Study Child and Youth Counselling Online.
Improve your job and career prospects in this rewarding field working with, and supporting, children and adolescents.
- Would you like to work with children and young people?
- Do you want to improve your knowledge of child psychology and counselling?
- Do you want to improve your job prospects in this field?
- Study the Certificate in Child and Youth Counselling to achieve your aims.
- The course consists of six modules. There are TWO core modules of Child Psychology and Counselling Skills I.
- You then choose FOUR modules from a list of electives including Adolescent Psychology, Careers Counselling, Anger Management and much more....
Note that each module in the Qualification - Certificate in Child and Youth Counselling is a short course in its own right, and may be studied separately.
Sample Course Notes - Children Need Meaningful Relationships

Normally a child's first, most important, and enduring relationships will be in their family. At times peer relationships can become more significant; but often it is the family relationships that endure. This is not always the case though.
Family interactions are a central part of the young child’s world. Emotions and conflict as well as play and humour, are at the core of the way in which the child learns (Dunn). Hinde argued that all relationships need to be seen in their social and cultural contexts.
Depending on the family environment, they may experience positive relationships with their parent/s, siblings and extended family.
Children who share close, meaningful, quality relationships with their family learn which behaviours are morally and ethically appropriate, and which are unacceptable within a given society.
Additionally they learn which behaviours produce positive and negative effects within their immediate family, school and peer environments.
In a family unit, children learn which emotions and feelings are suitable within a situation and they are able to use these emotions and feelings within a home environment or school setting to cope with everyday conflicts and problems. Children build on existing or potential relationships based on an ability to interact effectively with different people and increasing knowledge of effective relationships with others.
At five or six, children also go off to kindergarten or school, starting their educational journey, which lasts for many years. As the journey begins it seems like such an intense beginning, but soon the child will be learning and evolving into a differently educated individual.
More sophisticated thinking: Piaget’s perspective
By the age of four children are developing a more complete understanding of concepts and tend to change and evolve. However their thought is dominated more by perception than logic. This is clearly illustrated by conservation experiments. In such an experiment a pre-operational child may be shown two balls of clay that the child acknowledges are equal in size, one of which is then squashed. The child is now asked if both lots of clay are equal. A child at this stage will say they are no longer equal.
Although the child is still unable to think in a truly logical fashion, they may begin to treat objects as part of a group. The pre-operational child may have difficulty with classification. This is because, to a pre-operational child, the division of a parent class into subclasses destroys the original group.
For example, a child has a pile of toy vehicles - which are then split into trucks and cars. Next the child is asked 'Tell me, are their more trucks than vehicles, or less, or the same number?' the child will almost always say there are more trucks than vehicles!
In the latter part of the preoperational period, the child begins to have an understanding between reality and fantasy. The child also begins to understand sex roles in society – they understand that “mommies are women and daddies are men”.
Theories of intelligence
The study and measurement of intelligence has been an important research topic for nearly 100 years. IQ is a complex concept, and researchers in this field argue with each other about the various theories that have been developed. There is no clear agreement as to what constitutes IQ or how to measure it. There is an extensive and continually growing collection of research papers on the topic.
Psychometric Theories
Psychometric theories have sought to understand the structure of intelligence: the form it takes, its categories, and its composition. Underlying psychometric intelligence theory is a psychological model according to which intelligence is a combination of abilities that can be measured by mental testing. These tests often include analogies, classification/identification, and series completion. Each test score is equally weighted according to the evidence of underlying ability in each category.
Cognitive Theories
Underlying the cognitive approach to intelligence is the assumption that intelligence is comprised of a set of mental representations of information, and a set of processes that operate the mental representations. It is assumed that a more intelligent person represents information better, and operates more quickly on these representations than does a less intelligent person.
Cognitive-Contextual Theories
Cognitive-contextual theories address the way cognitive processes operate. The two major cognitive-contextual theories are of Howard Gardner and Sternberg.
Biological Theories
Biological theories are radically different approaches to intelligence, seeking to understand intelligence in terms of its biological basis instead of hypothetical factors or abilities. These theorists, called reductionists, believe that a full understanding of intelligence will only result from the identification of its biological substrates.
Who is this course suitable for?
People who want to work with children and adolescents
- People who want to improve their job and career prospects in the field.
- Parents
- Carers
- Youth and Community workers
- Social workers
- Teachers
- Teaching Assistants
- Nursery workers
- Preschool workers
- Support workers and many more professions who work with children.....
Why Study This Course?
If you would like to improve your job and career prospects working with children and adolescents, then this is definitely a great course to consider.
- The course can be studied by distance learning or online.
- You can work at your own pace and in a location to suit you.
- In each module, there are assignments to submit to your tutor for marking and feedback.
- You can also contact your tutor with any questions throughout the course.
- The course will help you to gain a detailed understanding of counselling in relation to children and adolescents.
- Improve your knowledge and your job and career prospects by studying this certificate qualification.