There are many theories and much research into the link between diet and disease. Any of the following, may indicate poor nutrition in a human.
- The hair may become dull and brittle, or it may fall out or change colour.
- Headaches may be related to vitamin deficiency.
- Night blindness may arise from lack of vitamin A.
- The tongue may become inflamed as a result of a number of vitamin deficiencies.
- Bleeding gums may be a sign of scurvy (vitamin C deficiency).
- Enlargement of the thyroid gland (goitre) may be linked to iodine deficiency.
- Rashes, itching, soreness, scaliness and cracking of the skin may be a sign of a number of vitamin deficiencies.
- Obese people often experience breathing difficulties.
- Backache may occur as a result of obesity.
- Too much food, particularly fat and carbohydrates, will lead to obesity. Too little food will cause wasting of the tissues and ultimately starvation. Failure to thrive in children may be a sign of marasmus (too little energy intake) or kwashiorkor (too little protein and energy intake).
- Heart disease can occur as a result of obesity, and heart failure may be a result of extreme anorexia nervosa as the balance of electrolytes is disturbed.
- Softening of the bones may be a sign of rickets (lack of vitamin D).
- Loss of motor function in the legs may be a sign of beriberi (lack of vitamin B1, or thiamine).
- Lesions in the spinal cord may be a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency.
- There are a number of conditions affecting the stomach and digestive system as a result of diet. Symptoms may include diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, pain and cramps.
- Stones may form in the kidneys as a result of insufficient fluid; obese people may be prone to kidney failure.
- Adrenal glands may enlarge as a result of pantothenic salt deficiency (related to the B vitamins).
- The formation of gallstones is associated with a fatty diet.
- Too much alcohol may cause cirrhosis of the liver.
- Insufficient iron will cause anaemia.
- Constipation can be caused by lack of fibre in the diet.
- Piles (haemorrhoids) may also be a result of lack of fibre.
- Swelling and painful feet may be a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency.
- Numbness in the toes may be a sign of vitamin deficiency.