, having strong and supportive social networks is a good antidote to stress, and excess stress is linked to a range of health problems. There are a number of models which promote strong social support networks as being good buffers against illness. However, not all evidence supports buffer models of social support and well-being. In fact, some research has found a positive correlation between mental health problems and social support i.e. too much support may encourage problems - perhaps through reliance on others.
Emotional Benefits
Many of the extreme highs and lows we experience throughout life are associated with relationships. Being in the company of friends and family makes life enjoyable and having social relationships would appear to be positively correlated with happiness. In contrast, having few or poorer relationships can have an adverse effect on our psychological well-being. People with few friends are more at risk of experiencing depression and feelings of loneliness.
- There is no escaping the fact that we need other people in our lives. This course will help raise your understanding and awareness of how.
Who is This Course Suitable For?
Anyone who wants to gain a great understanding of the world around them today -
- police personnel
- legal professionals
- security workers
- social workers
- teachers
- youth workers
- charity workers
- carers
- educators
- etc.
Why Study This Course?
- Do you want to learn more about social psychology in the comfort of your own home?
- Do you want to find out more about the world around us?
- Are you interested in society and why things happen the way they do?
- Then find out more with this 100 hour, self paced psychology course.
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