Find Your Niche Working with Herbs
The herb industry is large and broad. For anyone who understands how to identify, propagate, grow, harvest, process and manufacture herbs - the opportunities are endless.
Studying this course lays a foundation that is broad, raising your awareness, skills and knowledge to new levels in the herb industry.
This intensive course gives a detailed insight into herb production and culture, scented plants, medicinal herbs, marketing, irrigation and more.
- study by distance learning
- started at any time to suit you.
- supported by our practically experienced and excellent professionally trained tutors.
Note that each module in the Qualification - Foundation Diploma in Herb Production is a short course in its own right, and may be studied separately.
If you would like to improve your job prospects in herb production and culture, this course provides you with a wide and detailed knowledge of herbs -
- herb production
- herb culture
- marketing
- irrigation
- growing crops
- and much more.....
This course is useful for anyone wanting to work with herbs or improve their job prospects and knowledge in their existing job.
Why delay? Enrol Today!