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Don't have the time to go to college?
This course provides a very sound foundation for a career in the turf industry.
“This is a specialist course that will really give you the opportunity for advancement in this field. If you are passionate about turf then this is the course for you. Very well rounded covering all aspects of turf and turf management.” Adriana Fraser Cert.Hort., Adv.Cert.App.Mgt., Cert IV Assessment and Training, Adv.Dip.Hort, ACS Tutor.
Caring for turf is a science of its own and is something all greenkeepers and sports turf specialists need to understand. Sports turf must be more durable than lawns and ornamental grass surfaces. It is exposed to play and can be damaged. The amount of damage a sports turf suffers will depend upon the amount of use it gets, the type of games which are being played on it and various other factors.
Take this course to learn how to care for sports turf grasses.
Every cultivar is different. Some can be cut short, others must be cut high, Some grow best in cool conditions while others need the heat. Learn about all of the different types of grasses that are used in the turf industry; and become familiar with the situations which each have been developed for.
Take advantage of our personalised, expert course counselling service to ensure you're making the best course choices for your situation.