
Course CodeBIT202
Fee CodeS1
Duration (approx)100 hours
QualificationTo obtain formal documentation the optional exam(s) must be completed which will incur an additional fee of $36. Alternatively, a letter of completion may be requested.

Gain A Key Skill for anyone who Programs Web Sites
Javascript is a key programming skill for anyone involved with websites.   Gain this skill in this unique home study course. JavaScript is a powerful scripting language which can be used to read and modify HTML elements, validate data, and it can also react to events such as a mouse click or a key press on the keyboard, etc.  Learn:
  • programming essentials
  • the javascript language
  • DOM and event handling
  • create dynamic html and navigation
  • write web apps & more!
This course compliments our HTML course and forms part of the Certificates in Web Development. 

Lesson Structure

There are 10 lessons in this course:

  1. Introduction
    • Enabling Javascript (IE, Opera, Safari, Chrome, Firefox)
    • Javascript in Web Applications
  2. JavaScript Essentials I
    • Operators
    • Strings
    • Arrays
  3. JavaScript Essentials 2
    • Conditional Statements
  4. Functions
    • What is a Function
    • Defining Functions
    • Function Parameters & Return
    • Javascript Build In Functions
  5. Events and Event handling
    • What is an Event
    • Event Handling
    • Document Object Model
  6. Advanced JavaScript
    • Cookies
    • Browser Detection
    • Creating Objects
    • Objects in Javascript
  7. Dynamic HTML
    • Difference between Static & Dynamic
    • DTHML Javascript
  8. Emails, Forms and Form Validation
    • What is Form Validation
    • Validating Text Fields
    • Validating other Inputs
  9. Pop Ups and Navigation Menus
    • Alert Box
    • Prompt Box
    • Confirm Box
    • Menus
    • Pure CSS Menus
  10. JavaScript Applications
    • HTML, CSS & Javascript
    • Code Validation
    • Improve your Web Development


  • Understand what JavaScript is, identify different locations for JavaScript and be able to enable JavaScript in different browsers.
  • Develop knowledge of the basic programming constructs in JavaScript and their application.
  • Further develop knowledge of JavaScript programming constructs in JavaScript and their application.
  • Describe DOM, and Events and event handling and identify their application in JavaScript.
  • Describe the different events, and explain how these can be handled with event handling in JavaScript.
  • Understand conditional statements and explain in which situations they are used.
  • Understand for loops and while loops and explain how these can be used in Javascript to improve efficiency of a program and reduce code length.
  • Review key concepts of this course and write simple web applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Learn to Understand Function

A function is a piece of code that permits the programmer to perform the same set of commands for as many times as they like without having to copy and paste the code each time. For example, assume you have 15 rectangles on your webpage, each with a different length and width, and you want to be able to calculate the area of each rectangle and display it on the screen. Instead of writing the code that calculates and displays the rectangle area 15 times, this code can be placed in a function and remain dormant until that function is referenced or called upon.

Storing code in a function can also prove to be time efficient, because the developer will be saving time for repetitive tasks by avoiding writing the same code many times in their program. This is known as “code reusability”
The code inside the functions can be executed in two ways; either by calling the function’s name inside the program, or when an event occurs.

JavaScript code can be placed inside an external .js file, and this file should be referenced in each of the HTML pages created. Functions can be created inside the .js file, and therefore can be called by any web page that references the external JavaScript file. This means that the function should only be declared once inside that file, and then called from any other HTML file in the website which allows for code reusability. However, it is also possible to define functions inside the <head> and <body> tags of a document.

To define a function, you need to assign a name for it, a set of parameters, and a return type. (Note that some functions might take zero parameters.)
A function is a piece of code that permits the programmer to perform the same set of commands for as many times as they like without having to copy and paste the code each time. Functions have been used in all programming languages as a great time saver for performing repetitive tasks. For example, assume you have 15 rectangles on your webpage, each with a different length and width, and you want to be able to calculate the area of each rectangle and display it on the screen. Instead of writing the code that calculates and displays the rectangle area 15 times, this code can be placed in a function and remain dormant until that function is referenced or called upon. Note:There are plenty of pre-defined functions made available as part of the JavaScript language, you will need to know how to call those functions, and how to use them. You won’t be able to modify their code in most of the cases, they are here for you to use as needed. And once you become more familiar with functions. You can start creating your own functions! Storing code in a function can also prove to be time efficient, because the developer will be saving time for repetitive tasks by avoiding writing the same code many times in their program. This is known as “code reusability”.
The code inside the functions can be executed in two ways: either
  1. when the function’s name is called inside the program, or
  2. when an event occurs.
JavaScript code can be placed inside an external .js file, and this file should be referenced in each of the HTML pages created. Functions can be created inside the .js file, and therefore can be called by any web page that references the external JavaScript file. This means that the function should only be declared once inside that file, and then called from any other HTML file in the website. This process will allow for code reusability. However, it is also possible to define functions inside the <head> and <body> tags of a document.
To define a function, you need to assign it a name, a set of parameters and a return type. (Note that some functions might take zero parameters.)
In simple words:

a function consists of a block of JavaScript code which has a unique name, performs specific tasks and often returns a value.

Whenever the name is used in the web application, the corresponding function will be called which means that the function’s JavaScript code will be executed. There are two main purposes for a JavaScript function.
The function can be used to perform the same operation for a set number of times without having to copy the same code.
A JavaScript function can also link actions on the web page with the JavaScript code, such as text selections, button presses, mouse clicks, and others. This means that user actions can be used to call specific JavaScript functions, which allows the web page to interact with the user and thus be more user-friendly.



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