Publishing involves the creation, compilation, and mass reproduction of graphic and text images.

In simple terms, publishing might be understood as follows:

Publishing involves reproduction of 2 different types of things:

Publishing involves three stages of work:


Text simply means words and numbers; in advertising, stories, titles or headings, etc


eg. Writing the words, drawing the illustrations, painting a painting, taking a photograph, etc


Graphics are illustrations or pictures, they can include photographs, drawings, paintings, patterns or lines, etc

2.Compilation (or Layout)

This involves taking the created material (eg. a story, drawing or photo), and arranging the material together as it will appear when published. This is done using a process such as typesetting or desktop (computer) publishing to produce a product that can be then easily mass produced. Compilation may result in a high quality single copy either on paper, film or stored electronically (eg. on a computer).


This involves taking the copy and putting it into a form that people can access. Traditionally, copy which had undergone layout and been reproduced as camera ready art work, might be used to create an image to print from (eg. on a printing press).

Another modern option is to produce copies of an electronically stored publication on CD Rom; or to load them onto the internet.

Distance Education Course on Publishing (click here)

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