This Rose course is suited to the professional as well as the amateur grower.
The value of rose blooms extends beyond the ornamental garden; roses are grown for many reasons including: the cut flower trade, for perfume extraction, to harvest the hips and for rose oil. This course covers all these aspects and much more. Learn the history of the rose, the confusing rose classification system, how to identify the different species, their general cultural needs (soils, pests and disease management and pruning), how to use roses in garden design and how to produce a commercial rose crop.
Roses, often referred to as 'The Queen of the Garden', are one of the most popular and prized ornamental plants. They are included in the greatest gardens in the world and many claim roses to be the most beautiful flower in existence.
Lesson Structure
There are 8 lessons in this course:
Introduction - identification & classification (modern and species roses are considered).
Culture - pruning, nutrition, pests & diseases, planting, watering, etc.
Propagation - seed, cuttings, layering, budding & grafting, etc.
Hybrid Teas and Floribundas.
Old World Roses.
Climbers, Miniatures, Standards & Weepers.
Using Roses - cut flowers, tubs, hydroponics.
Special Assignment.
Distinguish between characteristic plant features in order to identify different types of roses.
Determine cultural practices for growing roses in different situations.
Perform all operations associated with pruning roses.
Distinguish between the culture of different types of roses, including hybrid teas, floribundas and species rose groups.
Plan the establishment of a rose garden.
Plan the production of a commercial rose crop.
Tips for Growing Roses
Roses come in various shapes and forms. The main types of roses are:
- Climbing Roses –These are rambling plants, which can grow very large, and will require training. It is very important to train them into the framework you want while young. Prune off unwanted growths every few weeks at first. Once a framework is established, the strongest growth will often be from the highest parts, and it can be difficult to initiate new shoots from lower on the plant. Many can grow stems 4m or longer from the base, upwards or outwards (whatever way you train them).
- Bush Roses –Most of these will grow between 1 and 2m tall and 0.5 to 1m diameter
- Standard Roses –These are bush type roses that are grafted onto upright stems, producing plants around 1-2m tall (sometimes taller or shorter).
- Ground Cover Roses –These are creeping, or low growing plants that do not grow much more than 20-60cm tall, and usually grow much broader than their height.
- Weeping Roses –These are ground cover (creeping types), or scrambling types grafted onto tall upright stems, to produce an umbrella-like form.
- Miniature roses –small compact growing plants; with smaller flowers proportionate to their size.
Species of roses have been widely interbred over the centuries to produce a number of broad groupings. Some of the more commonly grown groups are:
Hybrid Teas
Hybrid Tea roses are the most popular group of roses. The flower stems are long and the blooms are usually on single stems or with several side buds. The flowers are very shapely, of medium sized or larger with many petals forming a central cone. They flower from late spring to autumn and make excellent cut flowers.
Floribunda roses are often said to be more colourful then the hybrid tea rose as their flowering is more profuse, and they stand up to wet weather better, and are unrivalled for providing a colourful bedding display. The floribunda bears its flowers in clusters or trusses and several blooms open at one time in each cluster. It can be grown as a bush or as a standard rose and flower continuously from late spring to late autumn.
Heritage or Old World Cultivars
Some of the earliest cultivated roses. A renewed interest in these roses has increased their availability. Long flowering periods and scents are the main attractions. They come in a variety of forms, mainly climbing or non-climbing.
Choose roses of a form or shape that is proportionate to your garden. Small gardens will usually only accommodate smaller roses; but larger gardens can accommodate all sizes and forms. Climbers can be grown against a wall, over a pergola or arch; or used to create a tunnelled walk. Weepers or standards make good features in the centre (or the back) of a garden bed, with lower forms in the foreground.
For humid climates choose those varieties known to have high disease resistance.
Roses eBook
We also offer a eBook on Roses that any Rose enthusiast will find useful reading.
There are few things as uplifting as being greeted by the sweet fragrance of roses from your own garden. If you have always wanted to grow roses, or perhaps improve an established rose garden, make sure you are armed with the right knowledge! Learn from the masters in horticulture. This wonderfully colourful ebook will teach you everything you need to know about the passion of growing roses.
Who Should Study This Course?
- Horticulturist
- Gardeners
- Landscapers
- Nurserymen
- Botanists
- Plant Enthusiasts
- Interior plantscapers, or anyone working in supply and maintenance of indoor plants