Train in Creative Therapies by Online Learning
Study psychodrama, art therapy, music therapy, dance therapy, singing therapy, writing therapy, crafting therapy, counselling skills, group and indiivdual work using creative therapies and much more.
Tutor support is unlimited.
You can start the course at any time and work at your own pace.
This is an excellent professional development course for people already working in counselling, health care, caring professions and creative professions.
Or as an introduction course to creative therapy.
Lesson Structure
There are 8 lessons in this course:
Scope and Nature of Creative Therapy and Counselling Skills I
What are creative therapies
Who can benefit
Take caution with some patients
Scientific evidence
Preparing for creative therapy
Counselling & active listening
Giving instructions
Different learning styles
Planning for choice
Options for response
Open ended tasks
Improving creativity
Health and safety
Selling your craft
After creative therapy
Art Therapy and Counselling Skills II
Counselling skills – SOLER
What is art therapy
What clients benefit from art therapy
Scientific evidence
Art therapy techniques
Art therapy with children
Candle making
Therapeutic photography
Colouring books
Painting by numbers
Crafts Therapy Part 1 – Fibre and Paper Crafts
What is craft therapy?
How it works
Scientific evidence and historical anecdotes
Therapeutic benefits
Crafts Therapy Part 2 – Model Making and Building Crafts
Skills needed for model making
Model building
Wood working
Interior design
Light, space, texture, colour, line, form
Furniture and objects
Building renovation
Building blocks
Benefits of model making and building crafts.
Working with individuals
Finding the individual’s creativity
Using technology
Cultivate expertise
The reward
Singing Therapy and Music Therapy
What is singing therapy
Therapeutic benefits and scientific evidence
What is music therapy
Active music therapy
Receptive music therapy
How does music therapy work?
Dementia and music therapy
Singing for the brain
Working with groups
Dealing with upset
Organising sessions
Psychotherapeutic Writing
What is writing therapy?
Hiding the pain
Therapeutic benefits
Self knowledge
Balancing emotions
Improving discipline
Examples of writing therapy
How it works
Psychotherapeutic exercise
Writing a letter
Word walls
Be positive
Psychodrama, Dance and Movement Therapy
Non-verbal communication
Body language
Psychodrama and Drama therapy
What is drama therapy?
Aims of drama therapy
Working with different groups
Therapeutic benefits and scientific evidence
Projective play
Acting out
Dance and movement therapy
Scientific research on DMT
How DMT sessions work
DMT and regulating emotions
Action methods
Psychodrama sessions
Uses for psychodrama
Psychodrama and children
Reminiscence Therapy
What is reminiscence therapy
Individuals who benefit from reminiscence work
Neurocognitive deficits
Neurocognitive disorders
How does reminiscence therapy work?
Therapeutic benefits and scientific evidence
Reminiscence work tips
Reminiscence work and other therapies
What are creative therapies?
Therapy is usually used to refer to the treatment of someone who has mental or physical difficulties, without the use of drugs. When we say therapy, we often think of therapies such as counselling, physiotherapy, psychotherapy and so on, but it is broader than this. Creative therapies include art therapy, drama therapy, reminiscence therapy, crafts as therapy and so on. They can be useful for people in stressful times in their life and those with physical, emotional and psychological difficulties.
Creative therapies are a range of techniques that creative and expressive in nature that aim to help clients to find a way to express themselves that is beyond words or traditional therapies, such as counselling or psychotherapy. Creative therapies are limitless as the human imagination.
The aim is to encourage people to express themselves in a positive and happy way, to encourage the expression of positive emotions. At first, the person may focus on their negative emotions, but over time, we hope more positive emotions may be expressed.
Creative therapies are used to encourage a person to express themselves in ways that they may not be able to usually. This also can enable personal growth.
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