Qualification - Advanced Certificate in Education Support

Course CodeVGN003
Fee CodeAC
Duration (approx)900 hours
QualificationAdvanced Certificate

Teaching Methods and Practices have Evolved - Study to Further Develop Your Skills

Teaching today involves the use of an array of technologies and a broader support function beyond the teaching of a particular subject.

Working in a school can be challenging and rewarding, study the Advanced Certificate in Education Support to -

  • Develop skills to work in a support capacity in education - especially schools based education.
  • Understand the application of modern technology in delivering education.
  • Learn to engage and encourage students in their own learning processes and skills development.
  • Learn about theories of development and behaviour and understand different types of learning processes.
  • Learn about motivation and how to apply motivational principles to learning.
  • Learn more about the computer technology used today.
  • Elective module options enable you to tailor your studies to areas of particular interest to you.
  • This specialist course is designed to provide skills that are valuable for people who work in support of teaching staff at a school or college, whether in an office or as a teachers aid.

The Advanced Certificate in Education Support comprises a total of 9 modules.  Students complete the 5 core modules, plus a further 4 elective modules.  Exams are taken for the 3 of the core modules (Classroom Delivery Skills BGN106, Educational Psychology BPS105, Computer Servicing I VIT203) and the 5 elective modules.


Core ModulesThese modules provide foundation knowledge for the Qualification - Advanced Certificate in Education Support.
 Industry Project BIP000
 Industry Project II BIP001
 Classroom Delivery Skills BGN106
 Educational Psychology BPS105
 Computer Servicing I VIT203
Elective ModulesIn addition to the core modules, students study any 4 of the following 16 modules.
 Child Psychology BPS104
 Communications VWR100
 Course Writing and Development BWR107
 Delivering Distance Education BGN108
 English Writing (ESL) AWR101
 Health and Wellbeing BRE101
 Instructional Skills BGN101
 Motivation VBS111
 Play Leadership VRE101
 Child and Adolescent Mental Health BPS214
 Counselling Children BPS218
 Developmental Psychology BPS210
 Developmental, Learning and Behavioural Conditions in Adolescents and Children BPS215
 Managing Change BBS211
 Social Psychology I BPS205
 Time Management BBS208

Note that each module in the Qualification - Advanced Certificate in Education Support is a short course in its own right, and may be studied separately.


  • Explain the role of communication between individuals in optimising the benefit of education.
  • Describe and use strategies to improve listening in order to correctly understand what another person is communicating to you.
  • Explain motivation as a factor in the teaching-learning situation and in the cultivation of an inquisitive approach to learning.
  • Select and cultivate motivational factors appropriate to particular classroom situations.
  • Describe practical techniques which can be used by an educator to motivate their students.
  • Describe practical techniques that can be used by an educator for managing their own stress, and also assisting students in stress management.
  • Identify, analyse and devise methods for dealing with conflict in an education setting.
  • Explain how to apply practical techniques to facilitate mediation in conflict situations in an educational setting.
  • Discuss theories of development and learning.
  • Explain behavioural theories of learning.
  • Describe how Information Processing Model Works.
  • Describe processes involved in memory loss and retention.
  • Describe different methods of effective instruction to cater for individual needs.
  • Explain the relevance of constructivist learning in education.
  • Differentiate definitions of motivation and the application of motivation to learning.
  • Develop safety guidelines for the use of computer equipment, both for the technician in the workshop and for the operator/client.
  • Identify different hardware components of a computer system.
  • Identify and remove specific parts from a computer; and to distinguish between different types of personal computers.
  • Assemble peripherals for a computer system.
  • Assemble a computer system. Install different software programs into computer systems, in accordance with manuals.
  • Recommend significant maintenance requirements for a Personal Computer.
  • Determine the cause of common problems which occur with computer systems.

Everyone learns differently

Some children learn at a faster pace, and others slow. Some learn better as adults than children. Some learn better from interacting with other people, some having "relevant" experiences, and yet others may learn better when interacting with a computer.

Modern teaching is creating an ever increasing diversity in the ways we teach, and many of today's teaching tools may require technological or other forms of support.  This increases the demands on those delivering the education, requiring more than a "trained" teacher who can give a lecture.

What Does A Learner Need?

Human behaviour is motivated according to needs. Levels of "student" needs may be based upon Abraham Maslow's (1954) theory, as follows:

  • Physiological/Security - the need for food, shelter, etc, to feel safe and secure.
  • Social - the need to be accepted by others and to have friends.
  • Achievement and Esteem - the need to accomplish and have others recognise the efforts.
  • Autonomy - the need to do one's own work and work independently.
  • Self-Actualisation - the need to develop to the highest level of personal development.

Within this hierarchical system, it can be seen the need for food and security comes before that need for social acceptance.

The role of the teacher is to identify the need levels of individuals and tailor their teaching to encourage them to reach a higher desired level of need.

What is Learning?

Learning is a process of gaining knowledge of (something) or to acquire skill in (some art or practice). It is based on memorising something, gaining experience with something or to become informed.

Factors that effect learning include:

Student influences:

  • each student is an individual with unique needs and experiences;
  • active participation of each student improves learning;
  • readiness to learn and perform tasks should be encouraged and all students should be of an equal knowledge to allow them to perform set tasks.

Teacher influences:

  • credibility, trust and confidence be the students in the teacher;
  • creation of learning atmosphere is up to teacher;
  • motivation should be encouraged and cultivated by the teacher;
  • positive attitudes should be reinforced;

Material influences:

  • content must be appropriate and meaningful;
  • repetition and practice will consolidate information;
  • distribution of work, study and practice;
  • presentation mode may influence the learning process.

Adult Learners

The learning processes of adults and children are dramatically different. Children rely on the pedagogical theory (empty jug theory - just pour information into the children), whereas adults rely on the andragogical theory (are ready to learn only what they need to learn). Adults also have the advantage of experience. Effective adult learning systems are the result of programmed experiences (such as driver's licence) plus the addition of unprogrammed experiences (e.g. emotions).

Adult characteristics will therefore affect learning.

Characteristics include:

  • have a good deal of relevant experience;
  • have set habits and strong tastes;
  • can make decisions and solve problems;
  • may fear falling behind;
  • have pride in themselves;
  • respond to reinforcement;
  • have ideas to contribute;
  • wish to apply their newly learnt skills/knowledge immediately.

Teachers to adults should therefore:

  • direct learning to make it immediately relevant;
  • include adults experiences and backgrounds in lesson planning;
  • use experiences to enhance self-esteem;
  • encourage adults to reflect on their activities;
  • clarify goals at regular intervals;
  • inform adults of the rationale behind the teaching/learning methods;
  • acknowledge the needs of each individual;
  • incorporate group and individual work.

Generally speaking, adults tend to study if they wish to learn more. They have the need to learn more. Most adults who do further education tend to pay for the course themselves and are willing to learn as they wish to direct their future. This is a major difference when compared to children.

When teaching adults there tends to be a decrease in the traditional methods of teaching (of telling and instructing), and an increasing emphasis on experimental techniques which tap into the experience of the learners and involve them in analysing their experience.

Child Learners

Children are reliant upon other to teach them whatever is required to be learnt. At this stage though they do not appreciate this knowledge as they see no need for it at their present stage of development, for example, studying accounting has no present importance for a 14 year old as they cannot see it will be of use sometime in their future.

  • Children accept information at face value. Content may be accepted, or not, depending upon whether teacher encourages or deters the student in learning.
  • Children have little or no experience to use as a resource when learning or to share with other students. They are therefor regarded as clean slates.
  • Children tend to be concerned with absorbing information rather than questioning it. As a child, their primary concern at school is to learn.

This Course is a Process - Learn to be an Outstanding Educator

Learning to make education work is more than just gathering factual information. Additionally, it requires the ability to -

  • Choose the right information to apply to the situation at hand
  • Understand and apply that information appropriately.

A book, article or web site can give you information; but having a good library doesn't make you a good educator.

You need to move through a process of learning about education, and be guided by competent experts in order to properly learn something.  This is what the Advanced Certificate in Education Support can do for you.

Enrol at any time

You can enrol on the Advanced Certificate in Education Support at any time.  If you have any questions or want help in choosing course options to give you the best chance of achieving your goals, please get in touch today using our Free Course Counselling Service.

Meet some Of our academics

John Mason

John Mason is one of Australia's most prolific writers. He saw his first work published when at secondary school, where he worked on the school magazine. In 1973 he was writing a weekly column for his local newspaper and by 1975 he was a regular contributor to Australia's national magazine "Your Garden". John was engaged by Victoria's Dept of Youth, Sport and Recreation to write a book on Fun and Fitness Trails in 1978. In 1981 he saw two more books published (one in America, another in Australia), and commenced writing regularly for the Self Sufficiency Magazine, Grass Roots. John is a long term member of the Australian Society of Authors, the Garden Media Guild (UK) and the Horticultural Media Association (Australia). He has written or contributed to over 100 books, many published by international publishers and published more than 2,000 articles across a range of genres (Gardening, Education, Business, Farming, Fitness). In addition, John has contributed to and overseen the development of more than 600 distance education courses which encompass around 20 million words. He has been an avid photographer for 40 years, building a collection of over 100,000 images, which are used to illustrate his work. His marine animal photos are even used by Legoland in England, on their Atlantis ride! Writer, Manager, Teacher and Businessman with over 40 years interenational experience covering Education, Publishing, Leisure Management, Education, and Horticulture. He has extensive experience both as a public servant, and as a small business owner. John is a well respected member of many professional associations, and author of over seventy books and of over two thousand magazine articles.

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