Learn to manage gardens, parks and other forms of amenity horticulture
Horticulture can be divided into two sectors:
- Crop Production
- Amenity Horticulture, which is involved with growing plants for recreational or ornamental purposes. However, these should not be seen as clear-cut divisions.
Boundaries defining the two sectors tend to vary from country to country and between horticultural institutions and employers. For example, some horticulturists might view floriculture enterprises or wholesale nurseries as being in the production sector, while others would classify them as amenity industries. Major sectors within the amenity horticulture industry typically include the following:
- Arboriculture
- Landscape industry
- Parks and gardens
- Turf management
- Nurseries – retail and wholesale
- Interior landscaping
- Floriculture
“This is the place to start for anyone with an interest in amenity horticulture or who wishes to understand the industry. Graduates will develop knowledge of the industry at both a global and local level of the different sectors of the industry and become familiar with responsible environmental management strategies of natural and created landscapes.” - Gavin Cole B.Sc., Psych.Cert., Cert.Garden Design, MACA, ACS Tutor.
Lesson Structure
There are 7 lessons in this course:
Nature and Scope of the Amenity Horticulture Industry
What is amenity horticulture
Landscape industries
Parks and gardens
Turf management
Interior plantscaping
Global Variations: Nature and Scope of the Amenity Horticulture Industry in Different Countries
The changing nature of amenity horticulture
PBL project to create and present a plan that identifies and compares global variations in the amenity horticulture industry.
Benefits of Amenity Horticulture
Amenity horticulture and society
Aesthetic value
Health benefits
Benefits of gardening
Horticultural therapy
Kitchen garden programs
Community gardens
Recreational benefits of public open space
Economic benefits
Nature based tourism
Private land use for recreation
Environmental benefits
Amenity Horticulture Management Options
Management of amenity sites
Management processes: planning, organising controlling, leading, etc
The organisational structure
Managing natural environments
Good and bad management decisions
Legal concerns for amenity horticulture
Legal and illegal plants
Law and money
Land ownership
Land planning and planning processes
Central place theory
Psycho social considerations
Environmental concerns
Determining Best Practice
Best practice management
How is best practice determined
Quality systems
Managing finance
User pays pricing
Managing physical resources
Staff management
Teams based management
Managing workplace safety
Risk control
Preparing for the Future
Future of Amenity horticulture
Ecologically sustainable development
PBL project to identify the current impacts on the environment of amenity horticulture operations in your area and suggest ways that ESD will impact on those operations and on the community in the short and long term.
What You Will Do
Describe the complexity of the amenity horticulture industry.
Compare the changing complexity of the amenity industry in the UK, your own country (if different to the UK), and at least one other country.
Discuss the diverse benefits that amenity horticulture offers to society.
Explain processes underlying the natural and man made environments used to manipulate and control amenity sites effectively within economic and environmental parameters.
Identify legal, social, economic and environmental conditions that impact on amenity industry.
Demonstrate prudent use of financial and physical resources to manage amenity landscapes.
Identify and review the changing complexity of the amenity industry
Amenity horticulture has a vital role to play in the future management of the environment. As custodians of both natural and developed landscapes, amenity horticulturists will be increasingly responsible for ensuring the Earth’s resources are used in a responsible and sustainable manner.

Benefits of Amenity Horticulture
The benefits of amenity horticulture can be broadly classified as social/personal, economic and environmental:
- Social/Personal, including:
o Aesthetic improvement to landscapes
o Health-related benefits – physical health, social health, mental health
- Economic
o Private land that is used for profit
o Public land recovered for public use
- Environmental
o Pollution reduction: noise, dust
o Habitat, plant and animal life conservation
o Genetic diversity conservation
o Land recovery
Amenity horticulture was once a labour intensive industry, requiring relatively large numbers of people carrying out a multitude of physical tasks ranging from skilled work, such as tree surgery and pruning, to heavy labouring work such as digging or moving heavy loads of soil and rocks.
Engineering and scientific innovations, particularly since the mid 20th century, have changed the nature and scope of work in amenity horticulture. Innovations have not been the only factors in bringing about change though. Changing fashions, different lifestyles, economic pressures, and environmental changes have greatly impacted on the types of facilities and services used by the amenity horticulture industry, and also influenced what people want and expect from amenity horticulture.