Learn Animal Health Care Online

This course is suitable for anyone wanting to work with animals, for example -
- in veterinary clinics
- pet shops
- rescue centres
- boarding kennels and catteries
- pet grooming
- farms
- wildlife parks
- And more.
The course provides a vocational pathway towards employment in animal based jobs.
Lesson Structure
There are 12 lessons in this course:
Introduction to Animal Health Care
animal welfare and control
veterinary services
code of practice
transporting animals
Common Health Problems
causes of ill health
nutritional problems
living organisms
common conditions in family pets
caged birds
aquarium fish
common conditions in wild animals
Animal Behaviour
communication in dogs
body language
handling cats
bird language
types of behaviour
time orientation
space orientation
territorial behaviour
horse psychology
Signs of Ill Health
vital signs
the healthy animal
signs & symptoms of diseases
recognising ill health
diagnosis of diseases
taking smears
taking tissue samples
diagnosis and control of different types of diseases including
Veterinary Facilities
first aid kit
record management
enclosure for animals
environmental requirements
Safety Procedures
duty of care
lifting heavy weights
reducing back injury
protective equipment
dealing with chemicals
skin penetrating injuries
risk categories
separating animals
disposal of dead/infected tissues
dangerous non-animal wastes
storage and handling of medicines
handling larger animals
Administration of Animal Health
animal insurance
importing animals
managing a veterinary office
telephone usage
record keeping
filing information
Animal First Aid
types of wounds
treating and cleaning wounds
granulating wounds
stitching a wound
bone and joint problems
broken bones
tendon injury
restraining animals during first aid
restraining cats
restraining dogs
restraining horses
restraining cattle
restraining sheep
Preventative Health Care
insect control
avoid stressing livestock
Routine Health Treatments
tubal ligation
castration of cats
gestation periods
anaesthesia and analgesia
preparing an animal for surgery
sterilising equipment
castrating a colt
Health Problems in Domestic Pets
urinary tract infections
fish problems
Rehabilitation Care
animal nursing
planning a recovery
Describe the scope of services offered by animal care services, including veterinary practices.
Describe common health problems in various animals, including injuries & diseases
causes of ill health
problems in family pets
Explain the natural behaviour of different types of domestic animals in different situations.
natural behaviour of animals
problems in wild animals
behaviour in domestic animals
Identify common signs of ill health in different animals.
vital signs
the healthy animal
signs & symptoms of disease
diagnosis & control of diseases
Describe the purposes of different facilities used in veterinary practice.
the first aid kit
enclosures for animals
Determine safety procedures for a veterinary practice.
workplace safety
health & safety for veterinary practices
Describe different administration procedures in a veterinary practice.
animal insurance
legal considerations
managing a veterinary office
Describe/select first aid procedures/treatments for different animals in response to common health problems in animals.
types of wounds
Describe requirements for maintaining good health in domestic animals, including nutrition & preventative medicine.
preventing ill health
Develop an understanding of routine treatments for healthy animals.
managing a pregnancy
Develop a broader awareness of health problems and their treatment in domestic pets.
Australian animals
Develop skills in caring for animals prior to, during or after treatment.
planning a recovery
animal nursing
What You Will Do
Contact several bodies/organisations that are concerned with animal welfare, and obtain any literature or other information which you can, regarding issues such as the following:
Find out what restrictions placed by local councils upon the keeping of pets.
Find out what the legal requirements placed upon farmers or pet owners, with respect to animal welfare
Find two different types of domestic animals which you can observe (ie. different species).
Observe each on two different occasions, for at least 15 minutes each time.
Make notes of their behaviour.
Note any similarities between behaviour on the different occasions, and between the different types of animals.
Describe methods used for controlling/restraining animals during an examination
List as many things as you can that might cause an animal's temperature to go too high
Contact a state government veterinary/agriculture department, and find out anything you can about health risks to humans from domestic & farm animal diseases in your country.
Try to determine what animals are the biggest threat; what diseases are a more serious threat, and what controls are in place to minimise such problems.
List any animal diseases which may be also contracted by man, which you are aware of.
Research exotic diseases in your country or region and take notes
Design a standard "Patient record" card/form for use by a general practice veterinarian.
Learn to Care for the Health and Well being of all Animals
Animal health care is an important industry; employing far more than just veterinarians.This course provides a fundamental understanding of how to care for the health of animals, on the farm, but also pests and wildlife in any situation. The knowledge and skill that you develop throughout this course can help you in any situation where you need to care for animals, from the role of a pet owner to farmer, zookeeper, veterinary assistant or animal refuge worker.
This is a method of confining an infected animal away from other animals which it might infect, until the infection has been treated/destroyed/cured.
A limited period of quarantine can be a good practice to carry out with new animals when they come onto a property, so any disease they are carrying will not spread.
Quarantine can be carried out by placing animals in a paddock or pen well away from other animals.
One person should care for the quarantined animal(s) to cut down the chance of the disease spreading. Ideally they should not handle other animals during this period, and should wear special overalls and boots which can be thoroughly disinfected (or burnt) when the animal(s) come out of quarantine. If the person cannot be spared, they should follow simple rules to cut down the chance of infecting other stock.
The livestock farmer, veterinarian or animal attendant must take care to wash their hands thoroughly after they have been with the quarantined animals. They should put on a special pair of overalls and boots when dealing with the quarantined animals, and change into other clothes when they returns to the other animals. They should always feed the animals in quarantine after other stock, so that any infection on a farm workers clothes and boots are not transferred from the quarantine area.
In the case of outbreaks of Foot and Mouth or Anthrax, the area containing the infected animals is designated "in quarantine", and no animals can be moved out of the area. This helps to contain the disease and stops it spreading to "clean" areas.
Is this the Right Course For You?
Understanding about animal health is not just understanding about illnesses. It is also about -
- understanding potential health issues
- recognising how to prevent conditions
- understanding how to cure conditions
- minimising the risk of conditions developing
This course is suitable for you if you want to -
- Understand that prevention is a good starting point to prevent conditions from arising
- Develop and expand your knowledge of animal health and care
- Improve your job and career prospects working with animals
- Work with Animals
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