Know more about Lavender

There are several different types of plant that are commonly known as Lavender, and more than one of these plants are used to produce lavender oil. Oil distilled from True Lavender, or Lavandula angustifolia, is the highest quality lavender oil. However, lavender can also be distilled from Lavandula x intermedia and Lavandula latifolia. All three smell very similar, and can even be confusing for an experienced aromatherapist, but the chemical composition of Lavandula angustifolia is far superior to that of Lavendula x intermedia and Lavadula latifolia and is a much better therapeutic oil. 

A reputable supplier will differentiate between the types in both the common name and the botanical name listed on the bottle, using Lavender for Lavandula angustifolia, Lavandin for Lavandula x intermedia and Spike Lavender for Lavandula latifolia. Some suppliers, however, will use the label Lavender for all types, and while not exactly dishonest, it is inaccurate. As a result, unless you are able to identify the oil by the botanical name, which should always be listed on the label, you can't be sure of what you are buying. 

Another example is with Thyme. Sweet Thyme, Thymus vulgaris geraniol, is a relatively safe oil that can be used for colds and congestion. Red Thyme, Thymus vulgaris thymol, is a very powerful herb and should only be used under the guidance of a trained aromatherapist. But, as many suppliers sell the oil as Thyme, it can be difficult to know what you are getting, unless you can identify the botanical name.

If you would like to learn more about lavender, why not have a look at our courses and ebooks - 
Knowing and Growing Lavender

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