Module code



ASF Level



Discipline Group Code



Nominal duration

100 hours


Module Purpose

Successful completion of this module will enable the learner develop management strategies for the marketing of recreation and fitness oriented services and facilities.



Learners doing the Advanced Diploma in Recreation Studies course must complete this module as a core study before starting stream or elective studies.

(See Document 1, section 4.1 for arrangement of the course structure.)


This unit may also be taken individually in its own right.

There are no prerequisites in this case.


Relationship to Competency Standards

All tasks shall comply with the relevant practices and procedures set out by industrial awards and relevant Australian standards.


Interim Competency Standards for Recreation Administration and Management (QFSRITC), CLS401, MAP401, MAP402, MAP403, CLS501, MAP501, MAP502, MAP503, MAP504, CLS601, MAP601, MAP602, MAP603, MAP604.



Focus should be on the learning outcomes and not on content. Some topics may not require in-depth teaching in this module as they will be addressed fully elsewhere.


In achieving the learning outcomes, the following topics should be addressed:

* process complaints

* monitor membership data base to ensure retention of clients

* manage delivery of a service

* marketing and promotions


The learner will visit different locations, such as health clubs, gymnasiums, recreation centres, sportsgrounds and clubs, to research, photograph and specify those facilities as the basis for assignment questions.

Assessment strategy

(refer to Document 1, section 5.1)


Assessment method

The learning outcomes may be assessed through:

* essay;

* short answer and multiple choice questions;

* written assignments;

* illustrations including plans & photographs;

* practical tasks;

* photographs;

* samples;

* examination of 1.5 hours.


Conditions of assessment

Assessment is based on successful completion of all set tasks, assignments and any other assessment method listed above. Examinations will consolidate material taught in lessons to assess the learning progress of the learner. It will also act as a method of ensuring learners meet the outcomes.




Learning Outcome 1


Learning Outcome

Deal with client complaints in a recreation enterprise.


Assessment Criteria


1.1 Compare procedures used to deal with complaints from clients, used by two different recreation service organisations or facilities, visited and studied by the learner.


1.2 List three different typical complaints received by different recreation, fitness or sporting organisations, visited by the learner.


1.3 Analyse in three reports, the nature of three specified complaints.


1.4 Apply the problem solving technique to determine preferred responses to two different specified complaints, showing the steps followed.


1.5 Develop a written procedure for dealing with complaints in a specified enterprise, and including response time objectives.


Conditions and method of assessment

The learner will require access to different facilities and management or staff of those facilities, to study their handling of client complaints. These studies will provide a basis for completing assignments to satisfy assessment criteria.


Relevant standards or extracts will be made available to the learner for reference during lessons. As will conditions of assessment.





Learning Outcome 2


Learning Outcome

Monitor membership base to ensure retention of membership.


Assessment Criteria

2.1 Compare two different membership record systems in use, at two different recreation enterprises.


2.2 Design a survey form to survey membership of a recreation, fitness or

sporting club to determine attitudes towards services.


2.3 Conduct a survey of a random sample of fifteen members of a recreation, fitness or sporting club to determine attitudes towards services.


2.4 Analyse the membership attitudes survey conducted in 2.3.


2.5 Analyse the membership history of a recreation organisation, through researching records and staff of a specific organisation.


2.6 List reasons why people may cease to be a member of an organisation.


2.7 Determine reasons why people join three different specified types of recreation organisations, by interviewing a sample of members and staff of the organisations.


2.8 Develop a written procedure to ensure maintenance of membership

numbers of a specified organisation.


2.9 Analyse brochures from three different recreation organisations in terms of; impact, cost, information content, and appropriateness.


Conditions and method of assessment

The learner will require access to different facilities and management or staff of those facilities, to study their management of membership. These studies will provide a basis for completing assignments to satisfy assessment criteria.


Relevant standards or extracts will be made available to the learner for reference during lessons. As will conditions of assessment.




Learning Outcome 3

Learning Outcome

Manage the delivery of a service by a recreation, sport or fitness organisation.


Assessment Criteria

3.1 Analyse the services delivered by a recreation, sport or fitness enterprise, in the learners locality.


3.2 Recommend improvements to different services offered by an organisation, analysed in 3.1.


3.3 Explain how improvements to two different services can be initiated.


3.4 Compare two different systems of monitoring delivery of services, in a table.


3.5 List factors which may cause disruption to a service.


3.6 Develop procedures to ensure continuation of a specified service in the

case of a disruption.


3.7 Develop procedures to implement improved services for a specified facility,

in response to feedback from staff or clients, interviewed by the learner.


3.8 Develop an ongoing system to review procedures for a specified work



Conditions and method of assessment

Relevant standards or extracts will be made available to the learner for reference during lessons. As will conditions of assessment.




Learning Outcome 4


Learning Outcome

Develop skills in dealing with the media to promote an organization or service.


Assessment Criteria

4.1 Write two press releases, for recreation products or services, which the learner is familiar with.


4.2 Plan the distribution of a press release written in 4.1.


4.3 List twenty appropriate media contacts to be sent a specified press release.


4.4 Explain alternative innovative methods of gaining promotional support from media.


4.5 Explain media motivations and constraints including:



*Human interest

*Relevance to program/publication

*Legal considerations.


Conditions and method of assessment

Relevant standards or extracts will be made available to the learner for reference during lessons. As will conditions of assessment.




Learning Outcome 5


Learning Outcome

Coordinate the production of different promotional materials.


Assessment Criteria

5.1 List alternative mediums for promotion of recreation services and facilities.


5.2 Analyse five print advertisements, for recreation services or facilities.


5.3 Analyse five promotional brochures, for recreation services or facilities.


5.4 Explain a production process for different promotional material including:

-photographic trade display panels



-audio visuals.


5.5 Discuss the process involved in booking advertising in three different publications.


5.6 Write copy for a classified advertisement of a specified size and content.


5.7 Write copy for a display advertisement in a specified publication.


5.8 Mark up copy for a specified display advertisement.


Conditions and method of assessment

Relevant standards or extracts will be made available to the learner for reference during lessons. As will conditions of assessment.




Learning Outcome 6


Learning Outcome

Coordinate the distribution of promotional materials.


Assessment Criteria

6.1 Compare alternative methods of distributing specified promotional material.

6.2 Calculate response and conversion rates on a specified promotional campaign.

6.3 Recommend techniques for following up initial enquires, for a specified recreation facility or service.


Conditions and method of assessment

Relevant standards or extracts will be made available to the learner for reference during lessons. As will conditions of assessment.




Learning Outcome 7


Learning Outcome

Initiate and manage relationships with sponsors.


Assessment Criteria

7.1 Explain ten different sponsorship possibilities for recreation, fitness or sporting organisations, in the learners locality.


7.2 Prepare a sponsorship proposal, for a specific facility and services, targeted broadly at local business, in the form of an unsolicited letter or circular.


7.3 List reasons why people or organisations might give sponsorship.


7.4 Explain ways to optimise chances of obtaining sponsorship.


7.5 Report on the sponsorship history of a sporting club in the learners locality; detailing successful and unsuccessful sponsorship relationships over a period of years.


7.6 Explain ways in which a positive relationship with a specific sponsor may be developed.


Conditions and method of assessment

Relevant standards or extracts will be made available to the learner for reference during lessons. As will conditions of assessment.




Learning Outcome 8


Learning Outcome

Develop marketing strategies.


Assessment Criteria

8.1 Design a market survey form, for a proposed service or product in the

recreation industry.


8.2 Conduct a market survey, of a properly selected sample of customers, using the designed survey form, and obtaining at least twenty responses.


8.3 Analyse the market survey results from 8.2.


8.4 Develop a marketing plan, based on market survey results.


8.5 Discuss, alternative procedures for implementing a marketing plan.


8.6 Write a summary of procedures for reviewing a marketing program.


Conditions and method of assessment

Relevant standards or extracts will be made available to the learner for reference during lessons. As will conditions of assessment.




Learning Outcome 9

Learning Outcome

Manage special events.


Assessment Criteria

9.1 Develop market strategies for two different special events, in the learners locality.


9.2 List resources required to conduct two different specified types of special events.


9.3 Compare viability of conducting two different types of special events.


9.4 Develop procedures necessary for controlling aspects of a specified special event including:



-task delineation (work responsibilities)



-authorising operations to proceed

-contingency plans for program deviations.


9.5 Explain post event evaluations conducted by the management of a finished special event in the learners locality.


Conditions and method of assessment

Relevant standards or extracts will be made available to the learner for reference during lessons. As will conditions of assessment.


Learning Outcome 10


Learning Outcome

Coordinate activities designed to increase public awareness of an organization.


Assessment Criteria

10.1 Explain the legal requirements for fundraising, in the learners locality.


10.2 Recommend appropriate methods of fundraising for two different specified



10.3 Determine procedures to ensure effective delivery of different types of hands on promotional activities.


10.4 Compare the promotional benefit received from a representative attending different types of functions.


10.5 Categorise twenty different industry publications according to relevance to

different market sectors, in order to determine appropriate places to

promote five distinctly different specified services.


Conditions and method of assessment

Relevant standards or extracts will be made available to the learner for reference during lessons. As will conditions of assessment.




Learning Outcome 11


Learning Outcome

Deliver approval for different promotional activities.


Assessment Criteria

11.1 Explain the chain of command in a specific organisation with respect to approval of promotions.


11.2 Prepare a job specification for a marketing manager in a specific recreation

industry position.


11.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of a specific promotional campaign.


11.4 Adjust a specified marketing plan according to the results of an evaluation of a promotional campaign, in a case study.


11.5 Explain two different techniques used to control the implementation of promotional activities.


Conditions and method of assessment

Relevant standards or extracts will be made available to the learner for reference during lessons. As will conditions of assessment.



Delivery of the Module

Delivery strategy

(refer to Document 1, section 6.1)


Resource requirements

(refer to Document 1, section 6.2)


Specific requirements for this module supplied to the learner:

* all manuals to complete this module and to meet competencies;

* videos;

* notes appropriate to the topic of study.


Specific resources for this module provided by the learner:

* video player;

* samples of marketing materials;

* writing materials.


Occupational Health & Safety requirements

(refer to Document 1, section 11)


Learners must be aware of relevant Workplace Health and Safety issues in all situations and are required to demonstrate safe working practices at all times.

The work area must comply with current Workplace Health and Safety legislation.

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