Qualification - Advanced Certificate in Sustainable Construction

Course CodeVSS016
Fee CodeAC
Duration (approx)900 hours
QualificationAdvanced Certificate

Build for a Better Future 

This course teaches students a range of construction skills including carpentry and masonry. The inclusion of studies in healthy buildings also helps students to develop awareness of how construction choices can influence the health of building inhabitants. 

At a time when climate change and environmental degradation are key issues, the onus is on people in all walks of life to make more informed decisions about what they do to care for the future of the planet.

This course provides ideas for people in the construction industry to think more carefully and choose wisely.

Learn to understand how to create buildings that are in tune with the environment

Buildings come in all shapes and forms; old, new, solid constructions and weak construction, large and small, residential, commercial and public. This course relates to them all.

In the past, little thought was given to the sustainability of construction in a holistic way. We may have built durable churches, castles and forts that lasted hundreds or occasionally thousands of years; but often lack of knowledge or forethought has resulted in construction with materials that are toxic to human health or with other undesirable issues.

This course will raise your awareness of not only how to build things, but also the human impact of the design and materials used in a construction; and the landscape surrounding the building.


Core ModulesThese modules provide foundation knowledge for the Qualification - Advanced Certificate in Sustainable Construction.
 Industry Project BIP000
 Building Renovation BSS104
 Carpentry BSS100
 Masonry Work BSS101
 Healthy Buildings I (Building Construction & Health) BSS200
 Materials Technology VSS202
 Project Management BBS201
 Healthy Buildings II (Building Environment & Health) BSS300
Elective ModulesIn addition to the core modules, students study any 2 of the following 12 modules.
 Alternative Energy VSS102
 Landscape Construction BHT111
 Mud Brick Construction ASS103
 Workplace Health & Safety VBS103
 Workshop I BGN103
 Cabinet Making BSS201
 Green Walls and Roofs BHT256
 Ornamental Gardens - Planning, Layout and Construction BHT242
 Welding VSS204
 Workshop II BGN203
 Biophilic Landscaping BHT343
 Workshop III BGN302

Note that each module in the Qualification - Advanced Certificate in Sustainable Construction is a short course in its own right, and may be studied separately.

Improve your knowledge of sustainable construction

Construction can include building both inside and outside environments. It can encompass everything from constructing landscapes (eg. gardens, roads, railways and paths); to building homes, factories, and commercial buildings.

With the quantity of construction ever increasing, and it's environmental impact increasingly critical; planners and builders today are more than ever before trying to be sustainable in the way they build. The criteria for sustainability does vary from one situation to the next, but commonly may include concerns such as the following:

  • To support communities that live with the construction
  • To use resources efficiently minimising waste
  • To use renewable resources
  • To minimise environmental damage (eg. pollution, negative affects on biodiversity)
  • To be more biophilic (enhancing human health
  • To carefully manage the construction process and set systems in place to manage the built environment post construction

This course will enhance your knowledge and abilities to create more sustainable built environments; with appropriate regard to the criteria you are faced with on any projects you become involved with.

Do you have any questions? 

If so, please get in touch:

+44 (0) 1384 442752 (outside UK) or 01384 442752 (UK)

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