Study Relationship and Communication Counselling Online
This relationship and communication counselling course is essential training for anyone interested in working with people experiencing relationship and communication difficulties.
The course is suitable for - volunteers, parents, social workers, foster parents, teachers, counsellors, supervisors, managers, law enforcement staff, security guards, careers guidance workers, welfare workers and more.
With this course you will:
- Learn why relationships deteriorate
- Learn to help people involved in relationship breakdowns
- Enhance your skills as a counsellor
- Improve your career opportunities in counselling and psychology

- Gain confidence in your ability to support families
If you want to learn more about relationships and communication counselling, this could be the course for you.
Lesson Structure
There are 6 lessons in this course:
Communication in Emerging Relationships
Problems in relationships
Stages in relationships
Interpersonal communication
The communication process
Principles of communication
Communication filtered through perceptions
Verbal communication
Non verbal communication
Communication responsibility
Ineffective communication
Signs of relationship breakdown
Effective communication
Abuse and violence in relationships
Self-Awareness and Communication Goals
Negative communication
Self awareness
Setting the stage for change
Good communication is thoughtful
Recognising reactive patterns
Relationship goals
Communication Patterns in Relationships
Negative patterns of communication
Aggressive patterns
Victim patterns
Avoidance patterns
Thought, feeling and action cycle
Thoughts and feelings differentiated
Emotions (feelings)
Patterns of thought
Behaviour (Actions)
Action skills
Communicating intent
Influences on Relating Behaviour and PBL.
Influences on communication
Environmental influences; family, culture, social, other
Global factors
Communicating and changing interpersonal needs
Changing expectations and needs
Adult psychological development
Erikson's psychosocial stages
PBL to create and plan a counselling intervention for a couple who are experiencing relationship difficulties.
Communication Techniques and Skills
Reflective responses; emotions
Reflective responses; content
Guidelines to prevent inauthentic listening
Open questions
Message statements or requests
Self disclosure
Encouraging clients to learn communication
Maintaining Relationships
Kinds of, and stages in relationships
Factors to help maintain relationships
Agreements or contracts
Praise and gifts for service
Relationship nurturing communication
Straight talk
What You Will Do
Determine ways in which we consciously communicate in a relationship, and ways in which we unconsciously communicate.
Examine the thinking, behaviour, triangle and its role in establishing wholistic communications.
Determine different negative messages that can damage relationships, and different positive messages that can nurture them.
Define effective and ineffective communication.
Determine attitudes or expectations (thoughts and beliefs) that can result in destructive communication, and describe one likely negative outcome for each.
Identify common needs and goals people wish to satisfy through relationships.
Identify cultural or social influences that affect individual and family attitudes to happiness, self-expression, and relationships.
Explain psychological theories and terms such as attribution theory, implicit personality theory, Gestalt impression formation, inference processes, stereotyping.
List benefits and disadvantages of ‘self-disclosure’ and ‘self-disguise or concealment’ (lying)
Discuss the role that judgment and other roadblocks plays in preventing a person from understanding and/or respecting another person’s point of view and feelings.
Consider the ‘stages of a relationship’ models.
Reflect on the languages of love and how praise and gifts can build a relationship.
Discuss strategies and techniques for replacing negative communication patterns in relationships with positive patterns.
Sample Course Notes - Learn to Differentiate between What is Said, and What is Meant
People Often Don't Say What They Mean
A good relationships counsellor understands this.
Good communication skills have always been essential to have, but in our society today, they are even more vital. There are so many competing factors for our time and attention that it is essential we learn to listen and speak effectively and accurately, for maximum impact. Imagine not having any communication skills. Your world would deteriorate rapidly overnight. As many communication authors agree, if you have all the intellect in the world, all the technical knowledge in the world but no communication skills, you may as well be invisible.
Communication occurs most of the time without complication. But it does not necessarily produce the positive relationships results that we expect. On the other hand, some people after having learnt communication skills may become legalistic about them and believe that a certain formula must be followed on every occasion. Having the right attitude goes a long way to increasing the effectiveness of communication, even if the skills are not employed at all times. Positive attitude qualities include, being genuine, non-possessive (a person is always a unique individual before they are a husband, wife, mother, brother, etc.), and having empathy.
In any communication, the message starts with an intended meaning, but when received is interpreted -and at that point, interpretation may or may not change from what was the original intent.
All relationships can be said to have intention. When we enter into relationship with someone, what we want or expect to gain or achieve is a positive interpersonal relationship (love, acceptance, affection). We intend to be loving. Surprisingly though, many of us do not give enough thought to our intentions. We often, might express our intentions in terms of what we want from the other person, rather than what we want to achieve together e.g. “I want to be loved, I want to be.... Intentions are the pre-cursor to goals e.g. they are the thoughts that set in motion the desire to act in a certain way to achieve a goal or purpose.
How we go about achieving turning our intentions into actions is often the step that is missed along the way. Hence, at times we have all said ‘I never meant to hurt you”. That statement might be quite true more often than not, but usually the point at which communication breaks down, is where we did nothing to consider the steps involved between intending to do something and then performing the appropriate actions to achieve the desired result.
It is also helpful to accept that people may have different and unexpected reasons for beginning and building a relationship with another person. People enter relationships in response to four impulses: the impulse to receive stimulation, to express experience, to assert oneself, and to enhance enjoyment of certain activities. However, other theorists believe that human beings are more complex than this. Humanistic theory tells us that humans might enter relationships for altruistic reasons, in order to give to and serve others. They might enter relationships to meet social or family expectations or needs, or to avoid negative elements such as social disapproval. They might enter relationships out of fear (of aloneness, for example), or because they are acting out established patterns.
Identifying intention is vital in recognising behavioural and communication patterns. Patterns of behaviour and communication can provide insights that may not be consciously available from a person’s thinking, expectations and subconscious impulses, because repetition is itself a potent communication of deep seated belief and expectation.
Who Should Study This Course?
Help people to communicate effectively with each other and improve thier communication.
You may be working in counselling, teaching, business, voluntary work, social work, caring.
This course is suitable for anyone wanting to support people who are
struggling with their personal and professional relationships.
What Do Our Students Think of Our Psychology Courses?
" The online courses are very easy to use and follow. Prompt friendly replies from tutor to any queries. Course structure flows freely. Very satisfied with course and results..."
- Diana (completed ACS Online course in Intro to Psych and Psych & Counselling)
Why Study This Course?
Technology is replacing more and more jobs today. Office work,
factory work, trades and much more are all being increasingly automated.
With the rise of computers and robotics, many of the jobs we have today
are predicted to disappear in the future. Most of those who are
predicting such change, agree on one thing though. They all understand
that there will always be need for effective communication between
people; and they frequently comment that automation will never be able
to replace empathy.
Developing your ability to communicate and empathise could be the
most important thing you can do to enhance your long term employment
- Study Relationship and Communication Counselling to develop the skills to help people through this difficult period in their life.
- Improve your own job and career prospects
- Enrol now and start on course to learning more about relationship and communication counselling.
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