Start a New Online School
This course is a unique pathway to not only learning about online education, but also starting a viable online business.
Online education is the future and there are a lot of opportunities for those with a passion for education to join the field.
This course stimulates you to combine your love of teaching with the
opportunity to produce an income. Run your own business rather than
working for others or find work in this field.
ACS are leaders in the field of online and distance education - let
us help you to gain the knowldege needed to also work in this exciting
This foundation diploma is a professional level qualification that
will allow you to feel confident enought o move forward - opportunities
Offer to Graduates
- Graduates are offered a unique opportunity to become an affiliate of ACS with a license to deliver our courses under any of our affiliate programs.
- The normal establishment fee is halved by 50% for graduates
Note that each module in the Qualification - Foundation Diploma in Online Education is a short course in its own right, and may be studied separately.
Who Will Benefit From this Course?
- Business entrepreneurs who see new opportunities in training and education
- Small business people with a passion for education
- Those working or looking to seek work in online education
Offer to Graduates
- Graduates are offered a unique opportunity to become an
affiliate of ACS, with a license to deliver our courses under any of our
affiliate programs.
- The normal establishment fee is halved by 50% for graduates
Why Choose ACS?
- We are leaders in the field on online education
- We have a wealth of experience covering several decades
- Out academics are experienced in producing online content for courses
- We are experienced in running an online training school
- Our tutors are dedicated - they will help, encourage and stimulate you throughout your course.
Join the leaders in this field and enrol at ACS