Develop an ability to manage commercial transactions electronically, particularly via the internet. While the course is concerned with marketing, management and processing; the primary concern is marketing. E commerce is short for “electronic commerce”. It is anything concerned with doing business electronically, in particular business conducted electronically and online, as such this course focuses on internet business.
Is this course right for me?
This course is excellent for managers and marketing people who are good with general marketing but are not very sure about marketing on the web, or small businesses who are wanting to venture into online business.
Prerequisites: none

E commerce is short for “electronic commerce”. It is anything that involves doing business electronically. E commerce obviously includes commerce conducted over the internet, but it can include other forms of electronic commerce such as telephone banking, using a fax, or generating and managing accounting systems on a computer (without use of the internet). This course focuses heavily on the internet with a focus on marketing and online commerce. Learn about search engine optimisation, website design, business models, marketing online and more.
Lesson Structure
There are 8 lessons in this course:
What is e-commerce
How to Protect a Business
Marketing on the Internet
Searching for Data on the Net
Contract Law
Warranty and Conditions
Sellers Liability
Consumer Laws
Manufacturers Liability
International Sales Contract Rules
Setting up a Business
Setting up an E Commerce Web Site
Bootstrap Sites
Success & Failure What makes the Difference?
Awareness of Technology
What makes an E Commerce Site Successful
Dotcom Failures
Site Visibility
Promotional Strategies are different on the internet
Internet Code of Conduct
Analysing the market
Selecting Target Markets
Developing the marketing mix
Managing the marketing effort.
The Launch
Promoting an E Commerce Site
Marketing Strategies and Plan
Optimizing Web Site Potential
Monitoring Visitors
Ground Rules Keep Changing
Meta Tags
Evaluation/Review Services
Paid Services
Search Engine Optimisation
Main Page Content
Searchable words
Use of important Key Words
Page Titles
Frequency of changes
Good URL Structure
Capture of Visitors
Download Speed
Site Maps
Increasing Web Site Exposure
Marketing Plan
Marketing Mix
Personal Selling
Direct Marketing
Collateral Promotion
Channels of Distribution
Google Adwords
Search Marketing
Affiliate Marketing
Free Content
Web Banners
Social Media Optimisation
Digital Marketing
Creative Buzz
Guerilla Marketing
Automating Supply of Goods, Services and Cash flow
Ways to Supply Goods or Services
Drop Shipping
Payment Gateways
Getting a Merchant Account for Credit Cards
Managing Constant Change
Resource Planning
Constant Review & Development Strategy
Understanding Technology
Information Currency vs. Cash Currency
Keeping a Web Site Current
Web Analytics
Change Management and Corporate Structure
Dealing with E Commerce Problems
Learning from Others Mistakes
Determining Where it Went Wrong
Legal Issues (eg. Privacy, Consumer Protection, Copyright, Patents)
Managing Risk
Charge back
Computer and Office Security
Recognise the nature and scope of e commerce
Differentiate between successful and unsuccessful e commerce operations, and identify key factors in their success or failure
Develop strategies for promotion of business activity using broad e commerce tools.
Monitor and adjust e commerce strategies on a web site in order to improve performance with respect to stated goals.
Develop strategies that will cause growth in Web Site exposure.
Distinguish between alternative e commerce tools for managing the supply of goods and services, and the flow of cash.
Develop methods for managing change within the e commerce context.
Manage risk within the e commerce context in order to minimise the impact of problems that emerge.
Search Engine optimisation has been a part of marketing on the internet since it started entering our lives
Companies spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on trying to make their web sites noticed and ranked better and more appropriately by search engines.
What are Google Adwords?
A Pay Per Click (PPC) program of advertising on Google. The ads appear on the right hand side and at the top of the Google Search page on keywords / key phrases that you choose.
How to get a Google Adwords account?
To start using Google Adwords programme for advertising a business, you have to apply for an account. You can do so by going to www.adwords.google.com . It will take you through a step by step process of applying for an account.
How much does it cost?
In the Google AdWords programme, the cost of your campaigns really depends on you: how much you are willing to pay and how well you know your audience. It all comes down to knowing your own goals and applying them to your account.
There is a nominal, one time activation fee for Google AdWords, whether you choose Starter Edition or Standard Edition. Then on, you pay only for the ads you run. In a Starter Edition account, you control your costs by setting a monthly budget -- the monthly spending limit for your ads.
More than Just Google or any other Advertising though!
Some of the most valuable things you can do for SEO don't have anything to do with google ad words or any other sort of advertising. The commercial success or failure of any online business activity is a complicated thing; and the dynamics of success will be continually changing. As businesses discover new ways of succeeding, others follow and use the same techniques. Once an idea is being used by too many, it's competitive value disappears. The way to be really successful is to always be doing something new, before everyone else. Whether you are marketing in the electronic or real world, the only way to be really successful is to be doing something first and always staying a step ahead of your competition. Studying this course can set you on a path to gaining that competitive edge.