Develop People Friendly Landscapes
In order to create good biophilic designs in the landscape, it is helpful to appreciate how people are affected by different environments since many of the findings can be transferred to the built landscape.
Biophilic design incorporates our need to be with nature by using natural elements and systems in the design of the built environment. The underlying principle is that the inclusion of nature in both man made landscapes and buildings has a significant impact on our health and well being. Biophilic design is more than simply using plants everywhere because it engages natural systems and processes.

Lesson Structure
There are 10 lessons in this course:
Relationship between Outdoor Environments and Human Wellbeing
Design Principles, Elements and Considerations
Patterns and Principles in Urban Design
Components of the Landscape
Providing Services to People
Affecting the Individual
Affecting Environmental and Climate Conditions
Assessing and Analyzing Existing Landscapes
Integrating Biophilic Design into Existing Landscape
Working in/ Improving Urban Development
Discuss the relationship between physiological and psychological health and outdoor environments.
Determine the important biophilic factors which should be considered when designing or renovating an outdoor space.
Explain different principles and patterns which have been identified as underpinning biophilic landscape design.
Describe how different elements of an urban landscape can contribute in a positive way to human wellbeing.
Describe how a range of landscaping techniques and methodologies can be utilised to benefit human wellbeing by encouraging use of public spaces.
Evaluate the relationship between the health of individuals and different environments, and how biophilic design can be of benefit to wellbeing.
Evaluate landscapes and determine actions that can be taken to improve the environmental conditions of people in those places.
Understand how to assess and analyse existing landscapes.
Redesign a landscape to meet biophilic requirements for a renovation of an existing landscape
Create a design to show how an urban (town or city) location may be improved to meet biophilic criteria.
Every human is different both physically and psychologically.
Their needs are different and the way in which they respond to different physical and social environments will also vary. Knowing this, you should understand and recognise that an environment which is ideal for one person may be less than ideal for another. Equally, environmental conditions which are tolerable to one person may be intolerable to another.
For example:
One person may relish the scent of a jasmine flower while another may suffer an unpleasant allergic reaction to the same scent. Therefore, there may not be any such thing as perfect biophilic design.
Good design may require compromises to create environments that avoid antagonising anyone, or which provide stimulation which is favourable to the majority. Of course, there is also the possibility of creating niche landscapes and gardens which target specific groups with particular needs.