Ostriches are very large flightless birds that naturally occur in semi-arid parts of Africa, and that will survive in very harsh conditions. They are bred and raised in every Australian state. A warm dry climate is considered the most favourable for breeding and growing them.
Ostrich hens mature at 2 - 21/2 years and cocks at 21/2 - 3 years, depending on nutrition, environment, genetics and climate. The life expectancy of ostriches is about 80 years.
A hen will lay from 30 to 100 eggs/season from July to April. Under commercial conditions hens lay full clutches for about 20 years, but will continue laying on a decreasing scale for another 20 years. The number of chicks reared per pair will generally average 10-30. This is based on an 80-90% fertility level, and similar hatchability rate.
They have a live weight of 70 -75 kg at 12-14 months when fully grown. This will give a dressed weight of about 40 kgs.
Feathers are plucked at slaughter and also plucked from the body and cut from the wings and tail every 8 months from about 6 months of age.
A hatchery/incubation structure may be needed, alternatively farmers may buy chicks to stock up their farms.
In drought conditions, the use of fodder crops such as saltbush can reduce the expenditure in times when maintaining bird health is difficult.
Fencing is crucial for ostriches and emus. The traditional deer-like constructions are making way for cheaper electric fencing systems.
Like any fashionable new industry, it is important to establish the markets and the demand for the products of ostriches, such as meat, skin/leather, oils, feathers, etc. There have been several failures of big ostrich farming operations in Australia.
In the 1990's, Ostrich skin was fetching as much as $360-$400/square metre for A grade finished skin. Signs of blemishes and knife marks during husbandry and processing can dramatically reduce the value of the hide.