Reflections on What is needed to change in Education by John Mason, 2011

First, we need to recognise that the world is changing very rapidly. You can no longer identify the need for a course in something, take a year or two to develop it and fund it and be delivering on an out of date need.  ACS has a system for determining needs, then developing and launching a course within 4 to 8 weeks of identifying that need. I believe this is part of our success.

Second, we need to recognise that if a person is given a broad based and proper education, they will have a much stronger capacity to adapt to changes in their industry and the world at large.
Narrow, specialised training produces graduates who have a narrow vision (like looking down a pipe and only seeing what is directly in front of them).  
Broader based training produces graduates who can see a much wider field of vision. They can see the changes coming up behind them and react to those changes before they get left behind.
Training is really something we should be reserving for Dogs.
People need education that will give them a capacity to adapt, understand the world around them, conceive new ideas, solve problems, connect and communicate with colleagues etc.

Third, we need diversity in education.  The idea of a national education is a misnomer. It is easier to manage, but it produces less diversity in the graduates.

As a parks director in the 1970’s, I discovered that if I had different  people with different backgrounds in a work team, I would get lots of different ideas thrown up when confronted with a problem (eg. from 5 different colleges, some studying overseas, some from interstate, some from Victoria, some from TAFE, some from university). If they all came from the same course at the same college though; the range of ideas would be markedly less.


Postscript: October 2015

from John Mason  Principal, ACS Distance Education

"Despite being written 5 years ago; much of what is written here has not changed.  The fundamental problem is (as several university professors have said to me); the global education system has too much inertia. It has moved in the same direction for so long, that it is extremely difficult for that direction to be changed"



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  • Choose your mix from over 400 subjects e.g. create a unique certificate with any 6 subjects.
  • Choose your study method: CD, online, correspondence, etc.
  • Mix studies across different schools and countries (credits can be obtained from any of our affiliates).
  • Incorporate highly flexible PBL or Experiential courses where you choose the subjects to work through guided by expert academic tutors.

When you can offer a service, skill, or product that looks different to what everyone else is offering, you become more visible and your chances of securing a job or business deal will increase.

If you want to be successful in life, look for education that allows you to pursue:

  •     A capacity to attack problems from various angles (lateral thinking).
  •     Different subjects to what everyone else is doing.
  •     Different ways of study (e.g. online, classroom, problem based, competency based).

Courses that offer you more opportunity to choose (or "design") what you will study, are offering you more opportunity to differentiate your training (and ultimately your mix of skills) from everyone else.

This site can be your gateway for information, ideas and opportunities for designing your own education, with a view to engineering a unique mix of knowledge and skills that will help to make you stand out from the crowd.

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