Learn to produce quality wedding photos as a commercial enterprise.
Wedding photography can be the most critical and stressful type of photography because:
- The event is so very important to the bride and groom
- The bride and groom are usually quite stressed out
- The wedding only happens once
- More than at most other types of events, photographs are an integral part of what happens during the wedding.
At other events (eg. sporting events), many different people are part of the event.
At a wedding, the total focus is on the bride and groom -
they are the event!
The photography needs to maintain this strong focus on the bride and groom and convey the image that they are first and best in every way on that occasion. The whole concept of a wedding is always romantic, frequently fashionable and preferably overflowing with optimism and life.
Lesson Structure
There are 9 lessons in this course:
Nature and Scope of Wedding Photography
Creating Romance
Managing People
Developing a Checklist for Wedding Shots
Brides Home, Grooms Home, General Shots, At the Ceremony, At the Reception, etc
Digital Wedding Photography
Lighting at Weddings; Rain, Sun, Overcast Weather
Logistical Planning
Key People to Liaise With
What Shots
Listing Shots
Understanding different Types of Ceremonies - Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish, etc
Advantages and Disadvantages of Larger Format Cameras
Digital Cameras
Back Up Equipment
Flashes and other Accessories
Battery Packs
Tripods and Monopods
Style Options
Photojournalism versus Classical
The Traditional Poses
Other Shots
Photographic Composition and Posing
Taking Flattering Photos
Principles of Photo Composition; Unity, Balance, Proportion, Harmony, Contrast, Rhythm
Qualities of the Subject; line, form, mass, space, texture, colour, patterns, tone, lines and paths.
Camera Techniques to Assist with Composition; movement, depth of field or focus
Basic Principles of Light
Basic Camera Terms
Equipment and Materials
Filters, Lighting
Rule of Thirds
Developing a Portrait Style
Posing for Photos
A Photo Essay
Blurring Movement
Shooting the Wedding Ceremony
Pre Wedding Shots
Order of the Wedding
Precession, Greeting, Statements of Intention, Exchange of Vows, Exchange of Rings etc
Important Shots at a Ceremony
Posed Photographs before a Reception
Indoor Weddings
Controlling Light
Restrictions on Photography
Outdoor Weddings
Dealing with Strong Backlight
Larger Wedding Parties
Smaller Wedding Parties
Shooting the Wedding Reception
Scope and Nature of the Reception
What and when to shoot at a Reception
Post Production
Batch Processing
Fault Finding
Digital Colour into Black and White
Digital Duotone and Sepia Tones
Filters and Image Processing
Special Effects
Presentation of photos, etc
Business & Marketing
Selling yourself Establishing a Wedding Photo Business
Devising a Business Plan
Scheduling your Work
Financial Management
What to Charge
Written Contracts
Customer Satisfaction
Determine factors relevant to any particular wedding, that can impact upon the way in which a photographer will plan and conduct the shooting of photos for that wedding.
Learn how to plan what to do, where and when on the wedding day.
Select photographic equipment appropriate for use when photographing a wedding.
Determine an appropriate style for wedding photographs, according to the needs of the client.
Improving your photographic composition.
Shoot a Wedding Ceremony
Shoot a Wedding Reception
Process and present wedding photos to the clients, in a variety of formats
Successfully establish, market and manage a wedding photography business
Establishing a wedding photography business requires more than just a talent for photography.
With the advent of digital cameras and the simplification of the photo taking process, everyone thinks they are an expert! Photographers need more than ever to offer the best professional services and produce beautiful photos, today’s clients are worldly and informed - they need to be sure what is on offer cannot also be produced by a family friend or relative. And also importantly you need to know how to run a business. Your potential market will be unique to the region or locality you live in. If you live in a large city, the variety of opportunities will be greater, but the competition for work is also likely to be stronger. All these things need to be considered.
To obtain photographic work, a photographer needs to present and sell themselves to their clients. This is done by firstly, developing an awareness of the potential market, secondly assembling a relevant portfolio and developing an effective sales approach, and thirdly by implementing what has been planned (ie. selling yourself).
This course helps you understand the wedding industry, develops your ability to take wedding photos; and also gives you the knowledge to avoid common pitfalls and optimise your chance of success in getting a wedding photography business started.