This course will develop your ability to manage personnel, such as recruitment, training and controlling. Emphasis is placed on knowledge and methods that will improve workplace morale and productivity.
Employees in any business are it's most important assets. Like any assets employees need to be carefully managed and nurtured in order to perform at optimum levels. Topics covered include staff training, workplace conditions, work teams, positive discipline, handling grievances and complaints and much more.
One very important skill for any human resource manager is listening. This is a skill where the supervisor is informed by other team members about any relevant aspects of work in progress. Listening helps a supervisor identify potential problems and find solutions to those problems. An important aspect of listening is attending to how things are said, the emotional content of the message that expresses possible frustration, disappointment, resentment or other negative emotions. The supervisor who notes both the content and the tone of a message is better able to identify potential problems and to resolve them quickly.
Personnel management is applicable across many different industries and roles, and is not necessarily always a specific role within a business. The skills developed in this course will therefore be relevant to many, including:
- Managers
- Team leaders and supervisors
- Business owners
- Self employed contractors and freelancers
- Aspiring personnel managers
So, if you want to:
- improve the way in which you motivate your workforce
- develop productivity
- understand how to communicate more effectively with other people
- run your own business
- expand your team using appropriate recruitment and selection methods
- progress to a management position and need to learn how to manage people
Then this is the course you will want to study. Enrol now and start this in depth course to improve your knowledge and skills.
Lesson Structure
There are 10 lessons in this course:
Human behaviour
Individual and group behaviour
Gestalt theory of perception
Influences on perception: behaviour, appearance, expectations, primary effect, attribution, schemas
Perception and reality
Selective attention
Central traits
Kelley's theory of attribution
Changing perceptions
Defence mechanisms
Psychologically healthy individuals
Influences on human behaviour
Family influence
Influence of school
Influence of peers
Influence of society
Workplace communications
Communication defined
Variables affecting communication: context, nature and quality of the transmitted message and the received message
Effective communication
Listening effectively
Giving clear instructions
Workplace conditions
Duty of care
Workplace safety
Costs of illness and injury
Lifting and manual handling
Protective equipment
Workplace bullying and violence
Workplace design; physical and psychological factors
Office landscaping
Controlling Operations
Supervising staff: listening, informing, leading
Managing a project
Applying standards
Monitoring performance
Regulating progress
Giving directives and introducing change
Dealing with contingencies
Developing contingency plans
Problem solving methodology
Stock control
Quality control
Production control
Labour utilisation control
Financial control
Recruitment and Induction
Advertising a position
Interview guidelines
Interview questions
Types of questions
Staff training
Responsibilities of a trainer
Factors affecting learning: Attention, intelligence, self esteem. etc
How we learn
Assessing training needs
Sources of information for a needs assessment
Communication skills for trainers
Body language
Reasons that people do not learn -communication barriers
Developing conversation
Effective questioning
Motivating learners
Principles of learning
Adult learners
Work teams
Conformity -Heider's Balance Theory
Different styles of handling conflict
Delegation situations: High Experience/Low Motivation; High Experience/High Motivation etc
Conflict handling techniques
Dealing with anger (in yourself and in others)
Joint problem solving approach
Negotiation problems
Positive Discipline
Static and dynamic principle
Giving praise
Enforcing rules
The disciplinary interview
Changing behaviour -classic and operant conditioning
Grievances and Complaints
Detecting a problem
Guidelines for dealing with grievances
Reducing grievances
Applying the formal problem solving technique
Monitoring and Reporting
Monitoring performance
Regular review
Scheduled evaluations
Report writing
Work study
Techniques of work study
Work measurement
Explain how perception, learning and prior experience influence human behaviour
Identify and practice communication skills that will improve your ability to effectively receive and transmit messages in the workplace
Explain factors that contribute to overall workplace conditions and can affect workplace culture
Explain basic supervising practices for controlling business or department operations
Identify essential processes in the recruitment and induction of employees
Describe the key elements of planning and conducting effective staff training
Describe how team processes can be used to improve performance and productivity
Identify methods to establish and maintain discipline through positive means, such as reinforcement and increasing motivation
Describe strategies for reducing dissatisfaction and handling dissatisfaction when it arises
Explain the importance of monitoring workplace processes and performance, and how to report your observations
How to Influence Staff
In order to control (supervise) staff, a supervisor must use three key skills:
- Listening
- Informing
- Leading
This is a skill where the supervisor is informed by other team members about any relevant aspects of work in progress. Listening helps a supervisor identify potential problems and find solutions to those problems. An important aspect of listening is attending to how things are said, the emotional content of the message that expresses possible frustration, disappointment, resentment or other negative emotions. The supervisor who notes both the content and the tone of a message is better able to identify potential problems and to resolve them quickly.
This is a skill that allows a supervisor to accurately convey information or instructions to other team members. Clear and timely informing helps the supervisor inform others of a project’s progress, and to communicate what is expected from them. Good informing is free of all ambiguity.
This is central to both listening and informing, and is recognition of a supervisor’s responsibilities and command. A critical element of good leadership is the ability of a supervisor to make decisions based upon the input and consensus of all involved. Some leading communications are recognition of good performance and rewarding it appropriately; correcting poor performance; and continuously motivating the employees or project team.
Production control is one of the many aspects of the control function. There are many definitions of what comprises production control. There is no ideal system. Every enterprise is different, but no matter what method of organisation is adopted, production must be planned and controlled so that products are supplied in the right quantity and quality, at the right time, and at the minimum cost. In small organisations, memory and experience are relied upon, to a large extent, in planning and control. Larger organisations need an efficient, flexible system to plan and control the mass of information, materials and machines.
In manufacturing businesses, two problems are faced which are not necessarily compatible:
- How to keep the works facilities occupied with optimum effect.

- How to meet the requirements of the customers.
Therefore there are major matters which must be kept under observation. These are:
- The maintaining of customer delivery schedules, which also involves compliance with quality standards.
- The achievement of planned production outputs, in term of both volume and product mix.
- Compliance with budgeted cost standards, which involves the achievement of planned efficiencies in the utilisation of labour, machines and materials.
The production control department is responsible for most of the information input which is necessary for the control of these matters, which also concerns quality, materials (stock), machines and labour controls. This then, can be applied to Food and Beverage Control, Front of House Control or Housekeeping Control.
Production control is often overlooked or under utilised by catering management. Goods should be carefully controlled from entry to bar, restaurant and kitchen. They should also be controlled during motion from these areas to the customer. Bad control or lack of control promotes wastage of materials and labour, pilferage, over production, and poor menu planning. It is in this area that many control systems are used, such as, restaurant and kitchen checking systems, daily sales analysis, cash handling systems, stores requisitions, kitchen percentage budgets etc. Therefore, the following statements are desirable:
- Daily control - expressed in readily available physical units.
- Weekly control - summarising the daily controls, but using costs as much as possible.
- Weekly control summary - expressing the weekly result from several associated departments in a concise form for the higher management.
Control indices provide a rapid indication of the control situation. These usually express actual results as a percentage of budget or the allowed standards. For example, budgeted bed occupancy for the week may be set at 60%, whereas the actual was 70%, hence 70/60 x 100 = 117% (approximately). Therefore, anything over the standard (100) is good, that is, budget or better, anything below 100 is bad and requires corrective action.
There are lots of reasons why you should sign up to do this course with us, including:
- The course is detailed to ensure that you have the level of knowledge required to apply the practices in the work place
- Within each lesson you have the opportunity to apply your learning to activities which enables you to practice different concepts and expand your own research in areas of interest
- Knowledge of these key areas will enable you to stand out from other applicants when it comes to applying for jobs, it will also give you greater confidence
- Having the knowledge of different personnel management techniques will enable you to work in many different sectors and business types, giving you flexibility now and in the future
- Our subject specialist tutors will be there to support you throughout your course, they are only too happy to share their industry knowledge and experience with you
- When studying with us you set your own deadlines, meaning you study at your own pace enabling it to fit around other commitments
You can enrol on the course now, but if you have any questions about the content of the course or studying with ACS, then please get in touch with us today - use our FREE COURSE COUNSELLING SERVICE to get in touch with our expert tutors. They will be pleased to help you!