Evaluate fitness levels for more effective programme design
Are you a:
- fitness coach
- personal trainer
- fitness class leader
- leisure centre manager
- sports coach
Do you want to learn how to:
- Understand more about risk factors impacting fitness
- Develop your effectiveness as a fitness leader
- Evaluate effectively
- Create bespoke training programmes using appropriate testingThen this course can support that. Building on from Health and Fitness I & II this can be used a professional development, or in order to develop other skills to enhance and grow your career and/or business. Enrol today!
Lesson Structure
There are 7 lessons in this course:
Health Risk factors
Components of health
Wellness and quality of life
Health risk factors
Risk associated with a dedentary lifestyle
Hazardous substances
Cancer health risks
The Health Care System
Defining health care systems
Health care in Australia, USA, Europe, etc
The future of health care
Complimentary therapies
Microwave treatments
Traditional chinese medicine
Psychological therapies
Relaxation therapies
Social Factors
Health hazards in modern society
Socioeconomic status and health
Social factors
General adaptation syndrome (GAS)
Managing Health and Fitness
Health and fitness management
Taking responsibility for your own health
Consuming a nutritionally balanced diet
Drinking pure water
Exercise, relaxation, mental attitude, etc
Trends, products and services
Reasons people do not maintain good health
Fitness Test Comparisons
Planes of the body
Directions of the body
Muscular system
Movement terms
Fitness testing
Before testing
Types of testing
Guidelines for testing
Screening people
Analysis of Fitness Tests
Results and analysis
Measurement methods
Data presentation
Analysis of Sports Skills
Fitness and sporting skills
Assessing physical skill
Techniques for observing and analyzing
Characteristics of an effective coach or trainer
Coaching styles
Explain health risk factors in modern society.
Analyse the health care system, to determine preferred options for different individuals.
Determine social factors which may affect the status of health and fitness.
Evaluate different individual approaches to managing health and fitness, including both services and facilities.
Compare different fitness tests for different motor abilities.
Demonstrate statistical techniques used to analyse fitness test results.
Use fitness tests to analyse different sports skills.
What You Will Do
List sources of both physical and psychological health risk factors in modern society.
Describe sources of health risk factors in modern society.
Determine the effects of health risk factors in different case studies.
Develop guidelines for minimising health risks in different situations including:
A specified workplace situation
A specified home situation
List the components of the public health care system, including preventative and treatment services.
Develop a scenario for an individual interested in taking up private health insurance.
Compare private with public (government) health care systems, referring to quality of service, efficiencies and costs.
There are many complaints about public and private health care systems. Explain the limitations of the pubic health care system for different individuals.
Explain government initiatives in the area of preventative health care.
Explain how the appraisal of people by society can influence levels of health and fitness.
Describe two different examples of political decisions affecting the health and fitness status of a group of people.
Describe different physiological effects which may indicate stress.
Explain the effect of stress on health and fitness in a case study.
List methods used to treat different specified health and fitness problems, other than diseases, including both preventative and curative approaches.
Describe different methods which could be used to treat each of the following health and fitness problems:
High blood pressure
Drug addiction
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Compare different methods used to treat other health and fitness problems
Recommend changes in lifestyle practices to improve health management for different case studies.
Explain different tests used to evaluate strength, power and muscular endurance
Explain different tests used to evaluate flexibility, agility and balance
Explain different tests used to evaluate cardiovascular endurance
Explain different tests used to evaluate general motor ability
List the criteria used to select an appropriate test for testing motor abilities in one of the following sports.
Football (rugby/union/touch/soccer)
Discuss the value of statistics in assessing fitness test results.
Explain descriptive statistical methods used in a fitness evaluation.
Explain comparative statistical methods used in a fitness evaluation.
Explain inferential statistical methods used in a fitness evaluation.
Compile the results of a statistical analysis of a twelve month series of fitness tests and interpret the results in the form of either graphs, charts or tables.
Submit resource file that you have commenced for the beginning of the course.
Explain different tests used to evaluate individual-participant sports skills.
Explain different tests used to evaluate dual-participant sports skills.
Explain different tests used to evaluate multiple-participant sports skills.
List the criteria used to select appropriate tests for athletes in different sports
Explain in an illustrated summary (drawn or photograph), coaching principles for a sport skill of your choice.
Write a report analysing the results of a series of fitness tests conducted to determine whether a person is fit to play a specified type of sport.

More and more people are becoming aware of the benefits of fitness and a healthy lifestyle. People are participating in fitness and recreation programmes in larger numbers. Many businesses, both small and large, are providing fitness and lifestyle programmes for their employees. As a result, there is a demand for counselors with a good understanding of benefits of a healthy lifestyle and how to achieve it.
The art of fitness management allows you to create a holistic approach, or total-fitness exercise programme, that enhances the likelihood you will achieve your fitness goals. Do what you enjoy. If you do not, you will quit. While some activities may not include all components of health-related physical fitness, they are still superior to starting and then quitting the other activities that may include all the components.
One example of a good fitness programme includes 30 minutes of aerobic activity and 30 minutes of weight training. Proper warm-up and stretching for 10 to 20 minutes will improve flexibility and muscular development, and help prevent or reduce injuries. The aerobic programme should include a frequency of at least three times per week with an intensity of 60 to 90 percent of maximal heart rate reserve. The resistance training should be at least two times per week with a minimum of eight to 10 exercises that affect the large muscle groups of the body, for one to three sets. Duration depends on the intensity of the activity. Lower-intensity activity should be conducted over a longer period of time. Because "total fitness" is more readily attained in longer-duration programmes, lower- to moderate-intensity activity of longer duration is recommended for the non-athletic adult.
Any successful personal fitness programme is intended to be used in conjunction with a balanced nutrition programme. This plan should be directed at a lifestyle change, which promotes well-being. Important dietary areas include cholesterol, sodium, fat and fibre. Medical research has recommended levels of 300 mg cholesterol, 3,000 mg sodium, 30 mg fibre, and not more that 30 percent fat. Following this approach should lead to an optimal body fat range.
A Successful Fitness Program
Some steps are required for a successful programme of personal fitness management:
- First, establish programme goals. Such goals help you to be personally accountable. The key is to set realistic goals that are a reflection of your own personal fitness assessment/evaluation. You can either plan in order to succeed, or not plan, and succeed at failure.
- Second, select specific activities that will help you reach your personal goals. These activities should develop all four components of health-related fitness, and ought to be manageable, accessible, realistic and enjoyable.
- Third, set physiologically appropriate targets for intensity, frequency and duration of exercise that is within a safe, efficient and effective range for you personally. This should be established in conjunction with your physician's approval.
- Fourth, begin the programme and make a commitment to maintain it, while trying different strategies to keep your programme interesting.
- Finally, record and assess your programme. Good records offer a sense of accomplishment and incentive to continue. This record keeping brings full circle the emphasis of holding yourself personally accountable to your goals.
There are lots of reasons why you should sign up to do this course with us, including:
- The information is comprehensive and will give you excellent depth to your knowledge to help you develop you evaluate and manage fitness programmes
- Within each lesson you have the opportunity to apply your learning to activities in order to extend your knowledge and research specific areas of interest, enhancing your understanding
- Knowledge of the areas studied in this course will enable you to stand out from others and give you greater confidence
- Understanding about the areas covered in the course can take you in to many different industries and sectors, giving you flexibility now and in the future with the opportunities you seek
- Our subject specialist tutors will be there to support you throughout your course, they are only too happy to share their industry knowledge and experience with you
- When studying with us you set your own deadlines, meaning you study at your own pace enabling it to fit around other commitments
You can enrol on the course now, but if you have any questions about the content of the course or studying with ACS, then please get in touch with us today - use our FREE COURSE COUNSELLING SERVICE to get in touch with our expert tutors. They will be pleased to help you!