What are the Barriers to Effective Communication?
Communicating well is fundamental to success at work, in business, at home or at play! This course helps you understand and improve your communication skills and in doing so, has the potential to enhance every part of your life!
When understanding is blocked communication becomes ineffective resulting in the kinds of problems listed earlier. There are many barriers to communication including:
Using unnecessarily complicated language or words.
Using jargon – not everyone will understand jargon that may be industry specific or regional.
Language difference – it is important to ensure that the receiver has understood your message.
Your meaning – make sure that both you and the receiver of your message both understand what you are trying to convey. Poorly expressed communication can alter the meaning. Also do not assume that the receiver will know the importance of your message.
Preconceptions - don’t presume that the receiver of your message automatically knows what you are trying to communicate; or that they will let you know that they do not understand.
Fear or anxiety - nervous receivers may be concentrating more on how they are feeling then the communicator if they feel anxious.
- Overload – giving too much information at once, making it impossible to absorb.
- Physical barriers – i.e. when using telephones or other such forms of communication poor reception can result in the message not being heard.
- Unrealistic demands- don’t presume that the receiver is more capable then they actually are.
Take this course to help overcome these barriers and be a better communicator in every corner of your life: work, home and play!
Lesson Structure
There are 8 lessons in this course:
Problems with Poor Communication
Barriers to Effective Communication
Giving Instructions
Evaluating Instructions or Orders
Types of Communication
What is Appropriate Communication
Passive, aggressive and assertive Communication
Obstacles to Listening
Empathic Listening
Ways to Indicate You are Listening
Informative Language
Persuasive Language
Imaginative Language
Literal Language
Figurative Language
Formal Language
Colloquial Language
Communication Channels
Language Skills
Reviewing your Writing
Evaluating your Writing
Concise Wording
Condensing your Writing
Common Problems contributing to Lack of Conciseness
Clear Wording
Making Meanings Clear
Causes of Confusion; homophones, malopropisms, colloquial meanings, ambiguity
Writing Skills
Where Writing Skills are Used
Writing for a Purpose
Determining the Purpose
Knowing Your Reader
Guidelines for Effective Writing
Planning What You Write
Business Letters
Writing a Business Letter
Other Types of Business Documents
Writing Themes
Types of Themes: analogy, chronological theme
Common Gramatical Errors to Avoid
Developing Writing Skills
Writing Fundamentals
Improving a Piece of Writing
Newspaper Writing
Concise Wording
Magazine Articles
Visual Communications
Hand outs
Visual Materials; illustration, charts
Digital Technology
Digital Applications; Graphics, CAD, Multi media, Internet, etc.
Public Speaking
Audio Aids
Recorded Presentations
Speaking in Public
Principles of Public Speaking
Committee Meetings
Functions of a Meeting
Conducting a Committee Meeting
Role of Office Bearers
Taking Minutes in a Meeting
Explain the communication process
Explain the types of communication approaches used.
Demonstrate language skills that are concise and precise.
Explain the importance of writing as an effective form of communication.
Demonstrate writing skills as an effective form of communication.
Describe various forms of visual communication and how they are generally used to impart messages.
Prepare for effective verbal communication.
Conduct committee meetings.
Communication is essential for humans to express our feelings: interpret information: inform others and to avoid confusion that can lead to future problems. It also allows us to keep order and to control otherwise potentially disastrous or dangerous situations.
In a work situation - without communication skills, little co‑operation would occur between management and employees; in management and supervision, good communication skills are therefore essential.
Poor communication can generate problems which in the work place can lead to:
When you are communicating effectively you are making your message understood without confusion.
Communication is a two-way process i.e. a person is sending a message and another is receiving it.
Communication is not effective if it is one-way i.e. the information is sent but not understood by the person receiving it: or the receiver does not indicate that they do not understand the message.
The communication process is not just restricted to the communicator relaying a message to the receiver. It also involves the receiver of the message relaying information back to the sender and includes any other person that also needs to receive and understand the information given.
Confusion is avoided if the sender understands the process of clear and concise communication and checks to ensure that the receiver has understood the message.
There are lots of reasons why you should sign up to do this course with us, including:
- The course is detailed to ensure that you have the level of knowledge required to apply the practices in your own work, whether that's for a business or your own personal situation
- Within each lesson you have the opportunity to apply your learning to activities which enables you to practice different concepts and expand your own research in areas of interest
- Knowledge of these key areas will enable you to stand out from other applicants when it comes to applying for jobs, it will also give you greater confidence
- Having the knowledge of effective communication techniques will enable you to work in many different sectors and business types, giving you flexibility now and in the future
- Our subject specialist tutors will be there to support you throughout your course, they are only too happy to share their industry knowledge and experience with you
- When studying with us you set your own deadlines, meaning you study at your own pace enabling it to fit around other commitments
You can enrol on the course now, but if you have any questions about the content of the course or studying with ACS, then please get in touch with us today - use our FREE COURSE COUNSELLING SERVICE to get in touch with our expert tutors. They will be pleased to help you!