This course provides you with strong foundationa knowledge of the basics of irrigation design and management.
Lesson Structure
There are 10 lessons in this course:
Introduction to Irrigation
Objectives of Irrigation
Sources of water
Water quality and remedies
Sediment, turbidity, colour, hardness, corrosion, iron etc.
Bacteriological impurities
Soil Characteristics and Problems
Understanding soils
Different Soils suit different purposes
Chemical aspects of soil
Physical aspects of soil
Soil and Water
Types of soil moisture
Transpiration and wilting point
Identifying the soil
Improving the soil
A fee-test for estimating soil moisture level
Estimating Plant Needs and Irrigation Scheduling
When to irrigate
Signs to look for
Timing of irrigation
Measuring water available to plants
Calculating field capacity
Calculating Permanent wilting point
Soil water budget
Crop Water needs
Effect of climate on crop water needs
Measuring evapo-transpiration
Pan evaporation method
Theoretical method - Blaney-Criddle Method
Influence of crop type on water needs (crop factor)
Calculating crop water needs
Irrigation system efficiency
Water volumes and duration
Improving permeability during construction
Improving surface drainage after construction
Layout of drains
Dams and water storage
Soil degradation
Soil acidification
Soil compaction
Chemical residues
Waste water treatment using reed beds
Suitable plants
Types of Irrigation Systems
Categories of irrigation systems
Sub-surface and surface irrigation
Flood irrigation systems
Pressurised irrigation systems
Drip and sprinkler irrigation
Portable, solid and semi-permanent
Mechanised sprinkler irrigation systems
Traveling irrigators, Centre pivot, Linear move, Powered side roll
Fixed sprinkler systems
Hand move, hose move, permanent
Sprinkler heads
Mechanisms that drive rotating sprinkler heads
Design considerations
Trickle Irrigation
DIY micro-irrigation
Length of watering
Automatic watering
Maintenance of watering systems
Micro-jet irrigation benefits
Use of chlorine
Design Specifications of an irrigation system
Calculating discharge or flow
Friction loss in systems
Water hammer
Pumps and Filters
Types of pumps
Comparisons of pumps
Pumps and pressure systems
Pumping mechanisms
Pump failure
Prevention of clogging - trickle irrigation
Selecting the Right System for a plant
Water saving measures
Design and Operation of Systems
Cyclic watering
Pulse watering
Sprinkler spacing
Electrical factors
Electric automatic systems
Explain the significance of soil in irrigation.
Explain how to determine when to irrigate in a small scale situation.
Manage irrigation in a given situation.
Explain the significance of different aspects of moving water including: drainage, pumps, filters, storage and recirculation.
Select an appropriate irrigation system for a given situation.
Explain the principles of design for a simple irrigation system.
Design a simple irrigation system.
Oversee the installation of an irrigation system.
Soil structure has a great affect on both the soil water status and other aspects of the soil. With a desirable structure water is held in the soil enough for the plant to absorb what is needed but excess drains away fast enough that the plant roots do not suffer any problems through being too wet. 
There are basically four components to soil:
SAND - particle between 0.02 to 2mm diameter
SILT - between 0.02 and 0.002mm in diameter
CLAY - less than 0.002mm in diameter
ORGANIC MATTER - animal or plant material.