Work towards becoming an irrigation specialist
The following topic areas are covered:
- Ways to optimise water efficiency
- Scheduling irrigation for crops & pasture
- Drainage system design
- Operating irrigation controllers
- Managing system maintenance
- Managing fertigation
- Evaluating irrigation designs
- Design of different systems
This course builds on skills achieved in Irrigation (BHT 304, BHT 210 or BAG213) modules to develop the student's skills to manage the design and operation of large scale irrigation systems for horticultural applications.
Lesson Structure
There are 8 lessons in this course:
Water management
Irrigation scheduling
Irrigation controllers
Irrigation maintenance
Design evaluation
Irrigation design
What You Will Do
Contact your regional or local water authority.
Ask them for information on their water restriction policy.
When are water restrictions enforced and how do they affect water users?
Focus mainly on the problems experienced by agricultural users.
Consider ways that users can minimise their dependence on water access?
Write a brief report on your findings and submit with your assignment.
Visit a property that uses irrigation.
Discuss with the manager the methods that are used to decide when to water and how much ater to use.
Is irrigation an important element in the success or otherwise of the property?
Choose a drainage system to which you can get access.
Remember a drainage system is designed to cope with most situations.
They are many examples in your local everyday environment.
Some examples might include the guttering on your house or even on your car.
Discuss how the system operates and include sketches to show design features.
Contact a number of companies that offer computerised and technology solutions to irrigation.
Obtain prices and information if possible on appropriate working installations of their product.
If possible try a follow up visit at least one (1) operation and discuss the product with a user as well as a retailer. If distance or transport is a problem then you could try writing for this information, which would be suitable for the purpose of this set task.
Visit a property that uses large irrigation systems.
Enquire about the maintenance of their systems.
Consider how is water quality monitored and maintained?
Investigate at least two irrigation supply companies.
Observe how they service customers.
Consider: are there any other services they provide?
Opportunities After Study
This course can serve as a stepping stone into the following areas of work:
- Parks & gardens
- Landscaping
- Irrigation
- Garden maintenance
- Green keeping & turf care
It could also be beneficial to people wishing to start an irrigation or landscaping business.