Be a Better Motivator.
Motivated employees drive the success of a business. Learn how to get the best of employees by understanding more about this fascinating subject. Motivation is very simply, a process or mechanism that causes us to act or think in a certain way. It is a general term for any part of the hypothetical psychological process that involves experiencing needs and drives, and the behaviour that leads to the goal that satisfies them.
This is a course which would benefit:
- managers
- supervisors
- workplace trainers
- employers or
- anyone else who is concerned with making a workplace function more smoothly and effectively.
This course complements Leadership, Management and Personnel Management (HR), so enrol in this fascinating course and get the most out of yourself and your staff.
Lesson Structure
There are 8 lessons in this course:
How important is the study of motivation
What is motivation
Maslows theory of motivation
Internal or intrinsic incentives
Incentives external to the working environment
The relational character of incentives
Social reinforcers
Motivation and goals
Motivation and distress
Classical conditioning
Operant conditioning
Tangible Rewards
Self determination theory
Hygiene and motivation theory
Tangible rewards
Intangible Rewards
Intrinsic motivation
Security -Cultural, Production of community, Gender, Age, Vocation, Education, etc
Belief systems
Peer pressure
Extringsic and intrinsic reinforcement at work
Negative Motivators
Initiating Motivation
Explain how to initiate motivation with an individual or group for a situation not previously confronted.
Maintaining Motivation
Goal setting
Influence of Groups on individual motivation
Social loafing
Employee motivation in the workplace by managers
Job design
Motivation for a personal trainer
Space management
Time management
Staff appraisals
Vicious and virtuous cycles
PBL Project: Create and present a plan with specific strategies for improving the employee’s motivation in the workplace, based on a clear understanding of the person’s needs, values and situation.
Describe the nature and scope of motivation
Identify the differences between people that distinguish the application of motivational skills
Explain the significance of knowledge and understanding to motivation.
Explain the effects of Tangible Rewards (eg: Money, Services, Goods) as a major motivator.
Explain the effect of intangible Rewards (eg: Security, Ethics, Gratitude, Belief Systems/Religion, Peer Pressure) as a major motivator.
Explain how actions can be motivated by negative motivators such as pain, suffering, discipline, threat), and distinguish this type of motivation from positive motivation.
Explain how to initiate motivation with an individual or group in a situation not previously confronted.
Explain how motivation can be maintained or increased in both successful and unsuccessful environments.
Identify a range of situations where motivational skills can be applied, and determine an appropriate way to initiate and maintain motivation in each of those situations.
Learn to Understand Motivation
Throughout the course of history there have been many attempts to provide a comprehensive answer to the question - What really motivates people? In other words, what is there in the nature of human beings which makes them behave in certain ways. The true answer continues to elude us and the debate about the motivation of people in their work behaviour still continues. In this lesson, different approaches to the question of motivation will be shown, but the main conclusion is that there is no perfect way to design or organise work. Instead, management must be diagnostic and flexible, accommodating events and their subjective interpretation by the participants in any given situation. In this way, a course of action can be decided which is appropriate to the situation.
Before we delve into the differing factors which motivate individuals, it is necessary to define the word WORK. This is defined in a standard dictionary as a mental or physical action carried out with serious object in view. It is necessary in psychology to find a more thorough understanding than this.
It was asked of a cynic "Why do people work"? He replied "For somewhere to sleep and three meals a day." If you consider this statement, is it indeed true? Further thought tells us that there are many more complex reasons for working, and that an individual may have several reasons for working. Some of the reasons why a person works are listed below:
- to live in security.
- to save money
- to obtain the leisure time to do what one wishes, whether these wishes are altruistic or egoistic
- to satisfy ambition or interest
- to satisfy the gregarious instinct
- to express individuality
- to escape from certain physical or mental conditions
- to be active and participating in communal action.

Many people spend time working in order that they may have time and money for "playing" activities. Many people happily put a great deal of effort into playing. They will do this almost to the point of exhaustion, and though there is no financial reward given for the great effort, they obtain immense satisfaction from the results. The reason is that not only is the period of playing a time of mental relaxation, but playing becomes an intense interest which excludes all other things. This gives the individual a feeling of perfect self expression.
It is evident that for some people it is difficult to differentiate between work and play. To many craftsmen, their work is so real to them and of such absorbing interest that it actually becomes a great pleasure to perform. This, however, is the exception and in general it can be stated that work requires some effort, for which payment is received. This is contrasted with play, which is effort for its own pleasure, without pay. This can be demonstrated by the following - a professional actor works, but an amateur actor plays. A professional sportsman works and an amateur sportsman plays. The skilled craftsman works at his job, but if he does the same type of work for himself, in his leisure time, it then becomes play.
To the industrial psychologist, this differentiation is a necessity. It is his contention that if incentives can be discovered which can induce the individual to enthuse about his job to the same degree as he does over his play, then there will be better results in many ways, namely: better timekeeping, higher productivity, greater interest in the work, less boredom hence less fatigue and all this will help the employer/employee relationship to be based on a stronger basis.
There are lots of reasons why you should sign up to do this course with us, including:
- The course is detailed to ensure that you have the level of knowledge required to apply the practices in the work place, improving productivity, morale etc
- Within each lesson you have the opportunity to apply your learning to activities which enables you to practice different concepts and expand your own research in areas of interest
- Knowledge of these key areas will enable you to stand out from other applicants when it comes to applying for jobs, it will also give you greater confidence
- Having the knowledge of different motivation techniques will enable you to work in many different sectors and business types, giving you flexibility now and in the future
- Our subject specialist tutors will be there to support you throughout your course, they are only too happy to share their industry knowledge and experience with you
- When studying with us you set your own deadlines, meaning you study at your own pace enabling it to fit around other commitments
You can enrol on the course now, but if you have any questions about the content of the course or studying with ACS, then please get in touch with us today - use our FREE COURSE COUNSELLING SERVICE to get in touch with our expert tutors. They will be pleased to help you!