Qualification - Associate Diploma in Business Psychology

Course CodeVPS038
Fee CodeAS
Duration (approx)1520 hours
QualificationAssociate Diploma

Learn about the Human Mind in the Work Environment

  • To be a better employer, manager or supervisor
  • For a career in personnel management
  • To work in employment services 

Workplace psychology is a sought after skill in the modern workplace, not just for those working in work placement, employment agencies or personnel departments, but also for managers or those you are looking to step up into a management role. If you understand the psychology behind what drives and inspires people to work to their best ability,  you create a better work environment, add to employees' job satisfaction,  and you improve productivity - and happy employees also tend to stay in their jobs longer reducing retraining costs. 




Core ModulesThese modules provide foundation knowledge for the Qualification - Associate Diploma in Business Psychology.
 Business Studies BBS101
 Introduction To Psychology BPS101
 Legal Systems and Terminology BWR108
 Marketing Psychology BPS107
 Motivation VBS111
 Research Project I BGN102
 Workshop I BGN103
 Ethics BPS217
 Business Coaching BBS304
 Behaviour Profiling SGP4
Elective ModulesIn addition to the core modules, students study any 5 of the following 19 modules.
 Anger Management BPS111
 Biopsychology I BPS108
 Counselling Skills I BPS109
 Counselling Skills II BPS110
 Industrial Psychology BPS103
 Personal Energy Management VRE105
 Stress Management VPS100
 Biopsychology II BPS204
 Conflict Management BPS201
 Counselling Techniques BPS206
 Entrepreneurship BBS204
 Operations Management VBS201
 Project Management BBS201
 Research Project II BGN201
 Research Project III BGN202
 Workshop II BGN203
 Abnormal Psychology BPS307
 Multi Cultural Awareness BPS303
 Workshop III BGN302

Note that each module in the Qualification - Associate Diploma in Business Psychology is a short course in its own right, and may be studied separately.

This course will:

  • Help you to understand the work psyche and plan, organise, delegate and manage personnel efficiently
  • Help you go to the next step in your job


Why Study With ACS?

This course would be about three years of full time study at most colleges. Under our system however you have the ultimate in flexibility. Study where and when it suits you. Start whenever you like. Hit the course hard and fast, or take your time and study the modules you need when you need them and when you're ready. Our assignments are also designed to be relevant and flexible, to work in with your own workplace circumstances or career plans.Our academic staff take pride in their student support skills - we support our students by encouraging questions, by answering them promptly and by treating each of our students as an individual with unique learning needs.

  • Distance education doesn't mean you're going it alone - you have tutor support every step of the way
  • Don't follow the crowd - develop uniqueness and skills unlike others in your field
  • Resources are extensive and under continuous revision
  • Study to suit your commitments - your education doesn't need to stop as life make demands
  • Our program design has less focus on assessment and more on your lifelong learning
  • Affordable study and payment options available
  • Our independence from government means we can offer courses suited exactly to employer needs and wants chance of business success.

Who Will Benefit from This Course?

This course is ideal for:

  • Business owners
  • Supervisors
  • Human relations managers
  • Work placement professionals
  • Departmental managers
  • Project managers
  • Those aspiring to a higher position in their profession

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