Easy Business Start Up Ideas
Starting a new business can be a huge and risky undertaking, but it doesn't have to be that way.
Most new businesses fail, but it doesn't need to be that way either.
How to Succeed
Choose to start a business where there are plenty of opportunities to find customers, and where you don't need to take too many risks in order to succeed.
Cost of Starting Up
"Minimal cost" means different things to different people; and in different industries.
To start a cleaning business, you might only need yourself, some time, a car, and some cleaning gear. You may already have those things. The only other costs might be those associated with finding work; which might be very little. Small start ups like this may be very cheap to start up; but they also tend to be relatively small scale businesses, with limited scope for making big money.
Any start up that involves employing staff; even just one part time person; can be more costly to start. If you need to operate out of a commercial property; the start up costs can also escalate quickly.
Getting Cash Flow Happening
The rate at which you can get cash flowing is just as important as the initial start up cost. There is no point starting a business with less than $1,000 in start up costs; if it takes 6 months before you begin seeing any serious cash returns. A different business that costs $5,000 to set up, but which sees a cash flow in one month, may be a much more viable prospect.
Look for business opportunities that offer not only opportunity, and low start up cost; but also a quick return on any time or money that you invest.
Know Yourself, and Start Something that Suits You
Whatever you choose to start up, there is little point in starting a business that doesn't suit your skills and personality. Some businesses require a lot of personal interaction with customers; and that may not work for you if you have a more timid personality. Some industries are highly competitive and require more selling to customers and less servicing of customers. Some businesses are suited to running online or from home and may not involve interacting with customers much at all.
Ideas For Businesses that May be Relatively Easy to Start
- Gardening and Lawn Mowing Service - all you need is a car, a few tools and a mower.
- Home Made Foods - baked goods, preserves or anything else, can be made at home and sold either through market stalls, or distributed through local shops. You can grow and dry herbs and spices and sell your own curry powders or dried herbs through the mail. You can make dried meats or small goods.
- Day Tours - People travel everywhere, and if you know your local area, there may be an opportunity to lead groups of visitors and show them your locality, whether ecotours, shopping tours or walking tours of a city.
- Backyard Farmer -There are lots of things that can be grown in even a small backyard garden. Propagate and grow plants at home; and sell them through markets; wholesale to nurseries or landscapers, or start up a mail order business. Grow cut flowers for the local florist. Using technologies such as hydroponics, aquaponics, aquaculture and vertical gardening, you can grow fish, vegetables, fruits and other things intensively on a very small property.
- Online Store - Niche businesses work bests. There are plenty of big retailers that sell everything; but specialist businesses that know the customers highly specialised needs and can provide the advice and back up they need, will often be the preferred place for buying.
- Online School - this is something we know a lot about and can help you with. We've had affiliates license our courses and start up very successful businesses with an initial investment as low as $10,000. It's a little more than some start ups; but has a lot more potential to grow into a very substantial income. If interested, see www.acsaffiliates.com
Other Possibilities may include
- Cleaning Services
- Baby sitting
- Delivery Services
- Consultant
- Life Coach or Business Coach
- Personal Trainer
- Pet Services (e.g. Groomer, Walker, Funerals, etc)
- Online Content Writer/Editor
- Event Organiser (Children's parties, weddings, anything)
- Handyman
- Web Site Developer