Learn to better manage operations of organisations
Operations management involves planning, executing and controlling the activities of a business or any other type of enterprise. Understand the mechanics behind operations will enable managers to more effectively deliver the business function.
This course provides you with the fundamentals underpinning operations management.
Are you in one of these situations:
- Launching a new business?
- Developing a business idea but need to learn more about business processes?
- Looking for promotion and need to develop managerial skills in operations?
- Wanting to add new skills to your CV to support a job search?
Then this course will be ideal for you, and will support you in learning more and developing your confidence in leading the operations of the business you work in.
The course is aimed at:
- Business owners
- Entrepreneurs
- Managers
- Supervisors
- Freelancers and contractors
Operations management is often at the core of any growing and strengthening business. Put simply, operations management is vital. So, don't delay and enrol today!
Lesson Structure
There are 9 lessons in this course:
The Economic Environment
The world of economics
Opportunity costs
Economic systems
Economic ownership
Performance criteria for an economy
Other economic performance indicators
Basic economic principles
Law of demand
Law of Substitution
Law of diminishing return
Law of diminished marginal utility
Total Quality Management
Strategic Planning
Creating a strategic plan
External Influences
Monopolistic Competition
Perfect competition
External Influences
International markets and trade-able commodities
Supply and demand
Market forces
Economics of scale
Cost structures
Information Management
Scope and nature of office work
Functions of an office
Common jobs in an office: reception, clerical, secretarial, information processing
Departments within an organisation
Office processes
Data knowledge, storage and management
Filing systems
Classifying information
Hard copy
Filing procedure
Data protection
Financial records
Books needed in business
Different ways to approach bookkeeping
Steps in the bookkeeping process
Developing a record keeping and accounting system
Flow of information
Financial reports
Source documents
Cash transactions
Credit transactions
Returns and allowances
Other business documents
Use of business documents
The cash book
Credit sales and credit purchases journal
The general journal
The ledger
A trial balance
Bank reconciliation
Petty cash
Strategic Planning
Strategic planning
Documenting the strategy
Operational planning
Documenting an operational plan
Key components of a business plan
SWOT analysis
A planning procedure
What to plan for
Structure for a Financial plan
Developing a budget
Structure for a marketing plan
Plan drawing
Implementing Strategies
Implementing strategy
Reviewing strategy and strategy management
Environmental audits
Key elements of EIA
Steps in an environmental assessment process
Study design
Baseline studies
Predicting impacts
Mitigation measures
Flora and fauna assessment
Open space management plan
Rehabilitation plan
Developing a Business Plan
Business planning
Case study: nursery development plan
Sensitivity analysis
PBL project to formulate criteria required for the successful implementation of a business proposal to develop a business plan.
Business Control Systems
Financial statements
The balance sheet
Classification in the balance sheet
Working capital
Profit and loss statement
Link between profit and balance sheet
Depreciation of assets
Analysis and interpretation of accounting reports
Analytical ratios
Ratio yardsticks
Profitability ratios
Operating efficiency ratios
Efficiency ratios and profitability
Liquidity ratios
Liquidity analysis and cash budgeting
Financial stability ratios
Gearing rate of return on investment
Limitations to ratio analysis
Risk analysis
Contingency planning
Business systems
Quality systems
Innovation management
PERT (Program evaluation and review)
CPA (Critical path analysis)
GNATT Charts Fastest and slowest completion times
Business expansion and sources of finance
Record keeping
Evaluating Marketing
Market research
The marketing mix
Marketing planning
Services marketing
Customer service
Buying, selling and decision making
Different heuristics
Decision making process
Customer satisfaction
Marketing Strategies
Target markets and market segmentation
Targeting strategies
Defining your target market
Determining market segmentation
Projecting the future
Case study
The business portfolio
Explain the economic environment in which business operates.
Appraise the impact of external influences.
Establish the type of information required for operations in both commercial businesses and service organisations.
Examine the process and analyse approaches to strategic planning.
Examine the process and analyse approaches to strategy formation and implementation.
Prepare a business plan.
Assess the importance of business control systems utilising IT integration into financial management; prepare, read and interpret annual statements, appreciate the importance of budgetary control.
Identify the benefits involved when preparing marketing plans; analyse organisational strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
Formulate customer-orientated and realisable strategies for selected markets
Understanding Economics and Business is the Starting Point

The business world is a world of economics.
The study of economics teaches us about the relationships between buying and selling goods and services. Through an understanding of this relationship a businessperson is able to make decisions about what they should offer for sale, how much of it they should aim to sell and how much they should sell it for. Economics therefore is concerned with demand and supply - efforts to meet unlimited demand for goods and services with limited resources.
People have an endless list of wants, but because we have a limited source of goods and services (i.e. due to scarcity) we can't have everything we want. Wants differ to needs. Needs are the basic requirements for survival such as food, water and shelter. In today’s world there are often distorted lines between wants and needs, for example many people would now consider a computer a need.
Scarcity is a fundamental economic problem facing all societies and the governments that administer them. A nation has two factors available to it in dealing with the issue of scarcity: production and resources. The role of the economic system is to combine resources to satisfy or partly satisfy human wants and it is the efficiency with which these factors are used that determines a nation’s success.
Economic Resources
Resources are traditionally divided into three groups:
- Land: all natural resources, soil and the productive capacity which can be extracted from it.
- Labour: human effort of all types; mental as well as physical labour. (Note: not all labour is equally productive; different people have different amounts of human resource.)
- Capital: the total of man made resources = capital (includes buildings, equipment etc.)
A new approach is to also add intellectualism and entrepreneurship to the above three groups.
Economics attempts to answer the following:
- What should be produced in an economy?
- How it should be produced (what methods should be used?)
- Who should receive the output of goods and services produced?
- Where should production take place?
- When should production take place?
Distribution can be controlled by government and services may be evenly or unevenly distributed i.e. different people purchase more than others because they earn more. Goods and services used can be restricted by manipulation of price levels.
There are lots of reasons why you should sign up to do this course with us, including:
- The course is detailed to ensure that you have the level of knowledge required to apply the practices in the work place enabling you to understand how operations can be managed effectively
- Within each lesson you have the opportunity to apply your learning to activities which enables you to practice different concepts and expand your own research in areas of interest
- Knowledge of these key management areas will enable you to stand out from other applicants when it comes to applying for jobs, it will also give you greater confidence
- Having the knowledge of operations management practices will enable you to work in many different sectors and business types, giving you flexibility now and in the future
- Our subject specialist tutors will be there to support you throughout your course, they are only too happy to share their industry knowledge and experience with you
- When studying with us you set your own deadlines, meaning you study at your own pace enabling it to fit around other commitments
You can enrol on the course now, but if you have any questions about the content of the course or studying with ACS, then please get in touch with us today - use our FREE COURSE COUNSELLING SERVICE to get in touch with our expert tutors. They will be pleased to help you!