Qualification - Certificate in Event Management

Course CodeVTR012
Fee CodeCT
Duration (approx)600 hours


The events industry is an exciting sector to work in, ever changing and many different opportunities which can take you all over the world. The opportunities exist in many different types of organisation, for example:

  • Resorts

  • Hotels

  • Wedding venues

  • Exhibition centres

  • Stadiums

  • Large corporations 

  • Conference centres

It is an extremely rewarding industry to work in, which is both challenging and stimulating. But if you're:

  • Friendly

  • Personable

  • Efficient

  • Organised

  • Patient

you are more than likely to succeed.

This course is great for a variety of different people:

  • Those at the beginning of their career wanting to gain more knowledge
  • Experienced hospitality professionals wanting to diversify and move in to events
  • Professionals from other sectors wanting to add to transferable skills to make a mark in the event industry

If this sounds like you, then this is a great course for you!


Core ModulesThese modules provide foundation knowledge for the Qualification - Certificate in Event Management.
 Business Studies BBS101
 Wedding Planning BTR104
 Event Management BRE209
Elective ModulesIn addition to the core modules, students study any 3 of the following 9 modules.
 Industry Project BIP000
 Food & Beverage Management (Catering) BTR102
 Leisure Management (Marketing) BRE103
 Personnel Management VBS107
 Advertising and Promoting BBS202
 Entrepreneurship BBS204
 Leisure Facility Management 1 BRE205
 Project Management BBS201
 Virtual and Hybrid Events BRE218

Note that each module in the Qualification - Certificate in Event Management is a short course in its own right, and may be studied separately.


Most lenders will require a business plan before considering lending money to a new business. However, even if you are not considering lending money, you still need a business plan. If you do not know where you are heading, how can you to get there?

Before going any further, consider the following questions:


  •          Do I have time to start a business?
  •          How can I make my idea a success?
  •          How can I get the correct balance between work and home?
  •          Will I give up my existing job or run my new business as a side line initially?

Planning a Business

  • What is the main aim of my business in the long term?
  • In the short term, what do I hope to achieve to get the business off the ground?
  • What product or service am I going to offer?
  • How will I trade e.g. sole trader, partnership, limited company?
  • What type of business will I choose? (New business, purchase a franchise, buy an existing business etc.)
  • What will be my business name? Does anyone else have this name?
  • Do I need patents, copyrights or trademarks? Do I know anything about them? Do I need advice?
  • Do I know a good accountant?


  • Who are my customers going to be?
  • Why do they buy this particular product or service?
  • Where do your potential customers currently buy?
  • How do they buy? (Shopfront, internet, catalogue etc)
  • Where will I find new customers?


  • Think about your potential competitors, complete a strengths and weaknesses analysis for all your competitors. This will help you to see what they are doing well and what they are doing wrong. Learn by their success and their failures!
  • How am I going to make my business appear better than the competitors?

Promoting my Business

  • How am I going to promote the business?
  • How much am I willing to spend on advertising?
  • How can I get free advertising? Eg. press releases, links on the internet, business contacts.
  • Where is the best place to advertise? Some businesses find that traditional newspaper and magazine advertising works well. If this is the case, find the right magazine or newspaper for your particular product. However, you may find that a website works best for you, flyers, etc. etc. It really depends on the type of business you are planning to run and how you are going to run it – eg. locally, countrywide or worldwide?
  • What do I want to tell my customers about my business?
  • How can I encourage word of mouth recommendations?
  • How do I present the right image for my business?

Sales and Pricing

  • How much will I charge? Per hour, per product?
  • How much do my competitors charge?
  • Can I undercut them? Offer better value for money?
  • What about late payments? What procedures will I adopt to deal with late payers?
  • Approximately, what level of sales do I expect each month?
  • How can I improve my selling skills?
  • How can I predict my sales figures?
  • What do I need to buy to produce my product or service?
  • How much will I spend on materials per month?
  • What suppliers will I use?
  • What will I look for in a supplier?
  • Are they reliable and produce good quality products/services?
  • What credit terms will they offer?
  • Will they offer me discounts?

Employing Staff

  • Do I need to employ staff?
  • If yes - Straight away or a later date?
  • How will I find the right staff?
  • What are the laws re working, sick pay, hours etc?
  • What do I need to know re. tax and employment?
  • What about insurance? Pension schemes?
  • What is the minimum wage?
  • How should I pay staff?
  • How do I train and motivate staff?
  • How do I keep staff?

My Premises

  • Where will I work from?
  • Can I work from home? If yes, do I need permission from local government for this? What about my home insurance?
  • If no, where will I work from?
  • What type of premises will I need?
  • Will I rent or buy?
  • What is a typical rent?
  • Is anyone offering free/discount rentals initially?
  • What insurance will I need?

Your Finance

  • Write down all the things you will need to start your business. Eg. a premises, a new van, materials etc. and how much these will cost.
  • Where will I get the finance from? Savings, a bank loan?


  • What taxes will I incur?
  • What is the most tax-efficient way to set up my business?
  • Who can I go to for advice on tax? Accountant? Tax specialist?


  • What types of insurance do I need?
  • Who can I ask for advice on insurance?


There are lots of reasons why you should do this course, here are some:

  • The events sector can seem very daunting, but with the knowledge you develop in this course you have the skills and understanding to approach it with confidence
  • There are so many options within the event industry and this course can help you to narrow down where your preferences lie
  • Having the basic understanding of how to manage different events will only be a benefit to your future career, providing skills that can transfer between different parts of the industry
  • As you go through the course there will be lots of opportunities to apply your understanding to real life examples that you are familiar with, enabling you to put theory in to practice
  • Some modules will support you with development of your own business ideas, perfect for those who want to develop their own event based organisation
  • You will be allocated a subject specialist tutor who will be able to share their knowledge with you, and support you through the course
  • The course is studied in a flexible manner enabling you to continue with your other commitments whilst still getting all of the knowledge you need to develop a career in events


You can enrol on the course now, but if you have any questions about the content of the course, or studying with ACS, then please get in touch with us today - use our FREE COURSE COUNSELLING SERVICE to get in touch with our expert tutors.They will be pleased to help you!

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