Environment Homepage

Career Opportunities

Environmental Assessment is a growth industry.
With concerns about Energy, climate change, toxic chemicals and community health, environmental assessments have become a standard precursor to development of any kind in many countries.

Ask us about these opportunities and our course to train Environmental Assessors

Featured Courses

Study on CD and Save 5%
Environmental Waste Management 
Conservation and Environment Management 
Bushcraft and Wilderness Activities 

All CD courses include interactive self-assessment tests


This site is a great resource for links to other sites, to a whole range of free advice and information, and links to over 300 different distance education courses.

ACS provides distance education, video training, and on line studies to students worldwide (in over 50 countries. These include both short hobby courses and formal certificates, advanced certificates, associate diplomas, diplomas and advanced diplomas.

Courses offered include:
Environmental Studies
Introduction to Ecology

Environmental Assessment

Environmental Waste Management

Earth Science

Marine Studies I

Marine Studies II]


Wildlife Management

Vertebrate Zoology

Nature Park Management I

Nature Park Management II

Certificate in Environmental Management

Diploma in Environmental Management

Certificate in Nature Park Management

Certificate in Wildlife Management

Ecotour Management

Bushcraft & Wilderness Skills

Ecotour Tour guide

Adventure Tourism
Biochemistry I (Plants)

Biochemistry I (Animals)

Biochemistry II

Biochemistry III (Plants)

Biochemistry III (Animals)

Botany I

Botany II

Plant Ecology

Cell Biology


Permaculture Systems

Advanced Permaculture

Organic Plant Culture

Commercial Organic Vegetable Growing

Self Sufficiency I

Self Sufficiency II

Alternative Energy

Mud Brick Construction

Healthy Buildings I

Healthy Buildings II


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